F3 Knoxville

There And Back Again

AO: rampart
Q: Steam
PAX: Piston (Ralton Emory), GoDaddy (Zack Williamson), Outnumbered (Daniel Hildebrandt), Skeletor (Tyson Canup), Stage Hand, Lucille (Austin Williams), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Feeny (Josh Banken), (Binks) Caleb McDaniel
FNGs: None
– SSH: 20×4
   – 2 Cherry Pickers OYO
– Hillbilly: 20×4
   – 2 Cherry Pickers OYO
– Mountain Climber: 20×4
   – 2 Cherry Pickers OYO
– Squat: 20×4
   – 2 Cherry Pickers OYO
– Apollo Ono: 8×4
   – 2 Cherry Pickers OYO

(mosey to the pav)
1: 10s
– 7 cones / 1 on each table
– Classic 10s: 1+9, 2+8, etc
– Do all the Xs in here – run to the light on the corner of the building
– Man-makers
(mosey back to the flag

Core 4
– LBCs: 20×4
– Flutter Kicks: 20×4
– American Hammers: 20×4
– Dead Bugs: 20×4
2 rounds – sprint to the street + execute monkey humpers (10×4) and then sprint back

– Growth/expansion opportunities are coming in hot! Be on the lookout for more info in the channel from Skeletor
– Forg3 2023: a weekend retreat created by F3 men, for F3 men. September 22 – 24 @ Doe River Gorge in Hampton, TN
– $110 covers your food/lodging/retreat materials
– Checkout our landing page for all the info and register today ⚒️ forg3intel.carrd.co/

3 Things I Learned Last Week

(1) Don’t get complacent/too comfortable. Michael Barrett called me out for not saying the 5 Core Principles of F3 correctly when I started leading a F3 Smokies last week. It’s now part of my intro any time I lead an F3 workout. It’s not just a fun thing to say, it’s part of the DNA of F3. I appreciate the accountability bro.

(2) Real requires real. One of the F3 men I’ve met over the past 6 years and that I respect the most shared something at the end of the workout that kind of knocked me on my ass mentally, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Why? Because in that moment I thought “Man, idk if I would have the guts to share that this openly in a group of 20+ men after a workout.” That’s a problem. If I’m challenging/encouraging/inviting men to be their real + authentic selves, I better be doing the exact same thing. You know who you are, and I appreciate you bro.

(3) My strength will fail me, God will not. After this week, I’m smoked. Monday Q with F3 Smokies, Tuesday pre-ruck + Q at the Asylum PM, Thursday morning ruck, Thursday night ruck WOD, Friday morning workout with Shamrock, and Saturday Q with F3 Smokies. Yeah, I’m smoked. I didn’t know if I had the strength to push through this week to be honest – but God did. And that’s just the physical realm.
– “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” – ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭73‬:‭26‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Don’t stay isolated and in the shadows. Reject that. You don’t have to be the strongest, the smartest, the richest, the most connected, or the most known to find true community in F3. Shoot, I’m none of those things. Come and see what something as crazy as a 45-minute or 60-minute workout can do for you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. F3 Nation was created with you in mind. ⚒️