F3 Knoxville

A BLIMP and Some BOMBS (no, it was not a Chinese spy balloon)

THE SCENE: Drizzly, wet, upper 40s

SSHs, tempo squats, little baby arm circles (forward, backward, and combined), tempo merkins, a little of this, a little of that, and some Michael Phelps
A modified BLIMP starting from the AO

50 reps of one exercise then run to the bathhouse and do 2 pull-ups and return to the AO for the next exercise and repeat throughout the BLIMP

The exercises:


Lunges (50 each leg)

Imperial walkers (50 each leg)


Plank jacks


If and when finished, mosey to the rock pile and do BOMBS with 50 reps of one exercise then running to the bathhouse for 2 pull-ups and running back for the next exercise and repeating

The exercises:


Overhead presses (with a rock)


Big boy sit-ups


Everyone finished the BLIMP, but no one finished the BOMBS.  I’ll start with the BOMBS next time.

No time

6 HIMs

The key to success is getting started.

A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing.

Prayers were requested and made.

Escape from Haw Ridge coming up

Practices Makes Progress

Asylum PM Q

  • 3.9.3
  • 5:45pm – 6:30pm
  • Meeting up top 
  • Steam on Q

[ The Scene ] 

  • March/September Metric Workout Prep workout (11 Xs)

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ] 

  • SSH: 25×4
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4
  • Apollo Slowno (Apollo Ono, but slow): 10×4
  • Zombies: 10×4
  • Moroccan Night Clubs (hands out and switch palms up and down): 10×4

[ The Thang ] 

Only doing the 11 Xs in the metric workout (all with your CMU, ruck plate, etc)

  • Overhead press 
  • Goblet squats 
  • Bent over rows 
  • BBS
  • Curls 
  • Lunges 
  • Derkins
  • LBCs
  • Tricep extensions 
  • Deadlifts 
  • Thrusters 

Locations (Bring CMUs, etc)

(1) Rock Pile at the top of Pickett’s Charge 

1st 5 Xs

  • Overhead press 
  • Goblet squat 
  • Bent over rows 
  • BBS
  • Curls 
  • 25s (1 count)
  • Execute 25 reps of the X
  • Run to the neighboring rock pile with your CMU/rock, etc
  • Do the same X – 25 reps 
  • Rinse and repeat this process for all 5 Xs

Mosey to location #2 

(2) Wall below the Coliseum 

2nd 5 Xs 

  • Lunges 
  • Derkins 
  • LBCs
  • Tricep extensions 
  • Deadlifts 
  • 25s (1 count)
  • Execute 25 reps of the X
  • Take a lap (no CMU/rock/etc)
  • Rinse and repeat for all 5 Xs

Mosey back to the AO for thrusters + Mary

[ Mary – FP ] 

  • 10 CMU thrusters
  • Core 4 
    • LBC: 10×4
    • American Hammer: 10×4
    • In + Outs: 10×4
    • Alabama Hello Dollys: 10×4

[ COT ]

  • # off – 15
  • Name o Rama 
  • FNGs – 0
  • Word

“Practice makes progress, not perfection.”

“The comeback is always stronger and more redemptive than the setback.”

I think these two things tie in very well to this metric workouts that we are completing together this year. If you come out here wanting to crush it and have a perfect workout every single time you’ll be disappointed. If you come out here and want to get 1% better and engage in progressive, incremental growth, your ROI will increase tenfold. 

What’s for dinner?

THE SCENE: it was a little cool



Beginning of the best day ever..
Projectivators, big and little arm circles, Moroccan nightclubs, and a few merks
Appetizer- 50 pull-ups and 100 hanging crunches

Salad- hill runs with 7s. Diamond merks at the top and wide merks at the bottom.

Main Course- 13 block exercises 10 reps each: OHP, tri-x, bench press, butterfly bench, Freddy press, inside curls, outside curls, man-makers, sq thrusters, and  heavy dips.

No time


Proverbs 5 – what are we giving our strength to. Will it be worth it. Should we rethink where our energy goes?


Bear Crawl to Glory

THE SCENE: Beautiful sonny day, no gloom to be found

Covered full disclaimer for FNG in attendance

SSH – 15, Tempo Merkins x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, LBACF, LBACR, Moroccan Night Club x 10

Chatty CP’s, Knox CP’s, Willie Mays Hayes, SSH x 15


Mosey with CMU to Amphitheater

Buy in:

Bear Crawl to the top of the Amphitheater

10 Burpees

Crawl Bear back down

Main Beat down was a ladder exercise

Do first exercise, bear crawl to the top level, then run around amphitheater back down. Do first exercise, bear crawl to second exercise, complete it, then bear crawl to the top and return. Continue this pattern for every step of the amphitheater returning to the stage after each round.

Exercises were as follows:

First step 25 CMU Curls

Second Step 10 Derkins

Third Step 25 Dips

Fourth step, take CMU with you on this step, 25 Clean and Press, leave CMU at the top

Fifth step100 Heavy Squats

Cash out – Bear crawl with CMU from the Amphitheater to the fort, yes up the hill all the way until we touch it.

Watch out for that sidewalk in the middle of the path, busted my CMU on it.





Insert the WORD here.
Busted CMU no burpees performed…… Also, Iron Chef in the house
Cardinal Widow painting opportunity 3/18

Escape from Haw Ridge 4/14

Hardship Hill on the horizon, please join our team if you can. We have two open spots.

Bringing Habits HOME – Year 2

THE SCENE: 41 and windy


  • SSH x20 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers x5 (IC)
  • Little Baby Arm Circles (IC) x10, both forward and reverse
  • Dive Bombers x5 (IC)
  • Squats x10 (IC)
  • 30 seconds on your own


Mosey to the quad.

Ghostman Baseball -Split into two teams. First team runs to first, completes the exercise, returns home while the other team does the Home exercise. Switch when running team returns. Second round: Run to 1st, do the exercise, run to second, do the exercise, return home. Continue the pattern until you reach home. You do not need to run back from home.

  • First Base
    • 15 Merkins
    • Big Boys at Home
  • Second Base
    • 30 Smurf Jacks
    • American Hammers at Home
  • Third Base
    • 5 Burpees
    • Flutter Kicks at Home
  • Home Plate
    • 30 Squats
    • Plank at Home

Mosey towards the duck pond and stop for 50 Boosters (Toe Merkins) on the curb

  • Welsh Dragons up the hill near the duck pond parking lot (bear crawl forward x4, 1 merkin, tap each shoulder, plank jack – repeat and increment merkin, shoulder tap, plank jack each time until you get to 10 or your arms fall off!)

Mosey to parking lot west of the flag.

  • Seven of Diamonds (7, 14, 21, 28 of each exercise) at the four light poles
    • Split back into same two teams from baseball.
    • One team will do exercises clockwise and other will be counter-clockwise. First team to complete all exercises wins.
    • Round 1 – Squats
    • Round 2 – LBCs
    • Round 3 – SSHs (single-count)

PAX choice for a few rounds to finish out
12 total – 6 Bootcampers and 6 RUSHers

It’s been right at one year since I led my first F3 Q. Over that time, several things have changed in my life. I’m now a father of 3. I’ve changed jobs. Despite the changes in my personal and home life, F3 has been a constant steady source of encouragement, wisdom and physical strengthening.

I’ve participated in a convergence at JUCO, a CSAUP at The Asylum, Brolympics, and a memorial Q for Cardinal. Every one of these events was a ton of fun, but there’s something deeper just below the surface if you take a minute to pause, look for, and appreciate it.

Each of you here has that thing within you and I know it because you are here this morning. You set an alarm, you got up and drove here when most people are still in bed. You were intentional.

Intentionality is one of the things F3 has given me over the last year. I’m by no means perfect but I’m better than I was before.

My challenge to you this morning is to pick one part of your life and be more intentional in pouring into it the rest of the week. It could be your marriage, a friendship, your children or maybe even a hobby for yourself. Whatever it is, be intentional because that’s how change is made and that’s how we get better.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

3/18 – Painting for Cardinal’s widow
4/14 – Escape From Haw Ridge (pre-order a shirt by 3/10 if you want one)