F3 Knoxville

The Calm Before the Snowstorm

AO: asylum-am
Q: Double Wide
PAX: Waffle House (Brady Greene), Bunny, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Double Wide, Hands, P3, Sawdust, Tropicana
FNGs: None
SSH, big and small arm circles, cherry pickers, this and that, calves on the curb, jog down and back

To the Cloud
Up downs while chopping,
11’s with Hand release merkins and hots seats
Increasing reps of jump squats on the lower dragon
Interval sprints on the upper dragon
Return on the dragon with Iron Mikes at each pole
Back to the Cloud for 7’s with burpees and LBC’s

A quick stretch

P3 gonna work in a Cardinal next week

Need refocus my prayer efforts. It’s spiritual warfare out there brothers.

[juco-rush] Hill Play

AO: juco-rush
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Data, Trash Panda (JUCO), Tooth Fairy, Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney), Cheap Ride, Butterknife, Erector
FNGs: None
1 mile

30 seconds on w/ equal recovery time
60 seconds on w/ equal recovery time
90 seconds on w/ equal recovery time

Repeat 5 times




[the-pulpit] Cardinal Memorial Workout

AO: the-pulpit
Q: Betty
PAX: Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Ike, Leland Robbins (Geiger), Sawdust, Smoked Pickle, Chuck
FNGs: None
THE THANG: To honor & recognize :cardinal:, we replicated :cardinal:’s :vq: that included an escalation of burpees in 2 sets of 4 rounds starting at 5 reps and increasing by 5 reps each round. The final round had the PAX performing 2 sets of 20 burpees in cadence.

MARY: Series of ab workouts with Hello Dolly & Flutter Kicks


COT: Remembering we’re not promised tomorrow and to live today to the fullest and tell our loved ones that we love them.

[clinton-otb] Tabata Stations

AO: clinton-otb
Q: Bail Bonds
PAX: Colonel (Alex Wallace), Mathlete, flyball, Michael Foster (30 Second Warning)
FNGs: 1 Michael Foster (30 Second Warning)
10 Burpees or 15 Merkins
TN Rocking Chairs
10 Burpees or 15 Merkins
Cherry Pickers
Triple Threats
10 Burpees or 15 Merkins
Arm Circles, forward and backward
10 Burpees or 15 Merkins
Shoulder Taps
Monkey Humpers
10 Burpees or 15 Merkins

Tabata timer, 1 minute work, 15 sec transition, 7 stations:
1. 15# Ball Slams
2. 35# KB Thrusters
3. 25# Dumbbell Curls
4. Alternating 15# KB Swings
5. 40# Dumbbell Goblet Squat
6. LBCs
7. Burpees or Merkins

Slowsy Jog
Plank Hold

Forg3 1/24-26

In the spirit of resolutions, make a resolution to focus on vs.22-23 and to steer away, repenting of, anything we may struggle with in vs. 19-21. Let’s keep showing up to build discipline and resilience in the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our lives, as we lead as men.

Galatians 5:19-23 NLT

[19] When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, [20] idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, [21] envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

[22] But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [23] gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

[the-pulpit] The 12 Pains of Christmas

AO: the-pulpit
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Betty, Smoked Pickle, Leland Robbins (Geiger), Ike, Chuck
FNGs: None
– Tempo Merkins
– Stretching
– Cherry Pickers
– Abe Vigodas
– Rockettes
– Tie-Fighters
– X-Wings

The 12 Pains of Christmas –
1. [Partridge in a Pear Tree] Peter Parker Pickle Pounder
2. [Turtle Doves] Big Boys
3. [French Hens] Imperial Squat Walkers
4. [Calling Birds] Monkey Humpers (4-Ct.)
5. [Gold Rings] Burpees
6. [Geese a Laying] Sumo Squats
7. [Swans a Swimming] Hello Dolly
8. [Maids a Milking] Gas Pumpers
9. [Ladies Dancing] Dancing Bears (4-Ct.)
10. [Lords a Leaping] Jungle Bois
11. [Pipers Piping] Lt. Dans
12. [Drummers Drumming] Alt. Shoulder Taps (4-Ct.)

MARY: No time for her.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter from the Nan’tan about an F3 Brother names Waldo

C.S. Lewis spoke at length about joy in his book Surprised by Joy

Luke 2:10 – But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people.”

Happiness & pleasure are fleeting and do not sustain. Joy however is deep in our souls. It comes from knowing the Almighty and His Love for Us. That does not mean that every path will be flat & wide. But carrying this Joy in our hearts will help us weather any storm.