F3 Knoxville

Laissez les bons temps rouler

THE SCENE: Misting, mid 40s, with an overcast QIC

SSH x 20 or so (waiting on you Cosmo!); 5 burpees OYO, run 2 laps around AO parking lot to let QIC figure out what we’re going to do. End at the CMU pile because, well CMUesday.
While listening to some New Orleans Mardi Gras inspired music, we’re gonna have a parade.  Everybody has to contribute a float to the parade.  Whenever you hear Louis Armstrong’s “Hello Dolly,”  stop what you’re doing, hit your 6 and do Hello Dollies for the length of the song.

  • First float by Swimmies and Crablegs:  Doras with your battle buddy. Grab a CMU and do a certain amount of curls, overhead presses, rows, goblet squats (I can’t really remember how many.  Maybe 100 total each?), while your partner runs to the other side of parking lot and back John Cusack style (CMU held over your head the whole time).  Shoulders are appropriately burning at this point.
  • Next float sponsored by Gibbler and Baby Boomer?  Head to the Pav-a-lon with CMU for 7s CMU Merkins and leg thrusts (on CMU). Wall sit with your CMU while waiting on the 6.
  • So, the third float was maybe Rainbow or Hot Tub’s?:  More Doras.  One partner runs a lap around building with CMU while the other one does kettle bell swings.  4 laps for each partner.
  • Next float:  Hands comes down St. Charles with a bunch of shoulder shrugs. and CMU arm raises.  Shoulders now feel like they’re going to simply let go of the arms and let them fall off.
  • Next float:  Code Brown’s float made of rocks.  Grab two rocks from next to the building for two rounds of Tie Fighters (BAC while in lunge position- forward and back); then overhead claps.  At this point, shoulders go from painful to just numb.
  • Next float:  Snitch brings it home with 11s- Box Jumps and dips (more shoulders!!)
  • That’s the end of the float, so we return CMUs and circle up.

No Mary, but Satchmo did serenade us with “Hello Dolly” twice during the workout, so we got 2 doses.  And I was wrong about the time.  The song lasted 2:24, so that’s a total of 4:48 of straight Hello Dollies.

Lent is upon us.  Don’t just pick something to give up that is “bad” for us.  Let’s pick something that is a true sacrifice.  When we feel its absence, search for the presence of God.  There’s nothing we can’t replace with God’s love and presence.
Here’s the playlist:  Mardi Gras in New Orleans- Professor Longhair; Hurricane Season- Trombone Shorty; Right Place Wrong Time- Mr. John; Hello Dolly! – Louis Armstrong; Cissy Strut- The Meters; All on a Mardi Gras Day- The Wild Magnolias; Jambalaya- Hank Williams; Down by the Riverside- Dirty Dozen Brass Band; It’s All Over Now- Ry Cooder; What is New Orleans – Kermit Ruffins and the Barbeque Swingers; La ti da- Marcia Ball; Preservation Hall Jazz Band- PHJB with Allen Toussaint; Tipitina-Professor Longhair; When the Saints Go Marching In; The Orleans Band.
Bring snacks for Wesley House.  See the list on GroupMe.

Raise the Flag

THE SCENE: Cool but definitely shorts weather. No rain #BlessUp


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • Name is Stean and I’ll be your QIC this morning – honored to do so
  • Any FNGs?
  • Knock out a few things before we begin
    • Contrary to popular belief I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your body better than anyone – if you need to modify anything we do this morning: DO IT.
    • However here’s my challenge to you for the next 45 minutes and the week:
    • When you’re tired and hurting and ready to throw the towel in, remember 2 things: someone is hurting more than you and is more tired than you are & the name of the game is one foot in front of the other. That’s how we get through the next 45 minutes and the next week.



  • SSH: 12×4 IC
  • Bend & Reach: 12×4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 12×4 IC
    • 2 burpees on your own
  • Windmill: 12×4 IC
    • 2 burpees on your own
  • Baby Arm Circles: 11×4 forward & 11×4 backwards IC



(Mosey to Pavilion)

(Battle buddy up)

[Quarter Pounder]

***Steam showcases his impeccable taste in music – blasting motivational classic rock for all to hear***

  • Pav: 25 battle buddy sit-ups each with the other holding the feet
    • 1 lap around the AO and back to the Pav
  • Pav: 25 1-count battle-buddy merkins (Hand clap)
    • 1 lap around the AO and back to the Pav
  • Pav: Repeat the 1st – 25 BB sit-ups each with the other holding the feet
    • 1 lap around the AO and back to the Pav
  • Pav: Repeat the 2nd – 25 1-count BB merkins (Hand clap)
    • 1 lap around the AO and back to the Pav
  • Recover in the Pav – Wall Sit


[Quarter Pounder Round 2]

  • 4 sides of the table/bench in the Pav
    • Short sides = 25 chin-ups
    • Long side 1 = 25 incline merkins
    • Long side 2 = 25 dips
  • When PAX gets done with 1 side –> hold the squat
  • All PAX execute 12 4-count SSHs together in between each side of the table/bench

(12 count)

(Mosey to the playground)

(Walk to the arches of the playground – getting breathing back in control)

(PAX execute 12×4 squats while waiting on a rival tribe to finish running down the parking lot they’re headed to)

(PAX mosey’s across the street from the playground to the parking lot)


  • sprint down to far end of parking lot
    • Execute 25 squats
  • Sprint back to start point
    • Execute 25×4 down/up merkins
  • Sprint down to end of lot
    • Execute 25 calf raises
  • Sprint back to start point
    • Execute 25×4 SSHs

(12 count)

(PAX mosey to parking lot in front of AO)

(Battle buddy up)


  • Battle buddy teams sprint to the 3 grass buffers alongside the parking lot
  • Grass Buffer 1: 25 x 4 merkins
  • Grass Buffer 2: 25 x 4 squats
  • Grass Buffer 3: 25 x 4 SSHs

(ALL PAX mosey back towards the playground – Q makes the challenge for 1 of the PAX to lead 25 x 4 SSHs at each point of contact going back)

(PAX steps up to the plate and a new HIM leads each new round of 25×4 SSHs

(Mosey back to AO)


With “We Will Rock You” blaring – PAX execute American Hammers & Flutter Kicks to the beat

To end it, Q leads PAX in Motivators (2)


21 PAX – no FNGs


What flag will you raise this week?


  • What flag will you raise this week? Spoiler Alert – things aren’t going to go your way 100% of the time this week. If they do, that is awesome as well. However, the question has to be asked: “What flag will you raise this week when that happens?” A flag of gratitude and glory and blessing? What flag are you unconsciously raising as well?
  • Think about what flags you raise this week – when the going is good and the going is rough. Does the flag you raise make others want to help raise it with you? Is the flag you raise life-giving? Take the high ground this week – and raise the flag of honor and duty and courage and prayer and humility – in the spheres of influence that God has uniquely placed you in.
  • This is just the huddle – the game is out there. Go take the high ground.


Q101/GrowSchool Convergence THIS Saturday at the Asylum (2/29/2020)

  • 7am – 8am: Q101 led 2 of the F3 Knoxville TRUEbadours team (Judge Judy & Absces)
  • 8:10am – 9am (rough estimate): GrowSchool will take the place of coffeteria post-workout at the Chick-fil-A off Kingston Pike close to Lakeshore park (catty-corner from Panera where coffeteria normally is). The TRUEbadour team will lead a GrowSchool – a short time of leadership sharing and wisdom. Think of GrowSchool as an extended BOM/Leadership training.
  • Any questions/more info –> reach out to Steam or Abscess.

Sowing Seeds

THE SCENE: Beautiful sunshine and cold, temp in 20’s.

20 Side-Straddle Hops.  10 Burpees.  Ten Cherry Pickers.  8 Burpees.  Ten Windmills.  6 Burpees.  Seven Baby Arm Circles Forwards then Backwards.  4 Burpees.  Seven Wide Arm Circles Forwards then Backwards.  2 Burpees.  Little of this and that.
Mosey to trail way that is east of parking lot and which meanders towards the Lyons Bend Gate entrance of the park.  We will do 14’s on the trail until it reaches the roadway that goes to the Lyons Bend Gate.  With the 14’s we will bear crawl one light, then run for four lights, then repeat the pattern until we get to the roadway.

On grass by the roadway we will do 20 Hello Dollies in cadence.  Next we will run and do nickel, dime, quarters (run 1 light, do 5 of exercise, then 2 lights and do 10 of exercise, then 5 lights and do 25 of exercise) with the following exercises:

  • Dive Bombers
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • Merkins

We will stop at the bottom of Mt. Everest.  Here, all men will do 10 Hand Release Merkins, then 40 Baby Crunches, then run up Everest and go all the way to the top of the Space Needle.  Men then run back down the stairs to the Space Needle and meet in parking lot.

Mosey to Area 51 at southeastern side of Admin Bldg.

We will be doing sevens on the starting from the bottom of driveway of area 51 and heading south a distance of about 20 yards.  We will start with 1 Squat Jump and go the 20 yards to do 6 Burpees, then continue with the “sevens” sequence.

Mosey onto roadway and head to parking area by apartments. We will do 20 American Hammers in Cadence

Mosey on roadway to parking lot with nice restrooms.  We will do 20 Flutter Kicks in Cadence.

Mosey to CMU Pile.  Each man grabs CMU.  We will do the following exercises.  Between the exercises we will sprint to the end of the parking lot and back.

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Rows
  • 20 Bell Ringers
  • 20 Sit Ups with CMU at chest
  • 20 Decline Merkins with feet on CMU

Mosey to bottom of Mini Cardiac.  We will go uphill to AO.  We will start with Bernie Sanders until we get to green sign, then sprint the rest of the way.


10 Sideways Shoulder to Knee Bends on Right Side and 10 Shoulder to Knee Bends on Left Side (Four Count)

Eight Men, No FNGs

2 Corinthians 9:10

Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness;

Zechariah 8:12

‘For there will be peace for the seed: the vine will yield its fruit, the land will yield its produce and the heavens will give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to inherit all these things.

As a very young boy I can remember planting seeds with my mother in a flower bed before the season of Spring came around.  I was very anxious to see when the flowers would grow.  My mother told me it would take some time but I would go out to the garden each day to look, only to see the same old flower bed with no growth. I forgot about it all after a while.  Then one day, the flowers actually sprouted.  I was filled with excitement and wonder.  Those flowers actually came from the tiny little seeds I had planted!!

We as humans can also plant seeds and watch righteousness spread through what we have planted.  A visit to a person in need, an opening the door for a person at a store, a letter to an old friend, listening intently to someone who has something on their heart to say, paying attention to youth as they approach adulthood, an anonymous gift to another, a compliment given a few times a week to others – these are ways we can plant seeds of righteousness.  And as 2 Corinthians 9:10 indicates, God will multiply and harvest the seeds we have planted.

Sometimes we may plant a seed without even knowing it.  For example, an airlines ticket agent planted a seed for me one time when I was flying from Dallas to Jackson, Mississippi back when I was working as a trial consultant.  I was not really looking forward to the trip and was feeling a little sorry for myself that morning.  I heard the ticket agent talking to a fellow ticket agent at the counter about the movie Patch Adams starring Robin Williams.  Patch Adams was a medical doctor who made it his mission to help others, whether he healed them medically or made them smile and even laugh in the face of their serious illnesses.  I left that ticket counter thinking, you know, I can try to be like that this very day.  I have a difficult job ahead of me but I can choose to be kind to those I meet, to carry a face of strength in grace, to plant a few good seeds here and there.  I felt good for the rest of the trip and was even more confident in my work.  In the way I was choosing to act, I felt like God was behind me.  And, who knows, I may have spread some good seeds along the way.

As HIM’s, we make the choice to do good.  And, we can to that daily.  Keep the idea of planting seeds in your mind today and this week.  And remember that God will harvest your seeds of righteousness.


Prayers for Hand’s wife and her friends on the trip they are taking to Florida for the week. Prayers for Hands as he parents his sons on his own with the hope they don’t burn the house down!  Prayers for our brothers Messi and Pinto.

They don’t call me Charmin for nothing

THE SCENE: While still a little damp on the ground, Charmin delivered on his no rain guarantee.  Around 50 degrees for perfect weather.

SSH (IC) x 20 while everybody slowly trickled in (looking at you Cheatsheet); Imp Squat Walkers (IC) x 15; BAC forward and backerds (IC) x 10; Rocky Balboas on the curb (IC) x 20; butt kickers across PL; high skips back to the other side.


  • Mosey to CMU pile for a very quick partner round about (back to back, with CMU passed around) x 20
  • Mosey to Pav-A-Lon for partner leg raise-wall sits (one partner on the ground trying to kick the other one in the head while he does a wall sit and tries to throw the legs back to the ground).  Timed for 1 min, then switch.
  • Mosey to Circus Maximus for some partner exercises.  Each partner runs in opposite directions.  When they meet, do partner Merkins x 20 twice, then partner BBS x 20 twice, then back to back squats x 20.  3 total laps.
  • As we’re about to do another set of the above, the Q feels a tremendous sense of urgency to call an audible and mosey toward the bathroom.  His name is, after all, CHARMIN!
  • While the Q is humiliatingly otherwise engaged, Code Brown (yes, I get the irony too!) assumes the reins and calls out a burpee route 66 up the tail of the dragon.
  • The Q having caught up and knocked out a few punitive burpees on his own, the PAX moseys back to the CMU pile to unwind what was wound up at the beginning.

Dealer’s choice (Buns calls out Hello Dollys; Fabio calls out Am. Hammers); then we finish strong with ATMs.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Been reading “First Lead Yourself.”  From the book: “Leading from good to great requires discipline – disciplined people who engage in disciplined thought and who take disciplined action.  To engage in disciplined action first requires disciplined thought, and disciplined thought requires people who have the discipline to create quiet time for reflection.  The net result is not doing more, but doing less.  Stop-doing lists reflect greater discipline than ever-expanding to-do lists.”


52 Card pick up with Miles

THE SCENE: cool morning

cherry pickers 5X

right over left foot, touch your toes 10 sec

Left over right foot, touch your toes 10 sec

Mosey to the flag poll.
Played 52 card pickup where each suite is a different workout with two jokers. every 10 cars we run a lap.

  • Diamonds – dips
  • Hearts – merkins
  • clubs- v ups
  • spades- Plank Jacks
  • Jokers- 15 burpees


Go around the large circle and get some legs and core work done. Some of the exercises included but not limited too:

  • captain thors
  • american hammers
  • hello dollies
  • SSH
  • freddy mercury
  • box cutters
  • merkins


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Thankfulness, be thankful for those in your life. Especially Family. They are going be always be there and you need to be peach makers with them. Friends come and go but family never leaves us. let’s remember to be peace keepers in our lives.