F3 Knoxville

And then there were 2

THE SCENE: Sweater weather

Wait with Umbro for everybody else to show. Oh, just us?  Ok then.  SSH x 20 IC, Tie fighter BAC x 2 IC, CPx10 IC, Burpees x5 OYO.

  • Mosey to new trail with the nice light posts. No. The other new trail.
  • Route 66 with burpees
  • Start to mosey toward Everest. U-turn
  • Umbro does some stuff on his own while the Q has, well, a Charmin break.
  • Q rejoins the pax and cranks out some punitive merkins
  • Mosey to back parking lot. Run half laps with 20 BBS 20 merkins on each end for a couple times.
  • Mosey to playground. 11s with dips and 4 Ct flutter kicks.

Captain Thors and finish with ATMs
2. Umbro and Charmin
John 16:33: 33“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”. God didn’t say it would always be easy. But have faith and take heart. He’ll deliver!

thanks for showing up Umbro!

Blood, Sweat and Tears of Pele

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, Little of This and Little of That
Mosey to parking lot across the street and next to ball field entrance.  Each man gets a partner.  There will be sets of bricks on one end of the parking lot.  Partner 1 will take bricks and run across parking lot.  He will perform ten mini-man makers at the other end of the parking lot, then run back.  Partner 2 will be doing exercises listed below.  When Partner 1 returns, he hands off bricks so that Partner 2 can run across the parking lot and do the ten mini-man makers.  Then partners switch again and do the next set of exercises.  The exercises are:

  1. Hello Dollies
  2. Big Boy Sit Ups
  3. American Hammers
  4. Baby Crunches
  5. Bicycle Kicks

Return bricks to curb.

Mosey up hill to the perimeter trail.  Everyone will do 20 Box-Cutters in cadence.

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac Hill.  We will go up and down hill two times.  We will do the following exercises each time:

  • At bottom of hill:  20 Hello Dollies (4 count)
  • At first turn:  20 flutter kicks (4 count)
  • At second turn: 20 decline merkins
  • At benches:  20 bench raises

Mosey to playground.

We will do elevens, starting with ten bench jumps and one Big Boy with legs on bench and butt on ground by bench.  After the elevens, we will do the following on the playground:

  • Planks with right arm, left arm, right leg and left leg raises.
  • 10 Pickle Pounders (4 count)

Mosey to AO.

Eleven fine men, no FNGs.
The brothers of F3 certainly take the phrase, “Iron Sharpens Iron” to heart.  I can think of many ways that this old man has been sharpened by my brothers:

  • Pinto and Hooker bringing me out for my first workout and the encouragement I received from them afterwards, when I was barely breathing.
  • Zygote, whom I didn’t know until that first workout, circling back to run with me, letting me know it is ok to modify and that I was doing just fine.
  • Edit and Dimples, a few months later, bragging on how much I was improving.
  • Crawdad, partnering with this old man on workouts and calling me “a beast.”
  • Abscess, pushing me on, worrying about the time I almost lost an ankle in a hole in the ground, and pointing out holes for me.
  • Only last Saturday, when I was in last place in P-Nut’s Sea Biscuit, having Doubtfire circle back to do some of my exercises for me and run the last lap with me.
  • Getting smiles, hellos, and encouragement from all of you brothers every time I come out for an F3 workout.  This brotherhood is awesome.  I am Sharper because of each of you.

A Naturally Light Leg Adventure

Tempo Squat x 10 IC, High Knees x 20 IC 4 CT, Arm Circles x 10 IC 4 CT (ED), SSH x 25 IC 4 CT, Hand Release Merkins x 10 OYO

  • Butkus- Rapid Curb Step Ups 3 x 1 Min
  • Aiken Legs (No Rest)  20 Squat, 20 Box Jump, 20 Lunges each leg.  Rinse n Repeat x 4
  • MOSEY to back parking lot in Black Snake Formation
  • BOMBS (Partner Up):  Burpees x 50, Outlaws x 100, MKNS x 150, BBS x 200, SQUATS x 250
  • MOSEY to Front Lot
  • Leg Blasters:  20 Squat, 20 Lunge, 20 Bobby Hurley’s x 2 rounds
  • Bicycles
  • Flutters
  • Crab Humpers

PAX count 9: Fast & Easy, Mr. Wedgie, Natty, A-Rod, Tractor, Herbie, Crossroads, Whammy
Don’t take for granted the relationships you have.  Marriage is sacred and it isn’t easy.  Encourage those when you can that find themselves in relationship trouble, whether a spouse or a friend.
Prayers for Fast n Easy’s sister and A-Rod’s friend whose son is in some trouble

Thanks to all who put up with me today…unless you left early, each participant received a present in the form of a can of Natty Light!

Moving Escalator

THE SCENE: 38 and clear

Side straddle hop X 20
Imperial Squat Walkers X 15
Arm Circles x 14 each way
Burpo’s – 5

Forties – High rep version of 11’s. Always add up to 40 subtracting 5 each time:
Merkins and Big Boys
– 30 Merkins, Devin Hester 10 BBS
25 Merkins Devin Hester 25 BBS
20 Merkins, Devin Hester 20 BBS
15 Merkins, Devin Hester, 25 BBS
10 Merkins, Devin Hester, 30 BBS

Mosey towards Asylum

Moving Escalator – 10 burpees, 20, Squat Jumps, 30 merkins, 40 squats
10 reps, run to next stop, 10 reps+20 reps next exercise, run, 10, 20, 30 reps, run, 10, 20, 30, 40 reps, run to start. Can go back down escalator: 40, 30, 20, 10, run, 30, 20, 10, run, 20, 10, run, 10.

At the Hill(next to AO)

5 burpees at bottom run to top and do 5 burpees.

7 x Captain Thor
Boat Canoe
40 PAX with one FNG Face Plant
My wife and I have been doing a devotional call the Bible in one year on through the bible app.  It has been great to go through verses together.  Here is the link to the bible app if your interested https://www.bible.com/app

Nickel, Dime,Quarter Perimeter Run

THE SCENE: Cloudy, high forties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Little Baby Arm Circles to Wide Arm Circles Forward, 15 Little Baby Arm Circles to Wide Arm Circles Backwards, 10 Cherry Pickers

Pick up one set of bricks per four men.  Mosey to the 0.0 mile marker on the perimeter trail.  Do 15 Hello Dollies in cadence.  Next, we start the “Nickel, Dime, Quarter Perimeter Run.”  Someone must be carrying bricks each quarter mile and will pass the bricks off at the quarter mile.  We will run around the entire perimeter trail, stopping at each quarter mile marker to do the following exercises:

  • 5 Burpees (the nickel)
  • 10 Merkins if at an odd mile marker (e.g., 0.25) or 10 Big Boys if at an even mile marker (the dime)
  • 25 Big Boys if at an odd mile marker or 25 Merkens if at an even mile marker (the quarter).

The last man reaching each mile marker should run on through to the next mile marker without doing the exercises.  In that way, he will not always be the last man to a mile marker.

We will finish when we have returned to mile marker 0.0.

Mosey back to AO.


Four men.
Before going into Jerusalem to be crucified, Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives.  He asked his disciples to pray as well.  When Jesus had finished his own lengthy prayer, he returned to find all of his disciples sleeping.  He told them to awake.

We often are guilty of “sleeping” before our God, not being aware of His presence, of the miracles that occur around us, of how He may be wanting to speak to us in our everyday activities.  We need to be awake to these miracles, these whispers, these opportunities.  Throughout our days, we can enhance our own “awareness” by asking, “What is God trying to show me here, what might God be saying to me now?”  We can even do this in times of hardship.  God wants us to hear Him, even at times of suffering.  Be awake for His voice, His presence, His love.

Beer Run Workout this Thursday at Asylum PM.  We will go out for beer together at Abridged Beer Company after the workout.