Q: Drum Major
PAX: Lilydipper, Pusher, CRISPR, Steam, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Hard Stop (Jake)
FNGs: None
10 Side Straddle Hops
10 Iron Mikes
10 baby arm circles each way
10 Rocky Balboas
10 cherry pickers
Battle buddy up. Lineup on curb in the parking lot.
One buddy will run to other side and do the exercise while the other buddy will stay and jump rope in place.
Both running buddy runs to other side and does the following for each round:
1. 10 Iron Mikes
2. 10 Big Boys
3. 10 Rocky Balboas
4. 10 plank jacks
Each partner cycles through all 4 exercises. Each time you come back do 6 slap merkins with your partner before the other switches and runs.
Mosey to far pavilion. Individual timed Doras (bring speaker)
1 minute then run to point and back.
1. Table pullups
2. Bench step ups
3. Wall sits
4. Dips
5. One legged Squats
In pav – Decline merkins
At Playground – Incline merkins
Back to parking lot, all line up on curb.
Rocky Balboas together on one curb, Bernie across parking lot together
Iron Mikes together on curb and skip to other curb
Rinse and repeat to time.
Polar Bear Plunge – Jan 1
Hotty Totty Triple Q – Jan 11
Smokies Convergence – Jan 4
Happy Birthday Lillydipper and High Heels!
December 26 – Boxing Day!
It originated in the United Kingdom and is celebrated in several Commonwealth nations.
Boxing Day was once a day to donate gifts to those in need, but it has evolved to become a part of Christmas festivities, with many people choosing to shop for deals on Boxing Day.