F3 Knoxville

Shared Burden…

80 and sunny

(IC): Cherry Pickers x 10, Rockettes x 10, Windmills x 10
Mosey up road and down cardiac hill, then to coupon pile past baseball fields

Coupon Circuit
Grab 2 coupons and circle up
a. Overhead press x 30 (IC)
b. Bicep curls x 20 (IC)
c. Tricep extensions x 20 (IC)
d. American Hammer with coupon x 20 (IC)

From here on out be sure to share the duties of carrying the CMU

Mosey to AO to grab CMU, mosey with CMU to bottom of cardiac hill

Circuit with CMU
a. Sprint 10 light posts, burpees x 5 @ 10th light post, run backwards 10 light posts, mountain climbers x 10 @10th light post
b. Sprint, jump squat x 15, grapevine right x 5 light posts, BBS x 20
c. Sprint, merkins x 15, grapevine left x 5 light posts, dive bomber x 10

Mosey back to AO with CMU and set it down
Flutter kicks x 20, BBS x 20, Hello Dolly x 20 (All IC)

Number off (3) and Name-o-rama

The purpose of this workout was to share a weight. The CMU, as life often is, was quite heavy and a burden. I want us to remember to share with our brothers: share the good and the bad times, don’t hold back, give all you have to help them out. This can be physically, spiritually, emotionally. Help with everyday tasks, be honest with each other. Older men in our lives have more than likely been through the same times and struggles, younger men will likely go through them at some point, and men our age are possibly experiencing them currently. Let’s use this to build each other, learn from each other, and build one another up!
PAX presence this afternoon was weak, we had some out on injuries and for work. We are tired and sore from carrying the CMU all over The Asylum. Goes to show that the more brothers that are present to support you, the easier life is. You will learn more, pour into others more, and be fulfilled to a greater extent. Let’s get out there and support each other this week! How can I help you?

Submitted by Hooker

This Ain’t Narnia!

62 and Clear

Side Straddle hops – 20x
Rockettes- 20x
Imperial Walkers- 20x
Baby Arm Circles – Forward and back 10x each direction
Route 66 – The Narnia Lampposts Edition
The PAX began the workout on the frontside of the AO Trail.  The PAX had a series of 5 exercises. Each exercise was one round of 11 lampposts.

The 5 exercises were:
– Jump Squats
– Burpees
– Dive Bombers
– Big Boy Sit Ups
– Mericans

The PAX bear crawled to the first lamppost where he completed one Jump Squat. He would bear crawl to the next lamppost and complete two Jump Squats and so on until the 11th lamppost finishing with 11 Jump Squats. Following the 11th post, the PAX would run back to the beginning to begin round two of Burpees.

After round 1 (a quarter mile of bear crawls) there was an audible called changing the bear crawls to sprints in between lampposts.

The majority of the PAX Completed 3 rounds. And moseyed back to the AO for ABS

In total the PAX:
Bear Crawled close to a quarter mile
Completed 66 Jump Squats
Completed 66 Burpees
Competed 66 Dive Bombers
(Some made it to Big Boy Sit Ups)
Big Boy Sit-ups until the whole PAX was back together
Not So Lazy Boys
Flutter Kicks- 20x on a 3 count
Lance Armstrong’s (Bicycles) -20x on a 3 count

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

There is no easy path to growth.  Physical, mental and spiritual growth requires something of you and requires you to stay the course.  The road may seem long and hard at times, but look around…your F3 brothers are with you the whole way!


Plunger’s Revenge…

43 and Clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side-straddle Hop x20 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
Rockettes x 10 (IC)
Blast-off Merkin x15 (IC)
Baby Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
Baby Arm Circles Backward x 10 (IC)

Line up on the curb on one end of the parking lot

Parking Lot Runs
Jump Squats x25
Dragon Walk across parking lot

Dry Docks x25
Mario Lunges across parking lot

Merkins x25
Backwards Bear Crawl across parking lot

Mountain Climbers x25 (4-count)
Duck Walk across parking lot

Mosey to bottom of Everest

Mt. Burpee
10 Burpees
Run up and down Everest
9 Burpees
Run up and down Everest
8 Burpees
Run up and down Everest
continue until Q calls time

Mosey back to AO

Sit ups x30 (IC)
“You can’t worship God as a means to anything. That is, the affections of the heart for God are an end in themselves.” -John Piper
21 PAX got up to “punch Friday in the face.” The workout proved to be pretty difficult, but the PAX worked well to encourage each other throughout the morning. Not much mumblechatter on Everest, but I assume that’s because no one could breath (including myself). Lots of sitting at the end of abs indicates a solid beatdown.

Just Keep Moving

Chilly, steady wind, sunny

Side straddle hop x 30
Cherry pickers x 10
Windmills x 10
Rockettes x 10

Thursday Night Mayhem
Mosey around Everest and up the road to the yellow gate; do 10 burpees OYO

Mosey up the upper road, down the second set of stairs to parking wall; wall sit x 90 sec.

Mosey around backside of Asylum on top road to coupon pile

Grab two coupons: tricep extensions x 20, overhead press x 20, chest fly x 20; return coupons IC

Mosey to bottom of cardiac hill

Sprint to first switchback, backwards run to second, sprint to top benches

Merkins x 20, mountain climbers x 20, squats x 20 OYO

Mosey back to parking lot

Big boy situps x 50
Hello dolly x 25
Flutter kicks x 20 IC

Dealer’s choice:
1. Lance Armstrong x 25 (Plunger) IC
2. blast off merkin x 15 (Plunger) IC

Number Off & Name-O-Rama

Verse: James 1:19 – “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”
This was the first verse I ever memorized and has meant more to me as I grow older. I find that I speak so much and sometimes I wonder “what would that person have said to me during that time if I hadn’t been talking?” But when I don’t speak and I do listen, especially to those who are older and wiser than I, that I learn so much. This has been something that has been on my heart a lot recently. When I stay calm, when I don’t speak, and when I stop and listen, I learn from those around me, I keep a good witness for the Lord by not getting angry, and best of all, I hear and learn from Him in times of quiet and silence. I encourage each of you to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger so as to learn and understand what God is doing in your life and the lives of others.

60 Seconds…

64 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer


  • SSH x30 (IC)
  • Dive Bombers x15 (IC)
  • Toy Soldiers x15 (IC)
  • Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
  • Arm Circles Backward x10 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
  • Run the parking lot x2

Mosey to the paver pile and grab two coupons. Then mosey back to the parking lot and line up on the curb near the hill.

We will have 6, 1 minute rounds in a pyramid (R1 = 1min, R2 = 2min, … , R6 = 6min). Between rounds do suicide sprints across the parking lot (run to 1st cone, run back to start, run to 2nd cone run back to start, run to far curb and back to start)

  • Round 1 – Flyes
  • Round 2 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats
  • Round 3 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats, Curls
  • Round 4 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats, Curls, Mountain Climbers
  • Round 5 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats, Curls, Mountain Climbers, Arnold Presses
  • Round 6 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats, Curls, Mountain Climbers, Arnold Presses, Reverse Lunges

Circle up for abs

Captain Thors – x8 (IC)

Number off and Name-O-Rama (1 FNG – Uncle Rico)

The opposite of manhood isn’t womanhood, it’s boyhood (1 Corinthians 10:11 – When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.).  The difference between manhood and boyhood is not a sense of fun and zest for life, it’s maturity.  We don’t want to loose the joy of living, but the world…our loved ones…NEED us to be men.  The need us to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, expect a greater reward…God’s reward.  Each morning at F3 we come together to get better physically, mentally and spiritually in the context of other men.  Men teach us how to be better men, so keep coming and keep giving!

The Knoxville PAX loves to kick off the week with a bang!  Monday’s are usually well attended and this morning was no different.  Everyone showed up ready to get better.  It was a great morning…I would expect nothing less.  AYE!!

Strength and Honor,
Cap’n Crunch