F3 Knoxville


Asylum Daybreak
AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Steam
PAX: Tri Delt, Lilydipper, Lizzy, Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), David Procopio (Two Shoes)
FNGs: 1 David Procopio (Two Shoes)
– SSH: 20×4
– Windmill: 10×4
– Imperial Walker: 10×4
– Lunge: 10×4
– Body Builder: 5×4

(Mosey up Picketts to the Coliseum)
1 – BSIA Challenge
– Here at the overlook
– B = 15 BBS
– Take a lap
– S: 15 SSH
– Take a lap
– I: 15 Imperial Walkers
– Take a lap
– A: 15 American Hammers
– Take a lap
(Mosey to the Lit Lot)
2 – Catch Me If You Can
– Catch Me If You Can
– 1 BB does 2 burpees while the other BB takes off in a Bernie
– After the BB doing burpees finishes his 2 – he runs to catch his BB and then the roles are reversed
– Rinse and repeat until you get to the other side + mosey back here to the starting point
3 – BB Slingshot
– HQ is here
– You and your BB will take turns doing further down and around the lit lot until you get to the opposite curb to the left
– Here: always be 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 SSH
– 1 BB will run to the crosswalk and execute 1 burpee and run back
– When they get back, their BB will run to the next farthest crosswalk, do 1 burpee, and come back
– Rinse and repeat until you or your BB makes it to the last POC on the other side and back
(Mosey back to the Coliseum for BSIA #2)
4 – Broga w/Steam
– 10 dive bomber cobras
– Hold the cobra for 5 seconds
5 – Core 4 (15×4)
– Flutter kicks (Top door and back)
– American Hammers (Top door and back)
– Reach for the stars (Top door and back)
– Cockroaches (Top door and back)
(Mosey to the 🇺🇸)

– Cherry Pickers + Willie Mays Hayes

– Convergence at Big Ball on 2/17 @ 7am
– GTE (GrowRuck Training Event) on 4/26-28

Show and Tell with Steam: New tat: “Temporary sacrifice for the greater good.”

3 components to this:
– Time: You have a specific # of days of life, no more no less. There’s nothing you can do to add to those days or subtract from them. Time is also the only non-renewable resource.
– Sacrifice: There are opportunities everyday to sacrifice things for the ones you love (big and small things). What are you willing to sacrifice for the things you love?
– Greater Good: What sacrifices are you willing to make for the greater good? Who or what is the greater good for you?

Here’s the peak of temporary sacrifice for the greater good: God sending his son to die and take our place on the cross so we could be redeemed and have access to our Heavenly Father. It was a temporary sacrifice for the greater good. The greater good? Us. God’s immense love for us activated this temporary sacrifice.

So here’s a takeaway – think about how you can live out temporary sacrifice in your life today, this week, this month, and this year.