F3 Knoxville

Asylum Crushed by 5 Gents as we Pressed On

THE SCENE: Cold blistering 32 ͦ but a clear morning


In cadence, in position,

  1. 20 Side-straddle-hops, 4ct
  2. 15 Cherry pickers, 4ct

Starting out at the AO, went baseline to baseline, East to West,

  • 15 merkins to 1 Big Boy Situp, (-) 1 Merkin to (+) 1 BBS until 1 Merkin to 15 BBS


Mosey to the Playground for

  • 10 Burpee Box Jumps then
  • 20 BBS then
  • 20 Single Leg Lunges,
  • repeat 1x


Mosey to parking lot for some more fun…

  1. Run to first workout,
  2. 20 Merkins, run to next
  3. 20 Squats, run to next
  4. 20 Little Boy Crunches, run to next
  5. 20 Smurf Jacks, then 1 full lap, and repeat dropping to 15 reps on round 2…then 10 reps for round 3

–Recover– and Mosey back to the AO

Then it’s time to get on your six and lets do some…

Boat-Canoe and to finish up the Q we end with Hello Dolly in cadence.

5 Pax went strong,

When we are out in the world are we identified as having the Holy Spirit in us? Read from John 20:27: Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

When others see us, do they see Jesus in how we live and act? We can say all we want that we are followers of Christ, but our actions say more than our words. We need to wear the scars of Jesus; as in the passage, and emit the light of the Holy Spirit daily. When looking at us, we need to be able to be identified as a follower of Christ and wear his scars. It starts first with Family then to Friends and Co-workers.
Included praying for my wife (whom has the flu) and for the Pax and F3

Reading to the Kids

THE SCENE: 30 and clear


  • Side stratal hop 20
  • Imperial squat walker 10
  • Cherry Pickers 10
  • Baby arm circles 10



  • Stop 1- 5 burpees
  • Stop 2- 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit
  • Stop 3 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers
  • At Cardiac:Berney Sanders to first bend, alligator crawl(10) bear crawl to second sprint to top
  • Stop 4 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 20 Hand Release Merican’s
  • Stop 5 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 20 Hand Release Merican’s, 25 froggy squat
  • Stop 6 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 20 Hand Release Merican’s, 25 froggy squat, 30 on a 3 cnt or 60  lbc’s
  • Reverse
  • Stop 6 – 5 burpees , 10 big boy sit, 15 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 20 Hand Release Merican’s, 25 froggy squat
  • Stop 5 – 5 burpees , 5 big boy sit, 10 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 15 Hand Release Merican’s, 20 froggy squat
  • Stop 4 –  5 burpees , 5 big boy sit, 10 cheat sheet cherry pickers , 15 Hand Release Merican’s
  • Stop 3 –  5 burpees , 5 big boy sit, 10 cheat sheet cherry pickers
  • Stop 2 –  5 burpees , 5 big boy sit
  • Stop 1 –  5 burpees

Typically when putting the kids to bed it is easy to let her do the bed time reading when I know I should share the responsibility.  Recently reading the daily devotional 4128-uncommen-being-better-husbands-and-fathers-daily it mentioned that kids who are read to by dad, according to a study by Harvard University researchers, have better-developed language skills than kids who were read to by mom.   It goes to show that easy way is not always the best way.

Waffle house shared afterwards that reading to his kids (oldest is 16) is still an extremely rewarding experience!


Kill the Turkey

THE SCENE: Gorgeous sunrise. At one point, we were just going to climb 1/2 of Everest, but with no view of the rising sun, Proton proclaimed, “Let’s just run to the top of Everest so we can see the sun rise.” A great idea. I almost puked.


-Mosey around parking lot x1

-Continue moseying around parking lot and periodically doing the following: Lunge / Reverse Lunge / Side shuffle / BBS / Bear Crawls / Merkins / Carolina Dry Dock (no more than 10 reps of each…just gettin’ the blood flowin’)


Mosey to Everest. Along the way at various locations in order to keep the PAX together—American Hammer, Derkins, LBCs, Merkins.

At the base of Everest.

  • SSH x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Squats x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Burpee x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Merkin x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • BBS x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Sprint Everest…all the way up.
  • Plank at the top. Mosey back to base of Everest.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to AO

Circuit. Groups of 3. 1st Pax on one line doing 1st exercise. 2nd Pax on line 20 yards away doing second exercise. 3rd Pax runs from 1st to 2nd and switches with 2nd Pax who then runs. AMRAP 3 Minutes per round.

  1. SSH + Squats
  2. Calf Raises + Lunges
  3. Peter Parker + Sundials
  4. Mountain Climbers (or Merkins) + Hello Dolly

5 minutes of Dealers Choice.

28. High Heels, Pluto, Abacus, Proton, Pheiffer, Hawk, Abcess, Sleepwalker, LillyDipper, Saul, CheatSheet, Scooter, Hooker, Cap’N Crunch, Umbro, QVC, LifeChamp, Rainbow, Pablo, Pinto, Gus, Anklet, Archie, Abort, A-Rod, Mr. Jinxy

FNG: Probe

I spent several hours on Thursday looking through pictures and videos from the past 5-10 years.

  • Epiphany #1: There were always more people surrounding me in community than I realized during that period of life.
  • Epiphany #2: There was always more joy than I realized during that period of life.

New personal goal: Shorten the time gap between the Present Moment and the Moment of Realization.

lots of leg, thigh, and breast meat…

THE SCENE: 32°F and clear

• SSH x20 (IC)
• Ankle Biters x10 (IC)
• Imperial Walkers x20 (IC)
• Peter Parkers x10 (IC)
• SSH x10 (IC)

• Escalation
Two minutes each drill, 1 round (30 sec break between drills, 2 rounds)
Learn about what the other guys at your station are thankful for. Share after the first round.
Drill    Shuttle Exercise       Exercise On Spot
○ 1          Sprint                    Merkins
○ 2         Lunges                     BBS
○ 3       Bear Crawl                Burpees
○ 4          Sprint              Carolina Dry Docks
○ 5       Broad Jump                Squats
○ 6        Crab Walk                Burpees
None- ran out of time
8- Snitch, Umbro, Neutron, Music City, Hawk, Gibbler, Slide Rule, Archie (QIC)

My take away from GrowRuck:
Knowing how to follow is just as important as knowing how to lead. It’s all about balance and knowing what role you are in. Be humble.

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:1-8‬ ‭ESV

The Tuesday Thursday Asylum regulars are a solid group. I look forward to getting to know these guys better going forward.

Mr. Tuesday’s Pre-Turkey Ramble

THE SCENE:  Partly cloudy, temp in the 50’s.

Five Burpees, 20 Side Straddle Hops, Four Burpees, 15 Mountain Climbers, Three Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, Two Burpees, 10 Slow Timed Squats, One Burpee, 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward, 10 Backward

Mosey to Lighted Parking Lot Above Playground

Suicide Sprints to Each Light Along Parking Lot.  Each time back we will do 10 Merkens.  Repeat but each time back do 10 Big Boy Sit-ups.

Mosey to Lighted Sidewalk that Is North of Chapel and which Leads to Park Perimeter Trail

Bear crawl to first light.  Sprint to fifth light.  Bear crawl to sixth light. Sprint to tenth light.  Keep doing this in increments of five lights until we get to perimeter trail.

20 Squats and 40 Baby Crunches in grassy area by perimeter trail.

Mosey to Cardiac Hill

Sprint up hill and do:

  • 20 Bicycle Kicks at First Turn
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks at Second Turn
  • 20 Bench Lifts at top
  • Repeat

Mosey Back to Base Camp

Run around the bases with each base being a corner of the parking lot.

  • First Base:  20 Squats
  • Second Base:  20 Squat Jumps
  • Third Base:  20 Imperial Walkers
  • Home Plate:  20 Star Jumps
  • Repeat


Four men attended, all over 50 years in age.  The Goats!
On this day, two days before Thanksgiving, we do have much to be thankful for.  Our health is one thing and we thank God for the recovery of Crawdad, Edit, and Preacher, who hopefully will be able to work out soon.  We also pray for the recovery of Barney, who has been sidelined for months and may be sidelined for many more months.  We are thankful for our nation and the abundant resources we have in America.  We are thankful for our families and our brothers in F3.  We are mostly thankful for our God that watches over us.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Next 3rd F event is December 9.