F3 Knoxville

Power of the Powerless


THE SCENE: Gonna have to wake up and see!!

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Second Squat, 10 Mountain Climbers, 30 Second Squat, 10 Cherry Pickers, 45 Second Squat, 10 Windmills, 60 Second Squat, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward.
Mosey to a parking lot, field, or some place where you can run around for 25 yard to 50 yard stretches in four corners.  We will circle the parking lot four times, doing the listed exercises in sequence for each lap.  You will go by the written methods to the next corner.

  • Corner 1    1. 20 Squat Jumps  2. 20 Smurf Jacks  3. 20 Iron Mikes (both feet = 1)  4. 20 Star Jumps  (Bernie Sanders to Corner 2)
  • Corner 2   1. 20 Big Boy Sit-ups.  2. 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct.).  3. 20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct).  4. 20 Box Cutters  (Sprint to Corner 3)
  • Corner 3   1. 20 Merkins  2. 20 Pickle Pounders  3. 20 Diamond Merkins  4. 20 Carolina Dry Docks  (Alternate between lunges and hops to Corner 4)
  • Corner 4   1. 20 Bottle Openers (alternative stretching each arm forward from plank position)  2. 20 Shoulder Taps (each arm = 1).  3. 20 Plank Jacks  4.  20 Mountain Climbers (both legs = 1).  (Skip to Corner 1)

Mosey to a different parking lot, area or field or stay in the same one but circle it a few times.  Find an area about 25 yards in length.  You will be go the 25 yards by the listed methods, do 20 Baby Crunches, then go back by the same method.  Here are the methods you will go back and forth:

  • Bernie Sanders
  • Grapevine Left (running sideways while alternating feet, starting with left foot)
  • Grapevine Right (running sideways while alternating feet, starting with the right foot)
  • High Knees Run
  • Skip
  • Sprint
  • Lunge

Next, you will take a ten minute run and end up back at your home A0.  You can alternate your pace as needed.

At A0 grab yourself a CMU or something of similar weight.  We will do the following exercises:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Rows
  • 20 Squats with CMU
  • 20 Bench Presses

After doing the above, sprint for about 75 yards, then walk back. Rinse and repeat the above.

Next, time willing, we will do elevens by steps near your home.  Start with 10 Bench Jumps and 1 Bench Dip.

20 Tempo Squats, 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct), Flutter Kicks (4 ct), 20 Imperial Walkers (4 ct).  If you have time left, go back to weights and and elevens.
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Power of the Powerless is a book by Christopher de Vinck

About his brother, Oliver, born with birth defects and  who lived 33 years unable to talk, walk or see, profoundly retarded, fed by family throughout his life.

The author first published a short article about the life and death of his brother in The Wall Street Journal

He talked about how this powerless person had a life that was profoundly meaningful

He made the lives of the author and his family more meaningful through the sacrifices and love that they, as humans, gave to him.

The response from around the nation and around the world was profound.

Some responses came from famous people like President Ronald Reagan, Fred Rogers, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.

Others came from bishops, ministers, rabbis and priests.

Others came from folks like you and me but also from people who had family members who were powerless, just like Oliver.

The article was published again, numerous times, in other newspapers and magazines.

Henri Nouwen, the famous priest, theologian, and professor met Christopher de Vinck before he wrote that article.  Christopher visited Nouwen when Nouwen was a professor at the Harvard School of Divinity.  It was after meeting Christopher that Nouwen went on to work with the mentally and physically handicapped at the L’ Arche Community.

In writing the forward to de Vinck’s book, written after the article was published, Nouwen said that Oliver’s story and the story of many others who have also been powerless (written about in de Vinck’s book)  “breaks with all human logic, all intelligent predictions, all normal norms of success and satisfaction.  It turns everything upside down. It speaks not only about the power of the powerless, but also about love offered by those who cannot speak words of love, joy created by those who suffer grievously, hope given by those whose lives are complete failures, courage enkindled by those who cannot make the slightest move on their own.”

Jesus Christ, of course, turned the world’s notions of success upside down.  In a week when we have seen images of helpless children gassed to death in the horrors of those who attempt to dominate others, we are touched, we are moved beyond the comforts of everyday living, and moved by the power of the powerless.

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