F3 Knoxville

Project back blast 06_09_2020

THE SCENE: beautiful june day. high 60s

Welcome & Disclaimer (Welcome, I’m Rocket & I’m on the Q today; I am not a professional, you are here on your own accord, F3 is free, I don’t know your injuries so work hard but modify if you need to, and make sure to social distance)
Note: Due to Corona virus, lets stay 6 feet apart, will not do any partner exercises or shared CMUs.


•Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
Plank with stretching and hand release merkins.
•Cherry pickers


2 lines or one depending on number run to the track field.
Stop at dip station. Partner up with one doing 10 dips and the other doing merkins until dips are done. Repeat 3 times for a total of 30 dips.
Mosey to track start line and do the F3 Individual Medley: Swimming has the individual medley (IM), swim all 4 strokes in one event. Start with 7 reps of each exercise.
  • 7 Burpees
  • 7 Merkins
  • 7 2 count flutter kicks,
  • 7 SSH,
  • start a new set every 1:20
  • add a rep until you get to 10 of each or run out of time. If you’re fast you get loads of rest.
Get a 10 count break then start the modified Charles Bronsen. At the track, sprint 50 yards, bear crawl 30 steps, then mosey to starting point for a rinse and repeat for each exercise.
  • 50 SSH’s, mosey to cone, sprint hill and continue routine until the 80 yard cone, then army crawl to 3rd point. Mosey back to start,
  • 30 dry docks then rinse/repeat.
  • 50 LBC’s, rinse/repeat.
  • 50 squats

no time for mary this time.

For the word, we challenged the group to think about celebration. One member just found job and the other is getting good news about his sick mother. The challenge during these trying times is to think about the good we receive and often ignore. Instead if ignoring, take the time to celebrate it.


THE SCENE: 74 degrees F, 82% humidity, partly cloudy skies.

SSH, Overhead/Out Front Claps, Imperial Squat Walkers, Plank Walk Outs


Meander mosey to Waxjob Hill

AMRAP:  8 Minutes Each Round/1 Minute rest

Round 1:  10 reps 3,4,5,6 Body Builder – Run Up Hill – 10 reps 1,2,7,8 Body Builder

Round 2:  10 reps 4 count Shoulder Taps – Bear Crawl Hill – 10 reps WWII Sit Ups

Round 3:  10 reps Carolina Dry Docks – Bernie Up Hill – 10 reps 4 Count Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to the Grinder

Round 4:  10 reps/leg Step Ups – Skip 40 yards – 10 reps Merkins

Box Cutters, Windshield Wipers, LBCs

Total of 21 including two young sons (Coconut and Nightmare) of 3 Rivers and FNG Palmetto (Darren Macy)
There was a lot of turbulence in the 1960’s.  They were marked by assassinations, a nuclear war threat, the Vietnam War, war protests, racial tensions, and a growing drug culture. I entered high school in 1966 into a newly expanded, air conditioned building in a small town 45 miles southeast of Houston, TX.  Lamar Consolidated High School was being integrated with the closing of A. W. Jackson, an African-American only high school.  With a student population of almost 2,000, things went very smoothly from my teenage perspective.

We are presently in a period that has some resemblances to the 1960’s when it comes to racial tensions.  In the 50 years since my graduation from high school, there have been far too many incidences that remind me of the deep rooted inequality and prejudices that still exist in our country.  Each time these incidences occur and at various other times I pull out a small clip from my wallet.  It is from March of 1970 and it has been in all of the wallets I have owned over the past 50 years.  It is a short letter to the editor of Newsweek magazine. It is titled, Absurdity and Insanity:

Well, I suppose that all of those white rioters in Lamar, S.C. (NATIONAL AFFAIRS, March 16), will go home, wipe the dust off their cars, shine up their “America, Love It or Leave It” signs, watch the evening news and be disgusted with the young revolutionaries, go to church on Sunday and, when election time rolls around again, vote for George Wallace who will protect them against all of these damn dissenters.         BOB MAYHAM

Given the events around the death of George Floyd, I decided to do a little research about the Lamar SC Riots and came upon an article about some of the black students riding the buses the day two of the buses were overturned by white rioters.  The article concerned a 50th anniversary gathering of several students.  Mary Timmons was 16 years old at the time and was in one of four buses stopped.  Hers was not overturned but I can only imagine the fear she must have felt.  A quick search on Facebook and I sent her a photo of the Newsweek clip and a personal note on Facebook Messenger.  I wrote on May 28th:

Dr Timmons.   I was reading about the terrible tragedy in Minneapolis with the merciless death of George Floyd. Similar travesties happens far, far too often. Each time I pull out this little short letter to the Newsweek editor from March 1970. I have carried it in my billfold since my senior year in high school, 50 years ago.  I was sharing this clip with a Facebook friend and giving her some background about it. Today in a Google search about the Lamar Riot I came across an article with your name in it. I thought I would share it with you. Much has happened in the past 50 years. Progress has been made but the rate of change has not been fast enough. You obviously endured great pain 50 years ago. May God’s grace continue to engulf you and help you be a light to others.

It wasn’t until June 8th that I receive the following:

Thank you so much Bob.

We never know whose lives we touch as we going through. God always has a purpose beyond our imagination. What we go through is not about us, but to help strengthen others during their time. I am so happy to be a witness in this hour we are in. I never thought fifty years later we would be facing the world of change. What is so beautiful is we have the world standing with us.

I was touched by her words.  Perhaps this time around we will get it right as a society, as a country, as incredibly blessed creatures of a loving God.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Bear Core AMRAP


It’s hot

✔ F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER + covid space notice


  • SSH
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Tennessee Rockin Chairs
  • Twisting Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Then mosey to the Shamrock shuffle markers

On the Shamrock shuffle path ( Shamrocks painted on the road every 20 feet)

Repeat this cycle until the end of the shamrock road.

  • Burpee at Shamrock
  • mosey to next Shamrock
  • Lunge to next Shamrock
  • Burpee at Shamrock

At base of hill facing the track – in cadence – Bear crawl to top and do 10 Flutter kicks against the fence.

Move to left 20 feet and repeat (Bear Crawl + 10 flutters at top)

The Thang: The Bear Core

Grab CMU and bring it to the Soccer field center line. Spread out facing the sideline.

Do an AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in next 30 Minutes.

  1. 10 Burpee CMU Thrusters
  2. Bear Crawl to sideline
  3. 10 Big Boy Situps
  4. Bear Crawl to top of sideline hill
  5. 10 Flutter Kicks (4 count)
  6. Mosey to other sideline
  7. 10 Leg Lifts (toes to fence) – while grabbing fence
  8. Mosey back to your CMU

I believe we completed around 5-7 rounds.


Merkins for about a Minute.


Couldn’t think of anything but getting on our knees and jointly praying for the tension and issues of today in our country. Systemic racism is huge and needs to be eliminated.. Period.. pray of opportunities to speak gently today and to give grace, peace, and love at all times.


Feeling Froggy

THE SCENE: 73 degrees and breezy


Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


10 Baby Arm Circles (Forward and Backwards)

10 4-count mountain climbers

5 froggy merkins

10 tempo squats

10 4-count high knees

5 count motivator


Break into 4 groups and Indian Run to the CMU pile/stairs 

12 minutes 

1’s and 2’s will grab CMU and go to the starting line 

2’s will be performing CMU OH carries chalk line to chalk line (2 blockees at far line) switching sides on the way back

1’s will do CMU thrusters until 2’s complete their OH carries 

Switch when carry crew gets back to starting line.

3’s and 4’s will go to stairs

3’s run to the top perform 25 merkins and 25 SSH then head back down

4’s at bottom of stairs 10 shoulder tabs and 10 mountain climber taps until group 3’s returns then switch

Groups will switch at the 6-minute mark


Run Indian (Bernie Indian Run) to F2 parking lot for some small group fellowship

12 minutes

Groups from previous exercises will circle up (6 ft apart) and assume the plank position and one at a time will perform the following exercises while the others plank working their way around the circle. When finished with an exercise all members of the group must run and touch a tree. 

5 burpees

10 lunges

10 4 count flutter kicks

5 froggy merkins

10 monkey humpers

10 imperial walkers

**Repeat if group finishes before time/Everyone got about 2 rounds


Mosey to F3 parking lot

5 minutes 

Bear crawl width of the parking lot then perform 10 squats

Froggy jump width of the parking lot back then perform 5 BBS

No Time

16 + 7 for rush (1 FNG but he left before we could give him a name) + 1 observer


Romans 8:28

”28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

We see the greatest example of this in the cross. The most broken and twisted thing imaginable—the murder of the Son of God—became the greatest good thing the world has ever known.

With everything going on and the world seemingly breaking around us, it is hard to see things working out for good but we can trust all of God’s promises. Because of this, we can have hope for the future. 

F3 has changed my life over the past 3 months and I had a blast VQing. Thank you all!


No shortcuts

THE SCENE: Sunny & Sweaty

  • SSH IC x 15
  • BA Circ IC x 5
  • Merkins 4 CT IC x 10
  • Windmill IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers (DP Style) IC x 5 (no more, no less)


  • Mosey to the Boat
  • Ratchet Squats in honor of the VW
  • Mosey past the tank
  • 10 Body Builders
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 Heel Tap Merkins
  • Run back to Boat
  • 25 BBS
  • Rinse & Repeat for 6 rounds

Biscuit(s) hooked up some exercise

Where in your life are you taking shortcuts? I realized that I am so addicted to checking the box that I will try to just get things done as soon as possible and sometimes that includes taking shortcuts. I caught my 12 yo daughter taking shortcuts when cleaning her room and just wanting to get things done. I realized that we’re in the same struggle and I’m just a little further down the road.

Wagon Wheel won

I-beam likes ranger panties

Off the Chain – 7/18 — talk to Biscuit(s)