F3 Knoxville

Ten to One Special with Lillydipper

THE SCENE: My first Q. Sunny day. Just me and the old man.

Ten SSH, six cherry pickers, six windmills, shake it out a little, I don’t know. Just stretch.
You’ll start with five sets of two exercises, doing ten of A, nine of B, eight of A, all the way down to one.

Set one:

A. rows

B. Hammer swings (you can leave the baby at the AO once you complete these).

Mosey about 100 yards, sprint 50 yards


A. Burpees


Mosey 100, sprint 50.


A. Incline Merkins.

B. Am. Hammers 2 ct.

Mosey 100, sprint 50.


A. Lunges (both legs is one)

B. SSH 4 ct.

Mosey, sprint.


Pick A and B. We did squats and diamond merkins.

Head Back to AO moseying one minute, walking for thirty seconds.

Pick up your baby and do: ten curls, ten OH presses, ten bench presses, ten squats, ten calf raises.

Rinse and repeat 2x.

Pick two places about ten yards apart.

Lateral slide (like defense in basketball) between the two. Down=1 Back =2 all the way to ten.

Do same running and bear-crawling (bear-crawl is the toughest part, but hey, if the big kid from Facing Giants can do it, you can too).

High Knees One minute.

Plank One minute.

If still time:

Burn out merkins one minute

Burn out rows one minute

Wall sits till done.
Lilly wore a national parks hat. I need to shave.
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. -Joshua 1:8

I find it extremely hard to feel successful right now. Uncertainty is present in our health and our economy. It’s easy to feel like we are helpless, rather than strong or successful. It’s easy to feel angry at leadership, domestic or foreign, like they are failing us rather than succeeding.

This verse doesn’t promise us wealth or fame. But it does promise that if we delve into God’s word, chew on it, that we’ll find success. Success may mean staying positive, loving others everyday, pointing them toward Christ, working hard on what we can do, and helping those in need when we can.
No idea

Power of the Powerless

THE SCENE: Gonna have to wake up and see!!

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Second Squat, 10 Mountain Climbers, 30 Second Squat, 10 Cherry Pickers, 45 Second Squat, 10 Windmills, 60 Second Squat, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward.
Mosey to a parking lot, field, or some place where you can run around for 25 yard to 50 yard stretches in four corners.  We will circle the parking lot four times, doing the listed exercises in sequence for each lap.  You will go by the written methods to the next corner.

  • Corner 1    1. 20 Squat Jumps  2. 20 Smurf Jacks  3. 20 Iron Mikes (both feet = 1)  4. 20 Star Jumps  (Bernie Sanders to Corner 2)
  • Corner 2   1. 20 Big Boy Sit-ups.  2. 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct.).  3. 20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct).  4. 20 Box Cutters  (Sprint to Corner 3)
  • Corner 3   1. 20 Merkins  2. 20 Pickle Pounders  3. 20 Diamond Merkins  4. 20 Carolina Dry Docks  (Alternate between lunges and hops to Corner 4)
  • Corner 4   1. 20 Bottle Openers (alternative stretching each arm forward from plank position)  2. 20 Shoulder Taps (each arm = 1).  3. 20 Plank Jacks  4.  20 Mountain Climbers (both legs = 1).  (Skip to Corner 1)

Mosey to a different parking lot, area or field or stay in the same one but circle it a few times.  Find an area about 25 yards in length.  You will be go the 25 yards by the listed methods, do 20 Baby Crunches, then go back by the same method.  Here are the methods you will go back and forth:

  • Bernie Sanders
  • Grapevine Left (running sideways while alternating feet, starting with left foot)
  • Grapevine Right (running sideways while alternating feet, starting with the right foot)
  • High Knees Run
  • Skip
  • Sprint
  • Lunge

Next, you will take a ten minute run and end up back at your home A0.  You can alternate your pace as needed.

At A0 grab yourself a CMU or something of similar weight.  We will do the following exercises:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Rows
  • 20 Squats with CMU
  • 20 Bench Presses

After doing the above, sprint for about 75 yards, then walk back. Rinse and repeat the above.

Next, time willing, we will do elevens by steps near your home.  Start with 10 Bench Jumps and 1 Bench Dip.

20 Tempo Squats, 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct), Flutter Kicks (4 ct), 20 Imperial Walkers (4 ct).  If you have time left, go back to weights and and elevens.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Power of the Powerless is a book by Christopher de Vinck

About his brother, Oliver, born with birth defects and  who lived 33 years unable to talk, walk or see, profoundly retarded, fed by family throughout his life.

The author first published a short article about the life and death of his brother in The Wall Street Journal

He talked about how this powerless person had a life that was profoundly meaningful

He made the lives of the author and his family more meaningful through the sacrifices and love that they, as humans, gave to him.

The response from around the nation and around the world was profound.

Some responses came from famous people like President Ronald Reagan, Fred Rogers, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.

Others came from bishops, ministers, rabbis and priests.

Others came from folks like you and me but also from people who had family members who were powerless, just like Oliver.

The article was published again, numerous times, in other newspapers and magazines.

Henri Nouwen, the famous priest, theologian, and professor met Christopher de Vinck before he wrote that article.  Christopher visited Nouwen when Nouwen was a professor at the Harvard School of Divinity.  It was after meeting Christopher that Nouwen went on to work with the mentally and physically handicapped at the L’ Arche Community.

In writing the forward to de Vinck’s book, written after the article was published, Nouwen said that Oliver’s story and the story of many others who have also been powerless (written about in de Vinck’s book)  “breaks with all human logic, all intelligent predictions, all normal norms of success and satisfaction.  It turns everything upside down. It speaks not only about the power of the powerless, but also about love offered by those who cannot speak words of love, joy created by those who suffer grievously, hope given by those whose lives are complete failures, courage enkindled by those who cannot make the slightest move on their own.”

Jesus Christ, of course, turned the world’s notions of success upside down.  In a week when we have seen images of helpless children gassed to death in the horrors of those who attempt to dominate others, we are touched, we are moved beyond the comforts of everyday living, and moved by the power of the powerless.

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It’s a Good Day to Have a Good Day


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith —> Quarantine Edition
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your virtual QIC today.
  • You’re doing this on your own volition today
  • Modify as you need but push yourself!
  • This is going to be short and sweet 40 minute burn today – make it count!

Warm-Up Xs

  • SSH (duh): 10 (1 count)
  • Imperial Walkers: 10 (1 count)
  • Windmill: 10
  • Rockette: 10 (1 count)


10 Minutes – 10 Exercises —> Do this 2x

  • ( Before you start the exercises – run 1 mile or for 10 minutes )
  • On your run pre and post exercises – I encourage you to have an open dialogue with the Lord – check in and tell him how you’re doing and going into Easter weekend, lay something down at His feet.

The Exercises

  • SSHs (Side-Straddle Hops)
  • Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Burpees
  • Plank-Jacks
  • LBCs (Little Baby Crunches)
  • Squats
  • Alternating Plank-Ups
    1. (1) Start in a plank position on your forearms — (2) push yourself up to a push-up plank — (3) go back down to the starting position = 1
  • American Hammers

( After you do all 10 exercises — run 1 mile or for 10 minutes )

You. Got. This.


  • I encourage you all to listen to it and remember to share the love of Jesus going into this Easter weekend with your families.

Iron Sharpens Iron!

Virtual Dealers Choice:

  • THE SCENE: You’ll need to watch the demonstration video and you’ll need a bench. Thanks to all from the Bomb Shelter who suggested moves for this workout!

    Imperial Squat Walkers x 10 (4ct)
  • Tempo T-Merkins x5 (10 merkins total, rotate to both sides)
  • High Knees 10 yds
  • Butt Kicks 10 yds back

THA-THANG: 4 groups of exercises. Since so many of these are new, do them for the time listed, not reps (watch this video for many demonstrations (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o39NrSwfb8) 

Do each group of exercises twice before moving on the the next one (should take around 20 min), then go back and start over and get as far as you can (repeating each group again) for the next 20 min.

  • Group 1:
  • push-up jack, 45 sec
  • single leg pogo, 30 sec each leg
  • Mtn Climber Semi-circle, 1 minute
  • Predator Jack, 1 minute
  • Group 2
  • Burpees (45 sec)
  • Long jump, hop back, 45 sec
  • Face melter (on a bench), 1 minute
  • Star Jumps, 1 minute
  • Group 3
  • Quad push-up, 45 sec.
  • Box jump squat, 45 sec.
  • Shoulder, hip, knee, toe tap, 1 minute
  • Chop of your choice (rotational, low rotational, diagonal, slam, halo slams) (0:47 on the video)
  • Group 4
  • Hand release merkins, 45 sec.
  • Super Skater Jumps, 45 sec.
  • Inch worms (in place, inch out and back)
  • Fast Feet

Go back to the top and do the whole thing again (or until you get to time)


Keep encouraging each other to get after it with these workouts! It has been difficult to keep the same rhythm of working out as when we normally meet but seeing others check in with the virtual name-o-rama has been great accountability for me! Stay safe, stay strong and stay distant.

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Marked Men

THE SCENE: Supposed to be a high of 65 degrees tomorrow, only a 20% chance of rain.

25 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Pinto Twists (jump in air and twist to your right so that you land facing opposite direction; then jump in air and twist to your right again so that you are facing the original way.  Next do the same thing but twist to the left in the air so that your are facing the opposite way; then jump in the air so that you are facing the original way.  You have just completed 1 Pinto Twist.  Do the same thing 9 more times!).  10 Cherry Pickers; 10 Windmills; 5 baby arm circles forward and backward; 5 wide arm circles forward and backward.
Sprint for 30 seconds down then walk for 30 seconds down your neighborhood street or wherever you are working out.  Do this five times through your vicinity.  Stop to do 20 Hello Dollies (4 count).  Turn around and sprint 30 seconds and walk 30 seconds five times back to your A0.

Grab a CMU or something of similar weight (about 30 lbs.).  You will be doing each of the following exercises with the CMU.  Between each exercise Bernie Sanders for about 50 yards and sprint back.  Do 20 Big Boy Sit-ups before your next exercise. Here are the exercises.  Remember to Bernie, sprint and do Big Boys after each one.

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Bell Ringers (swinging CMU between legs to height over your head)
  • 25 Rows
  • 25 Squats with CMU at chest

Next, grab two bricks or something of similar weight, one brick in each hand.  Mosey down street for 2 minutes.  Do 10 Mini Man-makers (merkins with the bricks where you lift each brick, right then left, into the air before your next merkin).  Walk back to AO for one minute then run the rest of the way.  Put the bricks away.

Find a step near your AO.  We will do elevens, starting with 10 bench jumps and 1 Bench Dip.

Mosey down street for 200 yards and mosey back.

Go to step again at your AO.  Do elevens starting with 10 Decline Merkins and 1 Bench Dip.

10 Hand Release Merkins, one 360 degree walk around right hand plank, one 360 degree walk around left hand plank, 20 Flutter Kicks (four count), 20 American Hammers (four count), 10 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1).  If you have time left, go back to the exercises with the CMUs.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

As I Christian, I believe that by my baptism I have been marked by the Holy Spirit, by God.  This “being marked”, this baptism, should change me.  I have now “put on Christ” as Paul states in Galatians, Chapter 3.  Now that I am a marked man, my behavior should also change.  I should cast off the old ways and put on “new clothes.”  I should remember that I am marked and, therefore, should act differently.  The singer/songwriter Kyle Matthews describes this “change in behavior” well in a song called “Been Through the Water.”  The protagonist in the song has been previously baptized and in a moment of weakness has a chance to cheat on his wife.  He does not, however, because he is a “marked man”:

Preacher turned them around at the altar
Pronounced the boy and his girl “man and wife”
In two years they were Mother and Father
And they built them a life
And his old girlfriend saw a moment of weakness
And she said “If you’re lonely come see me sometime…”

He said I’ve been through the water and I’ve come out clean
Got new clothes to cover me
And you don’t wear your old shoes on your brand new feet
When you’ve been through the water
And I’ve been through the water.

Are you a “marked man?”  I believe that as members of F3 we are “marked men.”  The 3rd F of F3 reminds us that we are to live in God.  We have been called to be HIMs or “High Impact Men.”  We are marked out to act differently than typical men.  We are to be charitable, virtuous, honorable and true to our families, community and each other.  We are set apart.  We should be living examples of what God wants men to be.   And, in our meeting together, we should foster this spirit in one another.  We are blessed with something special each time we meet.
Being fed on that special food, that special water, we have more strength to go out into the community and live as HIMs.

We see examples of this such as the immediate response of F3 members to the needs of a member of Cap’n Crunch’s church who had a tree fall down in high winds upon his home and car.  After Cap’n put out the notice on Group Me, a large troop of the “F3 Mafia” were at the home within hours, chain saws in hand, to clear out the mess and help the unlucky homeowners.

Gents, remember that we have been marked.  What a blessing that is for us!  Let’s remain Hims, serving each other, our families, and community.

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