F3 Knoxville

47 Problems…


  • Side Straddle hop X 47
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Little baby arm circles Front x 25 and back x 15, overhead 20
  • Burpees x 5

47 Problems

2 Sets 47 each exercise and take the hill between

  • Merkins
  • Get-ups
  • Curls w/ CMU
  • Squats (sit on CMU)
  • 4-count Mountain Climbers
  • Triceps extensions w CMU


  • 4 x and 7x Burpees


  • Flutter Kick x 25
  • Box Cutter x 10
  • Peter Parker x 10


Expectations can rob you of your Joy.    At some point in life you are going to be let down by the things that the world holds on to so tightly.  A job, a spouse, a child, a parent, money,….you fill in the blank.  We are designed by the creator in such a manner that none of these things will ever fill the need we have for Christ.  If we are looking for Joy and expecting to get fulfillment in life from any of these things we will be let down.   Christ is the only thing that we can rely on to fulfill and sustain us through good times and bad.   It is easy to fall into the trap of setting our hope and expectations on things of this world both big and small.   I pray that we would all have our foundations in Christ and Christ alone and that he would help us to right size our expectations on the things that we hold on to the tightest

Hill time

THE SCENE: Iil muggy but I’m not going to complain

My usual baloney

SSH x 15

T merkin

T squat

Cherry Pickers

Arm circles

OYO 30 sec

Route 66 to Sophomore Hill…. There were only like 6 lights! Sorry guys!!

  • 5 burpees
  • 4 flamingos
  • 3 shoulder taps
  • 2 merkins
  • 1 Man Maker(?) Cant recall we only did one!

Drop bottom exercise and run to top of hill and back until list is complete

20 Hand release merkins

10 Squats

5 Turkish Get on ups each side

No dropping off list, after each set run to the top of the hill

Got some help on the Co-Q Mary on the way back to the AO!

A side tangent was discussed in church last weekend. This was about how we need other people. Often we like to think we can handle everything ourselves, but in reality, we rely on others (Family, peers etc.) I have been blessed to have excellent mentors at work this year (and you all aren’t such a bad lot either) Do not be averse to trying to learn from other. Be willing to depend on other people. Chances are they know something you don’t.



Happy Birthday, America! With fireworks and beat downs- 1776 Challenge

THE SCENE: It’s July, so warm and humid!

Begin with a bang!  Fireworks provided by Code Brown while we warm up with SSH x 50, Squats x 50, Moroccan Nightclubs x 50 and Overhead claps x 50.

Despite the Q’s best efforts to plan out a very organized workout to get everybody to Patriot or American Eagle status, things fell apart rather quickly as the PAX finished things at different intervals and moved on to the next exercise.  In the end, we all completed the 1776 challenge, with 4 PAX (Swimmies, Gobbler, Trolly, and Cheatsheet) doing double time and finishing the American Eagle.  Everybody else became Patriots today.  We broke up the pull ups.

Everybody started the mile run together.  Everybody gathered around the flag at the Pavalon together for flutter kicks and plank jacks, and everybody finished together with the bear crawl to the flag and burpees.

None today!

1.  When our founding HIMS adopted the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin famously said “we must all hang together, or we will surely hang separately.”  There is a lesson here for us today.  We cannot and should not battle alone.  Rely on your brothers and in turn, support them as well.  Great things can be accomplished!

2.  The Declaration of Independence established a new nation built on the idea that “all men are created equal,” that we have the right to pursue our happiness (not the same as the right to be happy!).  As Abraham Lincoln noted almost 90 years later, that a country could be so formed and survive was not a sure thing.  And we have not, as a country, lived up to that idea.  But what makes our country special among all other nations is that we continue to strive toward that idea.  F3 is dedicated moving this country forward toward that very idea.
4 American Eagles, including an FNG (welcome Gobbler!) and 8 Patriots today!

CMU Thieves

THE SCENE: 72°F. Apx 1000%RH

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Crabettes x15 IC
Mtn Parkers x15 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
Grab some CMUs!
20x hop over CMU (side to side) OYO
20x hop over CMU (front to back) OYO
10x Merky-Derky OYO (Hands on CMU, Merkin, bear crawl forward until feet on CMU, Derkin, crawl bear back. That’s 1)

Leapfrog run with CMUs:
Split into two groups.
First group stays put and does exercise.
Second group runs about 100 yards, stops, and does exericse.
First group catches up and runs about 100 yards beyond, stops, and does exercise. R&R for a bit more than a mile.
Each group does each exercise for 2 stops, then switches to the next exercise:
Overhead Press
Bent Over Rows
Tricep Extension
Upright Rows

Finished up near the playground… Doubtfire wanted to play, so we moseyed in for 25 box jumps OYO before returning the CMUs to the AO

Does this have a name? Whatever it is, we did 10 of them:
From BBS position, hold CMU with straight arms, bring it down and touch the ground above your head.
In one smooth motion, bring it back up, out past your knees, and rise to a standing position, then back down.
Cash out with about 25 Merkins

Just four PAX today… One on Q and 3 that forgot to check the Q schedule and found themselves at a Waxjob beatdown.
During today’s Q, there were times of just standing still, doing work, while others cruised on by. Life can seem like that sometimes. You seem stuck in one spot, not making progress no matter how hard you work, while others seem to be moving at a rapid pace. In those times, be patient. Wait on God. Keep doing the last thing He told you to do. When it’s His time, He’ll move you.
We definitely looked the part of Asylum inmates today, stealing CMUs one at a time and running off with them…
Farragut Independence Day Parade on the 4th… Come out and put the EH on some sad clowns!

Deck Of Cards – Not stacked

THE SCENE:   70ish


25 SSH, 20 baby arm circles


Grab a CMU and head to the cloud. F3 deck of cards with a 4-5 man Indian sprint for jokers.  Face cards 25, A’s 100 and other cards the number + 10.  Mixture of Cardio, Abs, legs and chest.

With 6 minuets left PAX chose to pick out all the face cards(25’s and 100’s) and perform exercises(vs man makers for every card left.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
21 pax welcome Tinker from out of town
Find success in failure- example from 2 Timothy:  Paul and Barnabas took young Mark with them on a missionary trip, but he returned home before the end of the trip for reasons not revealed in Scripture.  Whatever Marks reasons, Paul apparently thought they were unjustified since he refused to take Mark along on a subsequent tips(Acts 15:38).

Did Mark fail at being a missionary? Judging from Paul’s response, it would appear he did.  While the New King James Version says Mark “departed” from Paul, the word probably is closer to deserted – a more negative connotation.  It’s probably reasonable to conclude that Mark did fail at being a missionary.

But did that make him a permanent failure?  Apparently not, for the same apostle Paul who was so disappointed in Mark counted him a valuable coworker in ministry later in his life.  This is a perfect example of how to succeed at failing; fall, get up, and continue on.  The next time you fail, make sure it is a temporary experience, not a permanent label.

Don’t get failing and failure confused.  Failing is nothing more than the back door to success.

F3 Dads Camp