F3 Knoxville

COVID by the Cove

THE SCENE: 40s and clear. Atypical May morning. Isn’t that funny? Simply adding or removing a space completely reverses the meaning of that sentence….

SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Rockettes x15 IC
Hammy Crampers x10 IC each leg
Monkey Humpers 4ct x20 IC
LBAC x 20 each way
OHC x 20

Grab a CMU and head to the bottom of the Matterhorn

COVID-19 workout – 19 reps of each:
Curls (4ct)
OHP (one arm, 19 each)
Iron Mikes
Decline merkins

Of course, COVID-19 leads to Respiratory Distress:
AYG to the top of Matterhorn.
30s stargazer OYO, then plank for the 6.

Return to the bottom of the hill, R&R

Mosey back to AO, curls and OHP on the way.
4-ct crunches IC x25
Flutter Kicks IC x25
Side Crunch IC x15 each side

<10 plus a couple spares.... CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
Urban legend says it takes 21 days to form a habit. Of course, this is an overgeneralization, but… Lockdown was more than 21 days. What habits did you form? Maybe some good, maybe some bad… Step back and evaluate. As things loosen up over the coming days/weeks, make the effort to keep the good and do away with the bad!
One of my bad habits was not working out… That second trip up the matterhorn this morning was a painful reminder of that.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

This One’s for Jinxy

THE SCENE: Sunny, slight breeze, mid 60s… not bad.  Not bad at all.

My BACKBLAST disclaimer is that I’m writing this for Mr. Jinxy, who was crying about doing one.  “I don’t know how to do it… the line spacing is all messed up… do I need to do it?  Wah wah wah…” So I’m just doing it for him this time.  THIS time.

I think he got through the welcome and disclaimer without too many screw ups.  I was Q2 for the beatdown, due to having more than 10 people show up (#covidsucks), and was frantically scanning the workout he printed out and handed me, oh, five whole minutes before starting.  Gave me PLENTY of time to try to figure out what the <radio edit> he had in mind.


We did some warm up stuff.  I recall SSH, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Squats, BACs… again, I was trying to kind of stretch and decipher his workout at the same time.
Mosey down Roadshow Run.  Nickle/Dime/Quarters along the perimeter trail (run 1 light, do 5 reps of exercise, then 2 lights do 10 reps, then 5 lights, do 25 reps).  Exercises: American Hammers, Burpees, Merkins, CDDs, Bobby Hurley’s, BBSs.

Mosey to Field of Dreams.  Bernie up the hill at the side of the field 3 times, doing 20x jump squats, deep squats, star jumps.

Four corners around Field of Dreams.  Run one long side, Bernie the other.  Bear Crawl on the short sides.  At the corners to 10x BBS, Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly’s, Elbow to Hand Planks.

Mosey to the bench on the hill near the Admin Building.  This was a long uphill mosey, and the suck factor was pretty high.  Brick almost lost it, but he held on like a champ. Abscess: “I would NEVER do this all by myself.” I heartily agree.

Capain Thors, Leg Lifts, maybe one other thing?  I was kind of making stuff up at this point.  Jinxy’s group was late (sooo typical), so it was just us doing the Mary.
15 Strong, including two FNGs (one of whom was Pluto’s 2.0), who we named Utah and Crank Bait.
Jinxy had a bad day and told us all about it. We were super sympathetic.  He said something really awesome about getting joy out of setbacks.  I’m getting a #&%^-ton of joy out of the setback of having to write his backblast.  That’s for DANG sure.
Impressed with the strength of Brick’s stomach, but was a bit disappointed about not witnessing merlot spillage.  Nice to see a good crowd out in the Fake Gloom.

Break Dance Training

THE SCENE: 52°F, cloudy, wet ground, but not raining 

  • SSH x20 IC 4-count
  • Do Burpees to “Get Up Offa That Thing”- James Brown

Do each exercise 4 times. The first time through build up the full routine starting with inch worms before each new addition.

  • Inch worms
  • Spider merkins
  • Hour glass jump squats
  • Flamingos
  • Gorillas
  • Jump throughs
  • Bear step
  • Crab kicks
  • Donkey frog

Rinse & Repeat full routine twice (with background music)

Do Squats to “Flower”- Moby


  • Shoulder Taps (4ct) x20
  • American Hammers (4ct) x20
  • Stretching Flow: plank–> downward dog–> plank–> upward dog–> plank–> downward dog–> plank–> upward dog 

Mouthwash, Snitch, Stripped, Hot Tub, Bunny, Archie (QIC)

“Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!””
‭‭John 20:24-28 ESV‬‬

Now that the Michael Jordan documentary is coming out, a common occurrence is that young people that were arguing that Lebron James (or some other current player) was the greatest of all time is watching the highlights of Jordan’s career and turns to the older basketball fans to say, “yeah Jordan is the greatest of all time”. Seeing Jordan’s highlights has brought peace to the young and old basketball fans.

Seeing Jesus’ wounds brings peace to all. It is evidence that God loves us. In this time when there is much unrest in the world. Reflect on this truth that we have peace through Jesus.

Top to Bottom

THE SCENE: Clear skies, 35 degrees F., 78% humidity.

SSH, Knees to Chest, Arms across Body, Quad Stretch, Arm Circles (1st Forward, 2nd Backward), Spine Openers (two rounds)

Bear Crawl and Crab Crawl across the grinder.


Top to Bottom 21-15-9

Dry Dogs – Merkins – Shoulder Taps (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (about 1/4 mile)

Hollow Holds (30 seconds) – Tuck Ups – WWII Situps (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (about 1/4 mile)

Step Ups – Air Squats – Iron Mikes (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (1/4 mile


Did THA- THANG until time was up
9 total HIMs including three FNGs.  Welcome Peach, Shorthorn, and Walk-On
The sweet spot is often utilized in business training sessions.  It is the area of intersections of three circles.  An example of the three circles might be 1.) What We Want, 2.) What They Want, and 3.) What We Can Do.  The sweet spot, where the three circles intersect, is the place of mutual benefit and capability for the parties.  There has been another example floating around lately.  It has to do with COVID 19.  The three circles are People taking COVID 19 seriously, People worried about expansion of authoritarian government policies, and People very concerned about impending economic devastation.  In this case the sweet spot is ME.  That is the place where I am during this time in history.  I don’t want to let any one of the circles to be bigger than the others and I want the sweet spot to be as big as possible.  I think all three issues are huge problems and all three need to be balanced in thought and efforts.  There certainly has been a lot of air time given to the treating this flu seriously as there is a lot of effort going toward opening up the economy.  An area that lagged the attention I believe it needed was the overstretch of government rules and regulations.  It has gained some steam with protesters showing up in various places around our country.

The three circles devoted to COVID 19 would get me on my pulpit in social media and I used to to make my point.  At least I did use it.  Not any more.  Now when I thing about it I think that Jesus is the one I should be concerned about.  I should not worry about government officials exerting too much on me.  I need to let Him exert His authority over my life.  Do I let His light shine on me, in me, and through me to others? That is what Jesus wants.  That needs to be all I want.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The PRoject Q 05/12/2020

THE SCENE: no rain, cool morning high 40s.

•Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
•Squats (IC) 4ct
•Hand release merkins
•Cherry pickers
•Wind mills


Form a line and mosey to the track field.
At the start line, will do the F3 Individual Medley: Swimming has the individual medley (IM), swim all 4 strokes in one event. Start with 7 reps of each exercise.
  • 7 Burpees
  • 7 Merkins
  • 7 2 count flutter kicks,
  • 7 SSH,
  • start a new set every 1:30
  • add a rep until you get to 10 of each or run out of time. If you’re fast you get loads of rest.
Get a 10 count break then mosey to stairs.
11’s with dry docks and bobby Hurley
At the track, sprint 50 yards, bear crawl 30 steps, then mosey to starting point for a rinse and repeat for each exercise.
  • 50 SSH’s, mosey to cone, sprint hill and continue routine until the 80 yard cone, then army crawl to 3rd point. Mosey back to start,
  • 30 Merkins then rinse/repeat.
  • 50 LBC’s, rinse/repeat.
  • 50 squats

Only had limited time for Mary, we did heals to heaven, flutter kicks and leg lifts

For the word, commented on recent experiences where well intentioned services projects can fall apart due to ego. Folks being more worried about how they are perceived and who gets credit over the success the of the project. We challenged each other to evaluate our own egos, and how that lens influences our actions
Discussed the transition to SLAC