F3 Knoxville

Passing of the Flag

THE SCENE: Ummm… perfect? low 70s, sunny, awesome.

Done satisfactorily.  Announced that this would be a CO-Q with the one and only STEAM!



– REVERSE Tempo Squats x10, 4-CT, IC

– EL Capitan Lunges x10, 4-CT, IC

– SSH x10, 4-CT, IC

– PRISONER Cell Merkin Burpees x5, OYO

– E2Ks x 10 Left Side, x 10 right side 4-CT, IC

– CHERRY Pickers x5, 4-CT, IC

– TIE FIGHTERS  x5, Forward, x5 Backward 4-CT, IC


Bring CMUs down to bottom of the Summit.  Battle buddy up.

Partner 1 runs the mini-loop.  Partner 2 starts the DORAs.  Switch off.

Exercises, 50x each:

  • CURLS (4-ct)
  • GOBLET SQUATS (single count)
  • BIG BOY SITUPS (single count)
  • OFF SET MERKINS (Both sides =1)


Get in a circle.  Battle buddies without CMUs hold a plank.  Those with CMUs will hold them above their heads, like candles.  These are those annoying fake candles that don’t blow out, though.  Sort of a Birthday cake ring of fire… One PAX will lunge around the inside of the circle, and “blow out” the candles as they pass.  PAX holding CMUs will go down and do one Blockee, PAX doing a plank will do 3 merkins.  PAX switch off holding the CMU and planking every round.

MOSEY up the summit.  One PAX rifle carries CMU, other Bernies next to him.  Switch half way. Return to AO.  HAND OFF TO STEAM, who lead us on the TOWER of POWER

Motivators x 5


When I took over as AOQ on May 25 2021, I wanted us to focus on a few aspects of F3.

  1. Community Service: Coat Drive, Food drive, Cerebral Palsy center
  2. Cheerleaders for each other: Inside and outside the workouts
  3. Re-commitment to the values of F3. Effort, Form, Accountability

I’m really proud of the effort we’ve given to these points of emphasis over the past 16 months.  It has taken a commitment to these values, and we have risen to the occasion.  Well done, men!

But now it’s time to LOOK FORWARD  To a new chapter, both in my life personally as I move on the next half-century, and for the AO. Today, I couldn’t be more proud to hand the flag over to Steam.

To me, Steam is F3 in a bottle.

  • He approaches everything with a positive attitude.  There is no “can’t” in his vocabulary.
  • From constantly picking up Q’s, to taking on numerous leadership positions in F3… Social Media coordinator, Weasel Shaker, Troubadour leader and now AOQ… He leads by example, and it is infectious.
  • How often do you see him circling back to pick up the six? Say “you’re doing great, bro!” or complimenting someone on Slack?  Pretty much all the time…

I’ve never told him this, but working out with him at F3 was one of the things that helped encourage me to fully commit to the organization.  I had been coming sporadically, trying to figure out how much time and effort to put into it… I was cautiously invested in it, you could say.  After a few months, Steam showed up to the Fake Gloom (I think he had been in school for much of the previous few months?) and after working out with him a few times and getting to know him a little better, and seeing what he gave to F3 and what he said F3 gave back to him, well, it was really an inspiration to me that this organization was thought of so highly by a guy who had so many impressive leadership skills and positive outlook at such a young age. So, thank you, Steam, for being such a force of positive inertia for myself, and I’m sure many others.

The pastor at my church recently talked about 1 Timothy verses 2-7, which describes part of the conversations in letters that Paul had with Timothy.  Timothy was a very close pupil of Paul’s, many years his junior, and extremely competent and knowledgeable about the Scriptures, but preaching to his own congregation far from Paul.  The lessons Paul gave weren’t about how to give a great sermon, or what hymns to sing, etc. No.  They emphasized that the number 1 thing to do during your service is to PRAY FOR PEACE.  Big picture stuff, right?  So with Steam, in terms of teaching him how to Q, how to lead, how to inspire, I might as well save my breath.  He doesn’t need to hear one thing to me about any of that. Rather, similar to Paul’s words to Timothy, I would encourage him to maintain the Big Picture stuff.  What is F3 all about?  What makes it so great?  Steam already has everything he needs and more to step into this role, and I have no doubt he will keep the F3 flame at our AO brightly lit.

And as for RESPECT, which we spelled out using the first letter of each of the Warmup exercises (for those paying attention), I guess I get it now according to F3 tradition.  But I don’t want it from you just because it’s a number.  I want to earn it through my effort out here, my support of my brothers, and my commitment to the fundamental principles of F3.  Aye!

Prayers for several members of our PAX, who are recovering from injury or loss.
Let’s Go STEAM!

The Tale of Two Balls

THE SCENE: Upper 50s, cloudy, some drizzle at times

Some stuff and some stretching were done until Crawdad pulled up, which was even later for him than usual.

Mosey to the restrooms at the base of the dragon’s tail.

Pickett’s charge up to the Collesseum

Battle buddy up for Ghostman Baseball

One team rolls the workout ball to determine the exercise and reps for 1st base and runs there, does the exercise, and runs back.

The other team rolls a different workout ball to determine the exercises and reps to do at home while the first team is running the bases.

The teams switch.

Repeat for 1st and 2nd (doing the exercises and reps from the roll on the way out and running back the same path back to home without doing the workout at the bases going back.

Repeat for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Repeat for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home.

Mosey to the AO for a four-spoked wheel

First corner – 40 merkins

Run to the center of the parking lot for 3 burpees

Second corner – 40 curls with the rocks nearby

Run to the center for 3 burpees

Third corner – 40 squats

Run to the center for 3 burpees

Fourth corner – 40 LBCs

Run to the center for 3 burpees

No time for Mary.  We held a plank for about 15 seconds until time

11 PAX, including Lillydipper and Pele who walked to nurse injuries (Pele still sweated like he had ran a marathon though – the circle of integrity was intact). Q-Bert doesn’t have a tag apparently because he was there but is not in the system.

Life is hard.  Regrets happen.  Strive for consistency, not perfection.

Prayers for all those who have parents who have passed or who are battling health issues.  It gets easier, but it never gets better.

Brolympics coming in November

DORAs with Betty on the Mosey at the Asylum

THE SCENE: Warm & humid
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes all the things

SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Down-Ups in the Grass for Football, BBS at the base of Baby Everest, run to the top with some Man-Makers.
Three (3) stations for (3) Teams with a (4th) team carrying Betty to Bump the next group. The workout order of the stations were for each time a group was at a station, they did the next exercise.

  • Station #1 (AO with a Coupon)
    1. Blockies
    2. Curls
    3. Thrusters
    4. OVHD Press
  • Station #2 (Pav-Lov)
    1. Table Rows
    2. Box Jumps or Step-Ups
    3. Lt. Dans
    4. Toe Merkins
  • Station #3
    1. Big Boy Sit-Ups (BBS)
    2. Flutter Kicks
    3. Hello Dollys
    4. X-Factors

It’s the weekend, so we had to hit the ATM
17 HIMs with the introduction of an FNG who was named 0600.
The Q focused on the quote from Jack London, “I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.“ May we all burn brightly for God’s Will and not stay idle for our own glory.


The Peoples’ Q

Right at the top your Q wants you to know that this entire workout was conceived, planned, workshopped, peer reviewed, revised, enhanced, approved by legal, focus grouped, and finally today was delivered to you, the PAX of Asylum.

Perfect fall morning.

Everybody is welcome and everything is disclaimed. Choir Boy is in private practice now, so if you want to sue somebody you can hire him.

Our warmup today included Motivators, stretching, Rockettes, and Rocky Balboas for Rainbow who we missed by just a couple of minutes.

We did some nickel-dime-quarter in honor of its inventor and our own Bionic Man Lilydipper. In trying to avoid bothering an innocent bystander, we ended up getting in her way even more, which is what Gibbler likes to call a Q Fail. Mentioning his name when he didn’t even show up is another Q Fail.

The PAX makes certain demands, and Base Camp to Space Camp is one of them. When the PAX speaks, the Q listens, so into a hornet’s nest we ran. Snitch took one for the team and is presumably on the couch right now in a Benadryl coma.

What’s a trip to the Cloud without some Jack Webb you ask? We don’t know.

Crawdad wasn’t there in person or in spirit, but we did curse him under our breath with a couple of trips up Cardiac.

Convoy couldn’t be stopped all morning and he led us back down to the AO.

The academic side of F3 is one of the least often talked about, but it does provide valuable insight, and in the case of a recent study we learned about the major difference between AM and PM guys, according to family and friends. We did our best to remedy the inequality. We did it for the families!

The Hands Hot Lap

Perfect fall morning.
8 motivators, some other stuff, and then no Shoulder Blasters! Let it never be said that your Q doesn’t do anything for you. I saved your shoulders for Jack Webb.

We did the Hands Hot Lap – 10 minutes of running in a circle. There are some among us, I assume, whose watch told them how far they ran in those 10 minutes, what their pace was, what their heart rate got up to, and how many calories they are assumed to have burned. Your Q is skeptical of gadgetry and doesn’t care about the data: he just wants to be like Hands.

We made our way to the Pavalon for some partner stepover/table row/LBC 7s when Gibbler decided he’d had enough and made up a story about his wife having to go save lives at the hospital or something. Sometimes you have to make time for what’s really important, like Jack Webb.

Gibbler bailed and we kept going with some baby Everest runs, and then it was time to cash out. (See tomorrow’s Saturday Q to find out the shocking results of some graduate studies on the big differences between AM guys and PM guys, as reported by their wives, children, and friends.)

Today was the last day for @Crime Scene, the F3 Ford that didn’t miss a single day for three weeks. Showing up even on Sundays is real commitment and we will miss you Crime Scene.