F3 Knoxville

Cover your family’s six.

Guys I have debated whether or not to send this out. I don’t want to seem crass or opportunistic but it is truly weighing heavy on my heart.

“We weren’t prepared to lose him…” Cardinal’s Wife.

Men this sentence has sat heavier and heavier with me since I first read it. Being a part of F3 means being a High Impact Man. One part of being a High Impact Man is making sure your family’s six is covered. Your M’s and 2.0’s will never be prepared to lose you but you can make sure that they are prepared to lose you.

Men, if you don’t have life insurance/income protection now is the time to get it. We have seen firsthand how immediate and unplanned our lives can end. Please, please, please don’t disregard this message. It is easy to get, monthly costs as much as a dinner for a family of 5 to eat out, some is ALWAYS better than none, and it never hurts to look it over again to make sure you have enough.

A few tips for buying life insurance:

Stay away from products that have savings tied to them. Products named, Whole Life, Universal Life, Cash Value etc. Stick with Term Life Insurance.

You’ll want your term to carry you ideally to retirement age. At which point you will hopefully be self insured with your retirement savings.

Don’t sacrifice term (length of coverage) for amount of coverage. Can’t afford $500,000 for 20 years now, then get $500,000 for 10 years and renew later.

You typically want 10 times your bring home pay. I.e. Your salary is $60,000 per year but $50,000 hits your bank account, then you’ll want $500,000 in coverage. That amount can be put in an investment account that will allow your wife and kids to withdraw 10% or $50,000 per year for 10+/-. This will allow your family time to grieve, give them margin,keep your family in their home, keep cars, etc.

If your M works you’ll want the same scenario listed above for her. If not, she still brings value into your home and you will need to hire someone to help out for a while. So consider coverage either way.

If this is confusing or you want to know more please reach out to someone you know. If you don’t know anyone or would like help navigating this please reach out to me. This is my passion in life. Making sure that families’ financial houses are strong and shored up.
I will gladly look over anything you have free of charge to make sure you and your family are properly protected. Don’t read this and not act on it. Reach out to me or someone you know. Just cover your family’s six.

1st PM Q 2023: New + Improved Tour de Pavilion

1st Q of 2023

1.3.23 — Asylum PM

5:45pm – 6:30pm

[ The Scene ]

  • 1st Q of the year
  • Setting the tone for the year

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • A few things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • SSH: 23×4
  • Mountain Climber: 23×4
  • Squat: 23×4
  • Merkin: 23×4
  • Flutter Kick: 23×4

(You just completed all of the exercises we will do tonight)

[ The Thang ]

The New + Improved Tour de Pavilion!

(Mosey to Pavilion Sr.)

(1) Pavilion Sr.

  • Pyramid 5s
    • Xs: SSH, Mountain Climber, Squat, Merkin, Flutter Kick (all on a 4 count)
    • Run through all 5 Xs, starting at 5 reps
    • When you’re done with all 5, run out to the circle and do 1 merkin
    • Run back and rinse and repeat, but with 10 reps for each X
    • Rinse and repeat until you complete 25 reps of all Xs and complete your last burpee

(Mosey to the Pavilion Jr.)

(2) Pavilion Jr.

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.”

  • Battle buddy up
  • 1 BB will be rocking 1 of the Xs here in the Pav. Jr. – while the other one runs out to the top of the island and executes 10 SSH (1-count)
  • You and your BB team will run through all 5 Xs here in the Pav. Jr.
    • No # to hit in the Pav. Jr.
    • Merkins can be incline or decline merkins

-All pax execute 25 final incline merkins together-

(Mosey back to the the flag)

[ COT ]

  • # off — 9
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs — 0
  • BOM

2023 – The Year of the Resolute Man

Resolute (adj.)

  • Admirably purposeful, determined, unwavering
  • Marked by firm determination, bold, steady

Resolutions have a very strong track record of failing and falling short by the wayside. Resolute men do not.

What do you want to be marked by this year? Picture yourself where you were just last week, but in 11 months from now. What story might you tell?

The Fake Gloomers Shut 2022 Down

F3 Q: 12.29.22

Last Asylum PM Q of 2022

[ The Scene ]

  • Chilly

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • A few things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • SSH: 22×4
    • Run to the opposite curb: 10 incline merkins — then back
  • Rockette: 22×4
    • Run to the opposite curb: 10 squats — then back
  • Imperial Walker: 22×4
    • Run to the opposite curb: 10 cherry pickers — then back
  • Mountain Climber: 22×4
    • Run to the opposite curb: 10 LBCs — then back
  • GradyCorns: 22×4
    • Run to the opposite curb: 10 flutter kicks — then back

[ The Thang – Keeping It Local ]

(1) 4 Corners

  • Representing the 4 quarters of 2022, with a lesson (mini-BOM) from each
  • Q1 (January – March)
    • All on a 1-count
    • 25 SSH
    • 25 Merkins
    • 25 Squats
    • 25 LBCs
    • The Lesson: The question — “Where are you?” Where you started this year is not where you will end it. Your location matters (physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually).
  • Q2 (April – June)
    • All on a 1-count
    • 25 Imperial Walkers
    • 25 Carolina Dry Docks
    • 25 Lunges
    • 25 Heel Raises
    • The Lesson: The name of the game is one foot in front of the other. KMF – Keep Moving Forward.

(As the year went on, sometimes things can get more difficult and that’s where we press in, versus checking out. Now everything will be on a 4-count)

  • Q3 (July – September)
    • All on a 4-count
    • 25 SSH
    • 25 Merkins
    • 25 Squats
    • 25 LBCs
    • The Lesson: Preparation makes the difference. (Wedding)
  • Q4 (October – December)
    • All on a 4-count
    • 25 Imperial Walkers
    • 25 Carolina Dry Docks
    • 25 Lunges
    • 25 Heel Raises
    • The Lesson: The ministry of presence and gathering is sometimes all anybody needs. (Convergence – weekly discipline)

(Mosey to The Pavilion)

(2) There And Back Again

  • All Xs are 20 + on a 1 count
  • 4 sides of the table (2 short, 2 long)
    • Long: Sitting Squats
    • Short: Incline Merkins
  • Execute 1 side of your table, then run to the flag and execute 10 single-count LBCs
  • Rinse and repeat until you finish all 4 sides of your table
  • Wall sit when you’re done

(Mosey back to the AO for Mary)

[ Mary ]

The final ATMs + SWS of 2022

[ COT ]

  • # off
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs
  • BOM: Year In Review

Notable BBs from 2022:

  • January 2022 — https://f3knoxville.com/thank-you-for-the-accountability/ (Crispr)
    • Accountability
  • “What is true for all men seeking to Accelerate is that it works better as a Group than as a Singleton. Together, we pool our collective knowledge for the benefit of each individual and spur one another on to places we would never reach alone. This is the power of the Shield Lock. Together, we sharpen each other – as iron sharpens iron. It’s simple really. If you want to learn to run faster, just find a faster man. And chase him until you catch him.”
  • March 2022 — https://f3knoxville.com/drum-major-51/ (Drum Major)
    • Leadership
    • A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. —Lao Tzu
  • April 2022 — https://f3knoxville.com/asylum-saturday-am/ (Pusher)
    • One day at a time
    • Matthew 6:34 – “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
  • July 2022 — https://f3knoxville.com/zone-improvement-plan/ (Curveball)
    • Freedom
      • PETER MARSHALL Chaplin of US Senate 1947 – “May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but the opportunity to do what is right.”
  • November 2022 — https://f3knoxville.com/kindness-ninjas/ (Drum Major)
    • Kindness Ninja
    • “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Concerning the HIM of the Asylum PM

To the men of the F3 Knoxville Asylum PM, on the last PM workout of 2022.

Thank you. Thank you for being the fathers, husbands, leaders, and High Impact Men I have personally needed in my life this year. More than that, thank you for fulfilling your duties as men with honor, courage, and commitment to your families and spheres of influence this past year. I look up to all of you and have learned much from very single one of you. A couple of things that we’ve walked through together this year, that I wanted us to remember for a second:

  • Death
  • New Life
  • Marriages restored
  • Marriages begun
  • Job changes
  • Moving houses
  • Protecting and stewarding our culture
  • Car crashes
  • Surgeries
  • Recovery
  • Redemption

And many others. We’ve grown together as men who want to make an impact in our small corner of the world. We’ve had an opportunity to steward what’s been given to us this year, and because of you men showing up, even the times when you didn’t feel like it or didn’t want to, we succeeded.

It’s an honor to know and grow with you men. Iron Sharpens Iron!

Heavy reflection


Moist, gloomy, and warmish.  Ahhhh perfect.




  • SSH
  • Tempo squats
  • Tempo merks
  • Knox Cherry Pickers
  • Willy Mays Hayes
  • LBAC -F
  • LBAC – B
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Hallelujahs
  • Chattanooga cherry picker


Plan A Heavy Reflection

One man per station rotate every 60 seconds 2 rounds

  1. CMU goblet squat
  2. Blockie
  3. CMU tricep extension
  4. CMU swings
  5. CMU curl
  6. Good mornings
  7. Derkin
  8. CMU stack squat
  9. CMU clean and press
  10. CMU lunges
  11. CMU overhead press
  12. Elf on the shelf
  13. CMU snatch
  14. CMU rows
  15. Plank pull through

Sandbag work

Pax pair up, work as a pair for each station 2 rounds

  1. 60# dead lift, one man lift, next man lift
  2. 40# bag hay bale partner throw
  3. 40# overhead throw
  4. 20# center snap
  5. 53# bowling
  6. 35# shot put
  7. 5# frisbee toss


Mary’s older uglier sister Terry

Tractor pull

  • Strap into the shoulder harness and bear crawl dragging the body bag as far as possible. All men go with encouraging pax, 4 men carry the bag back. Next volunteer straps in.



I sure am proud of these guys at Rampart. We all discussed


1. Get signed up for the MABA here: https://f3maba.com/signup/2023. Make a plan now how you’re going to do this. Without forethought, 100 burpees in a day is likely not going to happen. Be a strategic man of action starting TODAY!
2. Don’t forget! Hardship Hill gets more expensive tomorrow. Get signed up today! https://www.adventuresignup.com/Race/TN/Kingston/HardshipHillOCR

Go30 starting afresh and anew tomorrow.

A Ride Home

THE SCENE: Cold/Snow/Ice

Well…I didn’t warm everyone up.  They warmed themselves up.  I had to drive a stranded couple home that couldn’t get up the hill at the Asylum.  Once I returned…
It was a bit too icy to roam around so we headed to the Pavilion for a little 1 min of exercise 30 seconds of a “rest” exercise


Minute exercises consisted of

  • Burpees
  • Side S Hops
  • Run around the building
  • Table Rows
  • Dips
  • Step ups
  • Big Boys
  • Flutters
  • Plank
  • Wall Sits

Pretty much the perfect Q

Did a bit of abs

Deuteronomy 31:6

So be strong and courageous!  Don’t be afraid and do not panic before them.  For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

This is the way we need to enter 2023!