F3 Knoxville

Gladiators at the Colosseum of the Asylum

THE SCENE: Low 50s and not too humid
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the things

SSH, Junk Science (40 Merkins on your own), Tie-Fighters, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Rockettes & Grady Corns

  • Suicide Sprints with Bobby Hurley’s at the end of each run
  • Picket’s Charge with 1 Man Maker at Landings
  • 25s at the Overlook:
    1. Station
      • Calf Raises (4 Count)
      • Sumo Squats
    2. Station
      • Box Cutters (4 Count)
      • Imperial Squat Walkers (4 Count)
    3. Station
      • Box Jumps / Step-Ups
      • Dips / Derkins
    4. Station
      • Big Boys
      • X-Factor (4 Count)
    5. Station
      • Merkins
      • Gas Pumpers
    6. Station
      • Lt. Dan’s
      • Hello Dollies

Not time for MARY.
8 HIM’s made the morning grind
Focused on Luke 9:3 by not taking our baggage with us, but rather let the Spirit guide us. Especially when it comes to being a father. We should not always try to keep our children in a rigid box. Be flexible and willing to have fun with them. You can teach, be intentional and still have fun.

BROLYMPICS at the Asylum on 05-Nov-22. Coat & canned food collections.

3 Seconds of Courage

F3 Q: 10.29.22 

AO: Asylum 

7am – 8am 

[ The Scene ] 

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own belief 
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ] 

— X + take a lap — 

1 — SSH: 20×4

(Take a lap)

2 — Merkin: 10 (1ct)

(Take a lap) 

3 — Windmill: 10×4

(Take a lap) 

4 — Mountain Climber: 10×4 

(Take a lap) 

5 — Baby Arm Circle: 10×4 F 

(Take a lap)

[ The Thang ] 

(Mosey to the top of Cardiac)

(1) The Elevator of Strength 

  • Nickel, Dime, Quarter
  • 5, 10, 25
  • 3 Points of Contact
  • Top: 5 Man Makers (8 count)
    • Run to Point 2
  • Middle Curve: 10 Squats (1 count)
    • Do Point 2
    • Run back to Point 1
    • Do Point 1 + Point 2
    • Run back to Point 1
    • Do Point 1, 2, and 3
  • Bottom: 25 Flutter Kicks (4 count)
    • Run back to Point 1
    • Hold the plank

(Mosey to the Dock)

(2) There And Back Again

  • 2 points of contact 
  • Dock + entry pathway to the right 
  • 5 rounds – together 
  • Each round after the first one increases the # of reps by 10 (1ct)
  • 1: Merkins (10)
  • 2: Squats (20)
  • 3: Dry Docks (30)
  • 4: SSH (40)
  • 5: Calf-Raises (50)

(Mosey to the Island)

(3) Battle Buddy Core 4 Laps 

  • Get a BB
  • 4 core Xs we’ll do
    • LBCs
    • Flutter Kicks 
    • American Hammers 
    • Cockroaches 
  • 1 BB will stay here and just crank out reps of 1 X while the other BB takes a lap. 
  • Rinse and repeat until both of you have completed all 4 Xs here
  • Done? Plank it up. 

(Mosey to the playground or AO depending on time)

[ Mary ] 

  • SWS (Stretching With Steam): The Married Edition

[ COT ]

  • # off – 11
  • Name o Rama 
    • Choir Boy, Crawdad, High-Heels, Matlock, Mr. Jinxy, Crispr, Drum Major, Convoy, Lebowski, Q-Bert, Steam
  • FNGs – 0
  • BOM

“3 Seconds of Courage”

A funny story from my honeymoon about 3 seconds of courage, and no, it’s not what you think. 

After dinner one night, my wife and I were walking around the property and there was this band playing in this outdoor amphitheater area. So we sat down and got a drink and listened to them for a bit. They were playing some pretty popular music that people could dance to, and some of the staff was dancing with guests towards the stage, and then some of the guests started getting up to dance. And as Megan and I were watching this, something really strange happened – I got super nervous. I could tell my wife wanted to dance, and I did too, but for some reason I was really nervous to ask her to dance. My new wife! I kind of danced around it a little bit, asking her “Hey do you want to dance?” And her replying “Yeah kind of but I’m nervous!” And guys it was the funniest thing looking back. I’m sitting there with my wife, and she wants to be asked to dance and I want to ask her to dance and whisk her away with boldness to do so, and I’m sitting there thinking “What the hell man, just ask her to dance, she’s your wife and she wants to dance with you, what are you doing!?” 

And I almost missed out on an opportunity to dance with my wife. Almost. I shared this with her when we were cliff jumping this summer, and she was nervous to jump off a 10 foot cliff into the lake: “All it takes is 3 seconds of courage.” And after about 10 minutes she eventually jumped and it ended up being fine. The same thing applied to me last week, when I almost missed an opportunity to ask my wife to dance, I had to take my own advice – 3 seconds of courage is all it takes. Looking back tt really was kind of funny, both of us sitting there, just having been married, and nervous to get up and dance together. 

So sometimes a deep breath and 3 seconds of courage is all it takes: 

  • To be intentional 
  • To be bold 
  • To be thoughtful 
  • To make an impact

And the scariest part of that is not the end goal, but the initial workup mentally. And so I want to pose this to us as we head into the weekend and a new week, where can you implement 3 seconds of courage? Someone in your life needs this from you! Maybe it is your wife or your family or your friends or your coworkers or a conversation you’ve been meaning to have for a while. All it takes is 3 seconds of courage. 

A Blockee for You, a Blockee for Me

THE SCENE: Nice morning.  Not to chilly.

25 SSH on 4ct, Grady Corn, Windmills, and Imperial walkers…all 10 reps on the 4 count.  Went to first corner of parking lot for 10 tempo merkins, second corner for 10 4ct flutters, 3rd corner for 10 4ct Mountain climbers, and last corner for 10 tempo merkins.
Carried cmu’s to the top of cardiac and left them there.  Mosey’d down to the bottom. We performed 20 reps at the bottom, 20 reps at the first curve, 20 at the second, and then 40 reps with a cmu at the top.  The exercises were as follows:

20,20,20 of Dry Docks with 40 OH press at the top

20,20,20 of Jump Squats with 40 weighted squats at top

20,20,20 of crab position dips with 40 tricep extensions at the top

20,20,20 4ct flutters with 40 flutters with cmu at top


Mosey’d back to AO parking lot for an abbreviated version of the “BLOCK-EE BOX” performing 8 in first corner, 7 in next, 6 and so on to 1.

Had time for about 20 Freddy Mercury’s

Psalm 146:8-11

Circuit of Pain

THE SCENE: Beautiful! Mid 70s, slight breeze, awesome fall colrs


SSH, Star Fighters, Air Squared, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers
Mosey down Roadshow Run and take a tour of the circuit.  Five stations, decreasing reps, most of us got in three laps (full disclosure, I signed up to Q a few hours before the workout and flat out stole this from a recent backblast.  Can’t remember whose it was, but thank you!):

Station 1

Carolina Dry Docks

Bottle Openers (2 count)

Pickle Pounders

Round 1 = 20

Round 2 = 15

Round 3 = 10

Station 2


Off-set Merkins LEFT (left hand forward)

Off-set Merkins RIGHT


Round 1 = 15

Round 2 = 12

Round 3 = 9

Station 3

Big Boy Situps

Flutter Kicks (2 Count),

American Hammers (2 Count)

Round 1 = 15

Round 2 = 12

Round 3 = 9


Station 4

Side Straddle Hops

High Knees

Butt Kickers (Reps = Seconds for these last two)


Round 1 = 20

Round 2 = 16

Round 3 = 12


Station 5

Froggy Jumps

Bobby Hurleys

Iron Mikes (2 Count)

Round 1 = 15

Round 2 = 12

Round 3 = 9

Mosey back to top of Summit.  Do a TOTEM POLE, running to the Road Closed barricade to do 10x SSH, and return to continue the pole.  We only got about 1/3 of the way through.

Totem Pole

(knock the top one off after each cycle)

10        Burpees

9          Mountain Climbers (4-ct)

8          Diamond Merkins

7          Box Cutters

6          American Hammers (4-ct)

5          Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct)

4          Hand Release Merkins

3          Bobby Hurleys

2          Squats

1          Star Gazers (10 seconds).        Pause.  Look around.  Embrace the Suck.  Encourage the closest PAX. Let’s GO!!

Leg lifts (Homer/Marge)
9 and 2.0 Cheetah Boy
Talked about the recent school shooting and how the shooter was depressed, isolated, etc.  Severe Sad Clown syndrome… reach out to anyone who know who seems withdrawn, lonely, etc.  A little kindness can go a long way.
Congrats to Cheetah Boy on his Cross country successes!
Food drive, clothing drive, Brolympics Nov 5!

Pictionary at the Asylum

THE SCENE: 34 degrees & 80% humidity.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the things.

SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Tie-Fighters, Down-Ups in the Grass for Football, BBS at the base of Baby Everest, run to the top with some Man-Makers.
Tried to figure out the pictures of the workouts between light posts on the trail.

  • Bearpees
  • Hello Dolly
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Lt. Dan
  • Junk Science (40 Merkins)
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • Froggie Squats
  • Bobby Hurley
  • Tennessee Rocking Chair
  • Little Baby Crunches
  • ATMs
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Iron Mikes
  • Gas Pumpers
  • Bonnie Blair
  • Jungle Boi (Jump squat with spoon arms? [Iron Pax Rerun])
  • V-Ups
  • X-Factors

No time for Mary.
Only 2 HIMs could take the cold. Matlock and Sawdust left it all on the field, the sidewalk, the parking lot, etc.
If you fail to prepare, you prepare for failure. – Benjamin Franklin. Continue to improve yourself by seeking things worth pursuing. We should spend more time in the Word to know Him better so we can work for His Will.
None to discuss this time.