F3 Knoxville

Pictionary at the Pav-Lov Asylum

THE SCENE: Hurricane Nicole was threatening rain so we moved to the Pav-Lov with 61 degrees and a rain mist.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the things.

SSH, Tempo Merkins, Toe-Merkins, Mountain Climbers Tie Fighters and a lap around the parking lot.

Tried to figure out the pictures of the workouts while rolling a wooden die to figure our rep count. Oh, did I mention we used a multiplier of 11, since it is 11-Nov-22.

Hello Dolly
Freddie Mercury
Lt. Dan
Junk Science (40 Merkins)
Big Boy Sit-Ups
Froggie Squats
Bobby Hurley
Tennessee Rocking Chair
Little Baby Crunches
Carolina Dry Docks
Flutter Kicks
Iron Mikes
Gas Pumpers
Bonnie Blair
Jungle Boi (Jump squat with spoon arms? [Iron Pax Rerun])

Because we didn’t get enough ABs, we did some standing oblique crunches.
10 HIMs made it through the threat of a hurricane to grind out a workout.
John 15:13 says “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” We used this as the focus of our thanks to our Veterans. I listed 13 members of my family tree that have served in our armed forces from the American Revolution to the Vietnam War.
None this time.

Kindness Ninjas

THE SCENE: Cloudy and 70ish degrees

15 side straddle hops in cadence

5 cherry pickers

10 baby arm circles each way

Little of this and that

10 hillbillies

10 windmills

5 burpees


Mosey to Cardiac corner

10 side straddle hops

Run to first corner – 20 LBCs – run back to top – 10 side straddle hops

Run down to 2nd corner – 30 merkins, back to 1st corner – 20 LBCs – top and 10 SSHs

Run all the way down to the bottom and do 40 squats – stay at the bottom and do SSHs until 6 comes in


Mosey to greenway intersection

15 Bobby Hurleys in cadence


Mosey to stop sign bottom of hill

Cones out in path that circles full loop and then back out on greenway. Do exercise on cone and travel to next according to instructions

Cone 1 – 10 hand release merkins – lunges to next cone

Cone 2 – 10 Big Boys – reverse lunge to next cone

Cone 3 – 20 2 count imperial squat walkers – Bernie to next cone

Cone 4 – 20 2 count Rocky Balboas – skip to next cone

Cone 5 – 15 major merkins – karaoke to next cone

Cone 6 – 15 Bobby Hurleys – karaoke the reverse way back to previous cone and then sprint all the way to the next cone after this one.

Cone 7 – 25 LBCs – jog to next cone

Cone 8 – 5 Burpees – run all the way back to the 6 and do all cones and exercises you pass on your way coming back again, 2nd time through you can Bernie to next cone

Cone 9 – 15 merkins – El Capitans to next cone

Cone 10 – 20 two count flutter kicks – sprint all the way to AO parking lot


5s on Dragon hill – Hello Dolly down low and merkins up top

Light stretching – since we were at time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Be a Kindness Ninja through the holiday seasons

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” —The 14th Dalai Lama

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Phyllis Diller

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Prayers for Title9 travels, Lilly friend health, Drum Major’s aunt’s health

React + Adapt

THE SCENE: Sun getting ready to set, parking lots are PACKED down by the playground. However, adapt and overcome.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own belief 
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 


  • SSH: 20×4
  • Squat: 10×4
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4
  • Cherry-Picker: 10×4 
  • Rockette: 10×4 
  • Cash-In: ATMs


Because people decided to park their cars in the parking lot we were going to work out in, the Q reacted and adapted, taking into account the darkness and limited lighting in the park at 6pm.

(1) Another One (25s)

  • 1 cone with an exercise every 3 lights – total of 5
  • All exercises are 25 reps on a 1 count
  • After completing the exercise on the cone, carry it to the next light and complete all exercises up to that point
  • The exercises
    • Side Straddle Hops (SSH)
    • Imperial Walkers
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Merkins
    • LBCs

(2) 2 For Tuesday

  • An Asylum PM tradition – 2 For Tuesday aka back to back rinse and repeats
  • Repeat the previous route and exercises done above, but reverse it
    • Take one exercise off every 3 lights, until we finish with the first exercise at the shovel flag – SSH

(Mosey to the top of Cardiac Hill)

(3) 8s

  • 2 points of contact: top of cardiac + 1st curve of cardiac
  • Exercises: incline merkins + squats


Cash-in with ATMs before moseying back to the shovel flag


  • 14 total
  • No FNGs


This is an excerpt from an article I wrote last week.

Confidence In The Cartographer

Perhaps the Lord will be with me and I will drive them out as the Lord promised. (From Joshua 14:10-12) I think that as Caleb was saying this to Joshua and the surrounding people, he had a slight grin on his face, with a chuckle at the end. Think about your race. Have you been able to see every turn, twist, bend, reroute, detour, traffic stop, warning sign, or stoplight? I haven’t. A cartographer is someone who draws or produces maps. And if we look at our lives like a race we’ve been called to run, there is only one ultimate cartographer that has mapped out every single thing that we are going to encounter during our race. I think Caleb knew this as he said this to Joshua. As if to say, “God has only fulfilled his promises 10/10 times, so perhaps He will still be with me during this next part of my race.” Caleb knew the Lord’s promises were good! So as I was reading this I thought: Do I have more confidence in the runner or the cartographer in my race? More times than not unfortunately, I can be more confident in the runner (me) than the one who designed the entire race in the first place! We’re called to run a race and run it in such a way that the surrounding witnesses can look on and only attribute the harmonic and unique journey to God. So wherever you find yourself in your race this weekend + new week, put more confidence in the cartographer vs. the runner. You’ve got this, because He’s got you.

17 Humble HIMs at Asylum

THE SCENE: Sunny about 65 F

Normal disclaimers. No fngs tonight

SSH – 20 IC

Arm circles – 10 thumbs up, 10 thumbs down

Michael Phelps arm warm ups

Cherry Pickers – 10 IC

Slow Mosey to Tree and back

Grady Corns – 34 IC

Mosey to stop sign – 11’s – LBC 2ct at bottom, run to cone up and do Reverse Lunges

Run down road to lower- lower stairs directly below bat cave:

Blimps (progressive)- do exercise, run to base of bat caves stairs, run back down stairs and repeat adding 1 exercise each time until all are done

Bobby Hurley- 5, Lunge – 10 sc, Imp Walker- 15 2 CT, Merkins-20, Plank Jacks- 25 sc, Squats – 30

Mosey to front of Admin Building. Progressive. 1 Squat, then run 1/4 around circle to left, do 5x squat count star jumps, run back, then 2 squats and run to do 10 star jumps, then back. 3 squats, 15 start jumps, etc until about 30 or we cant do anymore

Mosey to AO. Plank for 2 minutes



13 Habits Of Humble People

Sections cut from March 1, 2015 Forbes Magazine article by Jeff Boss


They’re Situationally Aware

Situational awareness is a function of emotional intelligence as it is being aware of oneself, the group, the actions of each and the social dynamics therein. As such, situationally aware people aim their focus outward as they try to absorb (i.e. learn) more about the situation

They Retain Relationships

Studies have shown that humble people are more likely to help friends than their prideful counterparts.

They Make Difficult Decisions With Ease

Since humble people put others’ needs before their own, when faced with difficult decisions they respect the moral and ethical boundaries that govern the decision and base their decision-making criteria off a sense of shared purpose rather than self-interest.

They Put Others First

Humble people know their self-worth. As a result, they don’t feel the need to cast themselves before others just to show them how much they know. Instead, humble people realize that nobody cares how much they know until those people know how much they’re cared for.

They Listen

There’s nothing more annoying that being in a conversation with somebody who you can just tell is dying to get his or her words in. When you see their mental gears spinning, it’s a sign they’re not listening but rather waiting to speak. Why? Because they believe that what they have to say is more valuable than listening to you. In other words, they’re placing their self-interest first.

Humble people, however, actively listen to others before summarizing the conversation. Moreover, humble people don’t try to dominate a conversation or talk over people. They’re eager to understand others because they’re curious.

They’re Curious

Humble people seek knowledge because they are perpetual learners and realize that they don’t have all the answers. They glean knowledge from the experiences of others and crave more opportunities to learn.

They Speak Their Minds

While active listening is certainly important, humble people aren’t afraid to speak their minds because being wrong is not a fear they have. They know that to bridge the gap between unwillingness and willingness there must be action; they summon the courage to face difficulty as they graciously accept to sacrifice themselves.

They Take Time To Say “Thank You”

They Have An Abundance Mentality

Humble people don’t believe that one person’s “win” necessarily mean another person’s “loss.”

They Start Sentences With “You” Rather Than “I”

Humble people put others at the forefront of their thoughts. Humble people brag about others, while the prideful people brag about themselves.

They Accept Feedback

Humble people are not only receptive to constructive criticism but actively seek it because they know that feedback is a pathway to improvement.

They Assume Responsibility

Rather than eschewing blame on “the system” or the behaviors of others, humble people assume responsibility by speaking up and owning their part.

They Ask For Help

Part of being humble means realizing that you don’t have all the answers. No one does. Humble people acknowledge what they do and do not know and enlist help for the latter.

Humility displays a willingness to learn and become better–two things that everybody should cultivate.


brolympics Nov 5

Bringing 300’s to 17 Hims

THE SCENE: full moon with a little of wet leaves and miss
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: 17 Hims showed up to push themselves 


  • 11 LBC forward
  • 10 LBC backwards
  • 10 Seal claps
  • 10 Overhead claps
  • 10 Chattanooga Cherry pickers
  • 5 Knoxville Cherry pickers
  • 20 Booyah merkins  with a buddy


  • The PAX lined up in the parking lot and sprinted to the end . Did 30 merkins,  walked back together. Rinse & Repeat 10 times

Climb and tag

  • The PAX divided into two  units. Unit A ran and climbed the rope tree while Unit B attempted to tag. If caught 10 BBS. Rinse & Repeat x1

Five minute double

  • The PAX did 20 dips and 20 step-ups

Mosey back to the flag for some Bruce Lee core

MARY:  the PAX got on their 6 and completed some core

  • 25 America hammer
  • 25 heels to Heaven
  • 25 Awkward turtles
  • 25 little baby crunchesCOUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA

    Roman’s 5:1-5

  • Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
    Romans 5:1‭-‬5 ESV
    God wants to remind us that if I am going to accelerate in my faith.I need to anticipate that there will be some form of tribulation we will come by.
  • ANNOUNCEMENTS: from Hands
    F3Knoxville.com is back up and running. Weds, Thurs and Fri are taken. You still have a chance to Q tomorrow and Saturday this week. Head over to the calendar and pick it up now.