F3 Knoxville

With Friends like these….

The Scene: The Asylum

Clear, 32 degrees but we got warm quick.

Intro and disclaimer

Warm up: SSHX20, 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 Merkins, 20 squats

The Thang:
Fun with friends (two 40ish lb logs, 2 50lb sand filled tubes, 4 CMUs )
Count off to 4 teams
Team members take turns carrying logs, pipes and CMUs, (they can never touch the ground.)
Mosey along trail towards Everest.
Stopping at cones (5) to do:
5 burpees
10 lunges per leg
15 Merkins
20 squats

At Everest:
Climb to top of Everest to the road adding “injured” men to each team they have to carry up
At top, all do flutters till 6 catches

Continue mosey going east down road back to AO
Set down logs and CMUs at Cone 1

At AO: Start with teams at each station and do exercise for 90secs. Run to next station.
1) 10 CMU, pipe or Log presses (may share log) and 10 squats…repeat
2) sprint suicides down Bernie back
3) toe touch Merkins x10 & BBS x20 repeat
4) bear crawls to circle (40 yards) and back then flutter kicks
5) inch worms to cone and back
6) bunny hops back and forth repeat
7) plank jacks x20, Bobby Hurley’s x20 repeat
Line up on curb for an all out sprint down and back long ways. Circle up.

Flutter kick until several audible groans are heard then add 10 more, Boat- canoe with “rowing” And Plank leg lifts

COT and Name o Rama

Waffle house, G6, earwax, Franke, Leonardo, double wide, bluebird, Snitch, mogul, pusher, cat gut, rainbow, abacus, Flanders, proton, would shack, QVC, walkabout, Rusty, QuickBooks, worm,  Pfeiffer, belding, Bonnie, Frenchy, dimples, plunger, cheatsheet, Coolio, detention, butterfly, Fabio, Gibler, porcelain, Doubtfire, Charman, compost, Cap’n Crunch, Umbro, tank

First line in a great book called A Purpose Driven Life is….
Its not about you.
Quit being the center of your universe.
Stop thinking what do I want, what do I need, what can I get out of this.
Today’s society is all about me.

This week think about how you are putting yourself in front of others. Your wife…your kids….your neighbor.
Change where you are in line.

Moleskin:  it was a little chaotic today, at first but the teams showed good teamwork by sharing the load on the mosey. It’s always a blessing for me to come out to the asylum and spend time with this crew. Great job today by all, sorry about the phone glitches and throwing the BOM out of order.

Rock elevators

THE SCENE: 32…slight breeze….COLD!



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 20 IC
  • Squats (4ct) x 20 IC
  • This/That stretch


  1. Mosey to the corner below Asylum building.
    • Burpee Mile – start with 1 burpee at first light pole and +1 at each successive pole.   Stop at the white trailer at the base of Everest.   Total of 14 poles = 105 burpees!
  2. Mosey up Everest….forward first half, Bernie Sanders 2nd half
  3. Circle up and each man grab a rock for some elevators on the long hill.
    • Stop 1:  25 curls
    • Stop 2:  25 curls, 25 OH Press
    • Stop 3:  25 curls, 25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat
    • Stop 4:  25 curls, 25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on your rock
    • Stop 5:  25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on your rock
    • Stop 6:  25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on Rock
    • Stop 7:  25 Merkins on Rock


  • Flutter kicks x 25
  • Hello Dolly x 25
  • Slutter kick x 25
  • 1 minute of AMRAP LBCs

16 PAX:  Quickbooks, Archie, Umbro, Rainbow, Neutron, Pusher, Bluebird, Booster, Streak, Doublewide, Snitch, Catgut, Cheatsheet, Rusty, Bunny, Bartman

Yesterday was Pearl Harbor day….which means to today is the day President Roosevelt addressed our nation and declared that we were officially at war.   Yesterday our country was caught sleeping, but today we began to pull ourselves up out of the ashes and prepare for what is likely our finest hour on the world stage.  The bible is full of characters who had to pull themselves out of the ashes as well:  Joseph, David, Moses, Job, Peter….the list goes on.   The challenge for you today is:  what are you going to do about challenges you face on a daily basis?   Are you going to wallow because of yesterday’s failures and hardships or are you going to pick yourself up, be a man, and do something about it?   The choice is yours.

Special prayer for Ratchet’s family as they’re dealing with the loss of their home in the California fires.

3rd F event tomorrow at the Outlook…..be there!!

Bring your Rock to Work Day

THE SCENE: Low 30s and clear.  Perfect weather to wake you up

SSH x 20, with a stop, regroup and restart

CP x 10

BAC x10, forward and back

Little of This and That, waiting on Archie to join us

Tempo Squats x15

Tempo Merkins x15


  • Mosey to the rock pile, pair up (Sorry, Archie!)
  • Partners grab a good sized rock, make friends and give it a name.
  • P1 takes rock to the top of the space station to show it the view while P2 does set of 20 Merkins, 20 Hello Dollys and 20 Lunges.  Switch up
  • Mosey with your pet rock (switch carrying as partner needs) to station 1
  • Station 1:  20 BBS, feet to feet with partner, handing off rock every other time
  • Mosey to Station 2
  • One partner runs to front door of Asylum and rings the door bell while other does squats or overhead lifts.  Swap out, rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey to Station 3, back to back with partner, rotating and handing rock back and forth x 20. (I’m sure there’s an F3 name for this, but I have no idea what it is).
  • Mosey up the hill back to the rock pile.
  • P1 runs to the space station while P2 does curls, then switch out.  Then say bye to your pet rock.
  • Mosey to AO, where there’s time to Bernie up the hill and back down.

Gibbler leads us in some American Hammers.  Around 30 but I lost count.  Some box cutters and a little boat canoe
7 strong.  Gibbler, Code Brown, Streak, Archie, Waffle House, Crab Legs, Charmin
Dealing with our kids can seem like a cage match (especially during puberty) and tests ourselves as fathers.  A couple of key things for us Dads to remember:  Don’t exasperate our kids, but instruct with God’s Word (Ephesians 6:4) and remember that “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  (Proverbs 15:1)
Shout out to our pet rocks today:  Coolio, Peter, Rocky and Apollo Creed.
2nd F event this Saturday after the Big Ball.  No Asylum this Saturday.

Back day with a little leg…

26 showed up to work the other half of the body.  Great day for back!

5:30 COT

  • Side Straddle Hop X 25
  • Imperial Squat Walkers X 15
  • Baby Arm Circles x 15 each way
  • Merkin x 15
  • Bropees x 10

Bermuda Triangle – 2 Second Hold-  3 Stations. 1- Pull-up, 2 Rows, 3- Wall jumps/step-ups.

Break up into four groups and run to each station.  Every time you pass the Flag Pole do 10 Blockees.

  • 10 Pull-Ups x 4 rounds
  • 20 Picnic Table Rows X 4 Rounds
  • 20 Wall Jumps or step up x 4 Rounds

Aiken Legs – Play Ground Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg) – Run around lot.

  • 20 Superman swims x 2
  • 20 pickle pounders

Dora Duece – 2 trips up each exercise (add additional if time)

  • Squat to overhead press
  • Bent over Rows

Cash Out – Burp and Merc Ladder -1 Burpee increasing the push-ups every time up to 10

BOM – Take time to invest in others.

Slopping Through the FakeGloom

THE SCENE: Raining and cool

10 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward, 10 Baby Arm Circles Backward


Mosey to parking lot by South Ball Fields.

We will exercise in the four corners of this parking lot, sprinting between each exercise.  The exercises are:

  • Northwest Corner:  20 Merkens
  • Southwest Corner:  20 Imperial Walkers
  • Southeast Corner:  20 High Step Kicks
  • Northeast Corner:  20 Carolina Drydocks
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to the Pavilion by South Ball Fields.

Elevens at the picnic tables.  Start with 10 Decline Merkens off bench of table and 1 Table Pull Up laying down on ground.  End with 1 Decline Merken and 10 Pull Ups.  Then do one minute squat with back to wall of pavilion.

Mosey to Dugout Area of Baseball Field

Do as many pull-ups as possible on one hang.  Hang for another 20 seconds when done.

Mosey to Park Perimeter Trail and Head East.  Then Go North as Trail Turns That Direction.  Go about 30 Yards North.

20 Squats

Mosey North Again to Serpentine Sidewalk that Heads West Back to Roadway

Lunge to first light.  Sprint next four lights.  Lunge to sixth light.  Sprint next four lights.  Keep doing this in increments of five lights until we get to roadway.

Mosey North on Roadway to Road Block Sign.

20 Ice Skaters by road sign block.  Then run up hill to gate at top of roadway.  20 Calf Raises.  Repeat.

Mosey The Very Short Distance Back to AO

Seven men.

Many men claim they want to be Men of Honor.  We almost intuitively know what it means.  But as humans we fall short.  Authors of novels often create heroes that are incredible examples of Honorable Men.  Yet, these same authors fall way short in terms of being the heroes they created in their stories.  We could all write a story about an honorable man – we need to try to be the hero that we would create in our own story.  Wake up each day giving effort to become the Honorable Man that you yourself have created in your own mind.  We begin to do that by:

  • Making the effort to go to F3 Beat Downs.
  • Enriching our minds and hearts by attending worship services.
  • Smiling when we come home to family, even after a hard day when we do not feel like smiling.
  • Giving credence to the unique wonder of each person we see and talk to.
  • Place love above money and power.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
3rd F this Saturday, 8:30 AM at Outlook.  Do not meet at Asylum for Saturday morning workout.  Go to Big Ball instead.