F3 Knoxville

[juco-rush] Hill Play

AO: juco-rush
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Fetch, Erector, Cheap Ride, Butterknife, Data
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Run to the neighborhood entrance.

THE THANG: 30/60/90
run 30 seconds with 30 seconds recovery back down the hill
run 60 seconds with 60 seconds recovery back down the hill
run 90 seconds with 90 second recovery back to the original starting point.
5 times

Cool down back to the shovel flag.




[the-pulpit] CMU Surprise

AO: the-pulpit
Q: Voodoo
PAX: Neon, Sawdust, Charmin (John Willis), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Leland Robbins (Geiger), Eliza, Betty, Rougarou, Smoked Pickle, Trojan
FNGs: None
Plenty of stretching

I came bearing gifts…CMUs

Partner up. One partner farmer carries CMU down US parking lot. Other partner does 3 BBS and runs to catch partner, then switch.

Stationed at LS cafeteria. Dora-style workout. One partner completes exercise while other moves to bus and back. One twist – both partner’s CMU must be used at all times.

Exercises were:
-walls sits
-OH press
-toe merkins

Completed two rounds then slowesy to mid point of parking lot where we resumed our first exercise making our way up behind the US to the resting place for the CMUs under the softball ramp.

Stopped at the turf for 10 no handed getups. Moseyed back to the flag for a few merkins

Discussed some takeaways from the book “Into the Wild.”
-life with less can be more fulfilling
-experienced are best when shared
-document your own life with pictures and/or journals
-Subject of the book blindly trusted so many strangers for rides, shelter, employment, etc and received a lot of help. What would happen if we all gave people we don’t know the benefit of the doubt? Gave them compassion, love, and respect as the default?

Worth a read, there is also a movie.

Just Another CMUseday

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Pac-man, Grandslam, Hands, Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), TRC/Crab legs
FNGs: None
– (25) SSH
– (10) Tempo Merkins
– (5) Cherry Pickers
– (10) Abe Vigoda’s
– (10) Rockettes
– (10) Tennessee Rockin’ Chairs
– (10 Each Way) Tie-Fighters
– (10) X-Wings
– (5) Burpees
– (10) Peter Parkers at the Base of Baby Everest
– Run to the Summit of Baby Everest
– (1) Man Maker at the Summit

– AMRAP Stations with 2 Rounds
– 6 Stations with the 7th taking (2) 25-lbs Dumbbells up the hill at the Dragon in a rifle carry and a farmer carry back down.
– After one full circuit we shuffled the deck and re-drew cards
– Exercises included, but not limited to:
– Straight Lifts
– Wood Choppers
– Man Maker Blockees
– Lt. Dans
– Squat Thrusters
– Lawn Mowers
– LBCs
– Big Boys
– Flutter Kicks
– Hello Dolly’s
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Bobby Hurleys
– After the 2nd Round we all carried :cmu: s in a Rifle Carry to the top and then on our way down we did exercises with our :cmu: at each light pole:
– Squats
– Lunges
– Curls
– OVHD Presses
– Triceps Extensions
– Lateral Twists
– Kettle Bell Swings

– (7) Burpees
– (1) Cherry Picker


Reviewed Matthew 11:28-30 how we should unburden our souls with the weights we carried. But also we remembered the “Peace That Transends All Understanding” in Philippians 4:4-7 as we give praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for all things. Not just the good things.

[juco-rush] Ladder

AO: juco-rush
Q: Cheap Ride
PAX: Trash Panda (JUCO), Wanderer, Erector, Fetch, Wagon Wheel
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 1.5 mi to track

THE THANG: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1 mi, 800, 400, 200, 100
200 recovery btw each

MARY: 1.5 mi from track

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thanks for handling the audible, adding the mile in between the 800s. Impressively done!


Ruckin’ Solar Eclipse

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Coolio (Greg Fox), Pac-man, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Gibbler, bluebird, Jack-Jack, Rugby
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Plant the :shovelflag:

THE THANG: Ruck for 3.89 Miles. Lost pace because someone was late after a late night of the collegiate basketball coaching changes, Matlock (Bill Maddox) ( :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:)

MARY: Nope

ANNOUNCEMENTS: the-pulpit launches Wednesday.

COT: Waffle House (Brady Greene) reminded us that Jesus chose his disciples, not for their religious acumen, but because of whom they were.