F3 Knoxville

Cinder-block Baptism

78 and Humid

Intro and Disclaimer

SSHs x15 IC
Imperial Walkers x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Toy Soldiers x15 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward/Backward x10 IC
These Right Here and Those Over There
Slow Merkins x10 IC

Number off 1 to 4. Each PAX grabs CMU and mosey to selected corner of parking lot.

Parking Lot Stations
Each corner is a different station, and each PAX will run with CMU to next station until time is called.
St1: 10 Blockees + 10 CMU Swings
St2: 10 CMU American Hammers + 10 CMU Shoulder Presses
St3: 10 Dive Bombers + 10 CMU Vertical Rows
St4: 10 CMU Back Rows + 10 Big Boy Sit Ups

After time is called, PAX circle up at the center of the parking lot.

PAX performs Colt 45 OYO. Mosey to Cardiac carrying CMU.

Cardiac Stations
PAX will bring CMU to each station and perform the following:
At the bottom, x10 CMU Squat Jumps
After first turn all the way to second turn, CMU Lunges
At second turn, x10 Star Jumps
At the top, x10 Blockees

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to front of park. Partner up for next evolution.

Dora’s in the Fish Bowl
150 CMU Shoulder Press
100 BBS

Count-off and Name-O-Rama

As we carried the CMUs around today, we also carry burdens that weigh down our lives. The good news is that we have a God that will carry those for us and we need to remember this in the times we attempt to take care of them ourselves.

It was HOT out there today but the PAX was ready to conquer the challenge. We went to work and broke a few CMUs along the way. Way to get better men!

99 Problems

79 degrees and gorgeous

Disclaimer given by P-nut


Side Saddle Hop        IC x20
Merkins                       IC x15
Baby Arm Circle          IC x15
Reverse Arm Circle     IC x16
Imperial Walkers          IC x10
Calf Raises                  IC x15
Burpees                       OYO x5

Quick mosey down toward the entrance of Lakeshore Park and quickly back to the AO

99 Problems
99 Starjacks w/ uphill mosey to Asylum parking lot and back
99 Merkins w/ uphill mosey repeat
99 Squats w/ uphill mosey repeat
99 Mountain Climbers w/ uphill mosey repeat
99 Bicycles w/ uphill mosey repeat
99 LBC’s w/ uphill mosey repeat

DORAs w/Battle Buddy:
Alternating 150 yard sprints with 99 squats
Rinse and repeat with 99 Carolina Dry Docks

Ring of Fire
5 merkins, 4 merkins, 3 merkins, 2 merkins and 1 merkins

Hello Dolly      (Hooker)
Boat-Canoe    (Abscess)
American Hammer (Cap’n Crunch)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

14 PAX embraced the SUCK on a humid June Saturday. Lots of good mumblechatter and energy.

P-nut read from Galatians 6:2. He encouraged us all to bear one another’s burdens. We all have obstacles and troubles in life, and it’s important to share your burdens with other men. Let’s encourage one another.

P-nut took prayer requests, including Crawdad’s daughter Danielle (strep throat) and prayers for Edit’s safe completion of a triathlon event in Chattanooga this weekend.

It was energizing to see Jump Around back in town. We are grateful for two new PAX members (Buc and Kees) for posting three times in their first week with F3 (T-claps). Abscess is back and stronger than ever. Cap’n Crucnh showed all of us up by running 2.5 miles prior to the post. Woodshack invited an FNG (Mirror) and then didn’t post. From henceforth when this situation occurs (invitation extended without the host showing up), we will refer to this as “Woodshacking.”

It was a great, spirited day at the Asylum.

Rainy Day Play Time

72 and Rainy

Welcome and Disclaimer

Twist and Pivot x25 IC
Squat Jacks x20 IC
Little baby arm circles Front x15 and back x15 IC
Mountain Climbers x20 IC
Ranger Merkins x20 IC
Run two laps around parking lot

Line up along the curb of the parking lot

10 Lunges (10 each leg)
10 Burps (Burpees without the pushup and the standing)
10 Pushups
Sprint back

Rinse and repeat x5.

Mosey to covered area

Alternating Merkins and Rows
Pick a number of reps, then do the following
1) Merkins (Rd 1)
Normal (Rd 2)
Ranger (Rd 3)
Wide (Rd 4)
Alternating Right then Left (Rd 5)
2) Rows
3) Box Jumps x 10

Mosey to parking lot next to playground

11’s – (Audible to 5)
BBS then
Devin Hester
Patty Cake Merkins

Mosey to the top of Cardiac Hill

Hello Dolly x25 IC
Flutter Kicks x25 IC

Number off and Name o Rama

Galatians 6:9-10 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.  So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

It was a rainy morning, but the 14 PAX who braved the weather worked hard and got better.  Mumblechatter was high and the men worked hard.  Great way to start a Friday.

Sand Bag Hill

80 degrees and cloudy

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Saddle Hop        ICx20
Squat                          ICx15
Baby Arm Circle        ICx15
Reverse Arm Circle   ICx15
Imperial Walkers      ICx10
Merkins                      ICx10

Grab a Battle Buddy and move to the hill beside the AO; each group has a 50lb sand bag

Sandbag Hill
BB#1 runs up the hill w/ sandbag and does 10 merkins; returns to bottom
BB#2 squats continuously while BB#1 is running

Rinse and repeat 3x

Indian Run to grassy area near Northshore entrance

Pit-stop #1
Carolina Dry Docks ICx10
Ring of Fire with 5 merkins, 4 merkins, 3 merkins, 2 merkins and 1 merkins

Indian Run to coupon pile

Gone in 60 Seconds
Overhead Press         As many as you can in 60 seconds
Weighted Squats       As many as you can in 60 seconds
Merkins                      As many as you can in 60 seconds
Weighted Squats       As many as you can in 60 seconds

Return coupons and run to Pavilion

Pit-stop #2
Dips ICx10
Incline Merkins ICx15

Mosey back to the AO

Hello Dolly      led by Proton
Boat-Canoe    led by Bookworm
LBC                 led by P-nut
Mountain Climbers   ICx15  led by P-nut


9 PAX came out and did WORK on a muggy Tuesday afternoon. Great, spirited mumblechatter.

P-nut read from Daniel 3 and told the story of Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego. King Nebuchadnezzar threw them into the fiery furnace because of their faith in God and their refusal to worship any pagan gods. God took care of them and didn’t allow them to be harmed in the fire. P-nut reminded the PAX that God still protects us today from hardship and strife- if we submit AND commit to Him.

P-nut took prayer requests, including Hooker’s uncle and prayers of praise for P-nut’s son, JT (ankle healing).

The PAX came ready to sweat. Proton and Woodshack arrived in similar antique Jeeps and matching F3 shirts. The other 7 members of the PAX were instantly reminded that they were in the presence of the West Knoxville “cool kids.” I think that they called one another to match vehicles and outfits.

God loves you and I do too.

Burpback Mountain

70 and humid

Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x20 IC
Divebombers x10 IC
Toy Soldiers x10 IC
Calf raises x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles x20 IC

4 Stations
Four stations set up in the four corners of the parking lot.  Progress from one station to another as follows:
1. Shoulder Press with coupon. Bear Crawl to Station 2
2. 20 merkins. Crab walk to Station 3
3. 20 Big Boy Sit ups. Duck walk to Station 4
4. 20 squat jumps. Broad jump back to Station 1

Rinse and repeat x3

Mosey to Everest for some Burpback Mountain.

Burpback Mountain
Pick a partner DORAs. While one partner does burpees, other partner runs Everest twice.  At the top each time he does 5 American Hammers.  Once your partner comes back from the second run, partner 2 runs Everest and partner 1 does burpees.  Repeat until you have combined for 100 burpees.

Mosey back to AO for Abs

Boat/Canoe led by Bookworm
American Hammers x25 IC (led by Dial Up)
Number Off and Name O Rama

Find time with the Lord and rest with Him. Don’t be afraid to pray for big and great things, because we are meeting with a big and great God who wants the best for us.

The PAX was focused and ready to work. It was good to see some newer faces staying consistent and coming out on a Friday. PAX tackled Burpback Mountain and crushed it, returning to the AO in high spirits.