F3 Knoxville

Pyramid Scheme

THE SCENE: A nice reprieve from 2 days of rain with plenty of humidity to go around.


  • Side Straddle Hop x 20
  • 1 Burpee
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 15
  • 2 Burpee
  • Merkin x 10 (4 ct)
  • 3 Burpee
  • Baby Arm Circles x 15, Over head Clap x 10
  • 4 Burpee
  • TN Rocking Chair x 15


Mosey to the lower parking lot, See Skunk, Stop abruptly, fast mosey…

Pyramid Scheme.    Partner up with someone of similar speed.  Run in the opposite direction and every time you meet do 25 of the following exercises with the exception of burpees which are x 10

  • lap 1 merkins
  • lap 2 merkins, superman
  • lap 3 merkins, Superman, mtn climbers
  • lap 4 merkins, Superman, mtn climbers, Bobby Hurley
  • lap 5 merkins Superman mtn climbers, Bobby Hurley and burpees
  • lap 6 Superman, mtn climbers , Bobby Hurley’s , burpees
  • lap 7 mtn climbers , Bobby Hurley , burpees
  • lap 8 Bobby Hurley’s , burps
  • lap 9 burps
  • lap 10 victory lap

Mosey to the Cloud.

  • 7’s with Box jumps and Bulgarian squats

Mosey through the start point to the base of baby Everest….sike.  No, we are not going to circle up for mary.

  • Grinders x 3 
    • Sprint up the hill 2 burpees
    • Reverse up the hill 4 burpees
    • Sprint up the hill 6 burpees

MARY: Flutter kicks by 30, BBS x 20

Be Proactive in life not Reactive.   If you only react to the day you will be subject to the circumstances that come your way.   Working out in the am before the sun comes up ensures you will get it in.   We can proactive in our spiritual lives and relationships as well.   “Play the ball before the ball plays you”


THE SCENE: Beautiful sunny Thursday


We allowed warmups to be led one workout at a time selected and led by each member.   Sidestraddle hops, high knee stretches, arm circles, cherry pickers, twists, bend and stretch, etc..

We started at the administrative building making our way in a circle back to the AO hitting 5 different locations for timed workouts along the way.

Mosey to bottom of hill closest to Northshore

60 seconds of air squats, 10 sec rest, 30 seconds of merkins, 10 sec rest, repeat

Mosey to chapel

60 seconds iron mikes, 10 sec rest, 60 seconds plank, 10 sec rest, repeat, 10 Derkins

Mosey to pavilion

45 seconds of dips, 10 sec rest, 45 seconds of step ups on bench, 10 sec rest, repeat

Mosey to CMU pile

45 seconds of curls, 10 sec rest, 45 seconds of over head press

Mosey to plaque at top of hill

60 seconds LBCs, 10 sec rest, 30 seconds tempo merkins, 10 sec rest, repeat

Mosey back to AO

one round of bug swats


9 HIMs, missed tags: J Lo and Sugarhill

We spoke of Time and how precious it is. Reminder to make time for the important people and tasks in our lives



Gibbler is Always Ready

THE SCENE: The kind of morning where nobody signed up for Q
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER No but he lack of Q could be read as a meditation on the meaning of the word “volition”

SSH x 30 IC. Rocky Balboas on the curb. Squats.
Let’s get it out of the way that nobody signed up for Q. Normally that might precipitate some real Headlocking, Iron Sharpening, or High-Impact soul searching, but for the Tuesday AM crowd it’s an opportunity. Gibbler’s always the fastest out of the gate, and he took the Q quicker than anybody else could. Considering his travel schedule, YHC estimates that he Qs at 83% of the mornings he posts. This morning, on the fly, he cooked up:

  • An unholy pyramid of table rows, Irkins, and three other things I can’t remember and don’t want to remember
  • Calf raises (Gotta keep those Legs Crabby)
  • A boatload of Bulgarian squats, step ups (don’t judge, youngsters…your back will one day deteriorate like ours), and bicycle kicks. Imagine what kind of mind can think up this kind of torture on the spot.

YHC wanted to be Gibbler’s understudy so we invited Jack Webb to the party. We tried Ascending Testicles (probably not a repeat), and picked up the CMUs. Mixed in with some burpees and bernie, that took us home.

Not when your timing is as good as Gibbler’s


No B.S. Assessment: Send It!

THE SCENE: 60s, cool, sunrise on the way.

Welcome to F3: Fitness-Fellowship-Faith! My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning. I am not a professional and you are here on your own volition, with means you chose to be here this morning, just like the man on your left and right – so let’s make it count! If you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so – but push yourselves and those around you. Lets keep the mumble-chatter and the morale at a high today!

[ Q introduces FNG Eric ]


Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 11×4 in cadence

Windmill: 11×4 in cadence

Hillbilly: 11×4 in cadence

Baby-Arm Circles: Forwards 11×4 in cadence & Backwards 11×4 in cadence

3 burpees on your own

PAX formed up 2 lines in front of the AO – mosey’d to Asylum playground

  • 1 For 1 (and so on)
    • Get in battle buddy teams
    • 1 box jump on the bench
    • run down to end of playground parking lot
    • do 1 merkin
    • Rinse & Repeat – adding 1 rep each time
      • 2 box jumps & 2 merkins, etc

About halfway through, Q calls for recover at the playground

Does a morale check with PAX – asks some of PAX for a morale status report: All’s well.

PAX forms 2 lines and mosey’s back to car parking lot/AO area

Q leads PAX in F3 cadence call – Q calls something out – PAX repeats

    • “F3!”
    • “Good For You!”
    • “Good For Me”
    • “HUH!”
    • “HA-HA!”
    • “1, 2, 3!”
    • “I love F3!”
    • “4, 5, 6!”
    • “Pickin Up Sticks!”
    • “7 and 8”
    • “F3 is great!”
    • “9 and 10!”
    • “Let’s Do It All Again!”
    • “HUH!”
    • “HA-HA!”


  • Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
    • PAX get’s in new battle buddy teams
    • Bottom of hill by AO: 5 battle buddy sit-ups(BBSs) each
      • BBSs = one battle buddy hold the other’s feet, while they execute sit-ups with fingers interlocked behind their head
    • Top of hill by AO: 5 side straddle hops (SSHs)
    • Rinse & Repeat- adding 5 reps each time until each battle buddy does 25 BBSs at the bottom and 25 SSHs at the top


  • Recover at the AO
    • Q leads PAX in 15×4 cherry-pickers in cadence
    • Asks for a 10-count from PAX
    • Q describes what a “No B.S. Assessment” is (See Moleskin at the bottom of this back-blast) and asks various PAX to give one
    • Pusher & Fabio & Umbro give solid No B.S. Assessments
  • Q leads PAX towards the pavilion with picnic tables towards the back of the AO


  • The Final Countdown (7 minutes left)
    • PAX gets in new battle buddy teams
    • 1 battle buddy does 5 incline merkins + 1 Man-Maker (8-count merkin) under the pavilion while the other battle buddy runs to a dugout and executes 1 good pull-up/chin-up.
    • Rinse & Repeat – adding only an extra Man-Maker each time
    • Q calls for a 15 count and leads PAX back into the AO


  • PAX Circle Up inside AO
    • 15 Side-straddle hops (SSHs)
  • And boom goes the dynamite – that’s it!

22 PAX (1 FNG – Eric Alley/Globetrotter)

Talked about an F3 Knoxville HIM, Brandon Rabun/Cupcake, being deployed to Afghanistan this morning, and the Latin phrase “Nil desperandum” = do not despair. If I’m being honest with myself, I don’t always live out of a nil desperandum attitude. And I’m not even being shipped overseas or risking my life day to day.

A verse that came to mind that Cupcake and I have talked about before is Isaiah 6:8 = “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”” Now, not all of us are called to serve in the military, or overseas like Cupcake, but where is the Lord asking you to serve dutifully this week in your own life? I wished I lived more like Isaiah 6:8, being all in. As we try to live life as High Impact Men and humble servants of the most high king, I invite and encourage and challenge firstly myself, I need to hear this more than anyone (funny how that works when you’re delivering a BOM sometimes huh?), and all of us to be all in for the God we serve and live out of a place of “Here I am Lord! Send me where you will have me this week. Send me to those hard conversations, send me to be a better husband, brother, father, boyfriend, send me to be your messenger, help remind of the cross so that I may never forget who it is that sends me into the day.” Men, I pray that each one of us puts the full armor of God on this day and this week as we prepare to be sent where he will have us. I pray for eyes to see His beauty, ears to hear His truth, lips to speak His love, and hands and feet to go and serve Him.

Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight!

No B.S. Assessment = Asking someone to give a real, non-sugar coated check-in/assessment about how they really are doing where they are physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc. There is a certain intentionality behind a No B.S. Assessment – to not just go through the motions of checking in with other High Impact Men/people in our spheres of influence, but to really ask for a check-in/assessment without the B.S.

Example: “Hey, how are you? –> “I’m good I guess.”

Example of a No B.S. Assessment: “Hey Mac, I notice you haven’t been around in a while man, give me a no B.S. Assessment.” –> “Wow, thanks for asking. I guess I’ve got a lot going on with the family, kids, you know how it is.”

Sometime’s it’s hard to ask for a No B.S. Assessment and maybe even harder to be asked for one. The purpose of No B.S. Assessment is to go beyond the question or even the formality of the question of “How are you” for example – but to intentionally ask and care for the deeper part of the individual and their heart.
Several open Q’s for this week on the website – let’s encourage each other to step up and lead!

It’s High Heels in the End Zone

THE SCENE: If there was a nicer Saturday morning to work out in, I don’t want to know about it
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Cap’n was there, so I think that covers us

Archie and Cap’n were in cooldown mode after 3 rucking miles…Pusher and Crawdad were pulling in…

10 Windmills IC while waiting for Crawdad and Pusher

25 SSH, but only 5 IC. The other 20 we were supposed to do in our heads. We did not all end at the same time. Could’ve been Q’s fault. 10 Burpees OYO.

BAC forward and reverse, OHCs in between


Little Mosey over to the base of Spaceship Hill. Catch Me If You Can with 10 LBCs to the stop sign on the far side.

Another mosey down to Area 51, which has missed us, and which also had an unidentified structure. We took it apart and did some CMU Doras. Pusher found a hole that was hiding, but recovered on the mosey like the badass that he is. 

Indian run over to the FiA parking lot, where Abcess had already delivered baloons. We presented them with a birthday present, candle, and we sang Happy Birthday. Q started us off about two octaves too high but he is not paid for his beautiful singing voice.

Down to the soccer fields to meet Jack Webb! Back in college we used to play Ultimate Frisbee, so we played in Jack’s honor. 2 burpees for everyone if the frisbee touches the ground, 5 merkins for a team that gets scored on. High Heels got the Golden Glove Award.

Mary Schmary



Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.”
― Wendell Berry