F3 Knoxville

CMU’s and Suicides

THE SCENE: It didn’t rain and we were sweaty when we finished.

20 SS Hops on the 4ct, small mosey to lower parking lot for 10 tie fighters right, mosey to other corner of lot for 10 tie fighters left, mosey a bit for tempo merkins, and one last mosey to the remaining corner for 10 4ct mtn. climbers
AMRAP workout in consisting of the following

1 min Curls, 2 min Suicides, 1 Min OH Press, 2 Min suicides, 1 Min Block Flutters, 2 Min suicides, 1 Min Up and Over Merkins, 2 Min Suicides, 1 Min Squat with CMU, 2 Min Suicides, 1 Min Block Swing, 30 Sec Lawn Mower Right, 30 Sec Lawn Mower Left, 2 Min Suicides

Then mosey to Pavilion for

1 Min of Table rows, 1 Min of dips, 1 Min of LBCs, 1 Min of Wall sit, 1 Min of SS Hops

Then an AMRAP AB finisher of 1 Min LBC, 1 Min Freddy, 1 Min Flutters, 1 Min of Big Boys

  • MARY:

see above

We’re too busy.  Slow down and find time to be still.

Giving Back

THE SCENE: Sunny, temp in high 80s.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 8 Cherry Pickers, 8 Twisties, 7 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, 5 Paradactyls Forward and Backward, Stretches
Mosey to the stop sign at the Southeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg.  We will do 20 Flutter Kicks.

Mosey to the parking lot that is to the east side of the Utilities Bldg.  We will stop to do 20 Hello Dollies.  We will then Bear Crawl across half the parking lot and Lunge across the other half.

Mosey to the shaded area the the southwestern corner of the Utilities Bldg.  We will do 10 Tempo Squats.

Next, we will go along the perimeter trail as it heads south and then east toward the water area where there are benches overlooking the water.  We will run for six lights and walk for two lights until we get to our destination.  Then, each man will grab a boulder from the boulder pile near the water’s edge.  We will do the following exercises with the boulders:

  • 25 Shoulder Presses
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Rows
  • 25 Squats

After putting the boulders back we will go west and south along the perimeter trail until we reach the pavilion that is close to the Lily Pad.  We will get there by running for six lights and walking for two lights until we reach our destination.

Mosey to the Outdoor Chapel.  We will do 20 Baby Crunches then run on the sidewalk as it circles the chapel.  We will rinse and repeat twice.

Mosey up the grass that is south of Pickett’s Charge.  We will be running up to the stairs that goes up from the small parking lot left of the coliseum.  There will be three hills to climb.  We will stop to do two burpees af the top of each hill.

Mosey to the end of the gravel parking lot for the Admin Bldg.  We will sprint about 50 yards north on the roadway.  We will take a brief rest and sprint back to the parking lot.  Then, we will sprint back to the AO flag.

20 Flutter Kicks and 20 Bicycle Kicks
16 men, no FNGs.
During my first number of years working as a psychologist at Cherokee Health Systems (where I still work), I spent about 6 hours per week consulting on the Oncology/Hematology Unit at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital (ETCH).  I saw many many kids with cancer.  I loved the staff members, including doctors Ray Pais and Shahid Malik, on the unit because they were mighty special people. The staff had such a heart for the patients and the families of the patients who came there.  I also loved the kids on the unit.  Some had bald heads due to chemotherapy, some may have had trouble walking, some were sickly, some may not have had much longer to live.  But they still loved to play, they still loved to laugh, they still were affectionate, and they still had a zest for life. You might think that a cancer ward would be a sad place to work.  Certainly, there was sadness.  But I found it to be a joyful place to work.  Love abounded there.

My wife, Jan, a psychologist who works on all floors at ETCH, recently sent me an inspiring story about a former patient on the Oncology/Hematology Unit.  Hannah Lawson was diagnosed with a cancerous stage three brain tumor at the age of 7.  Her dog, Frenchy, was the first to notice something wrong with her.  Frenchy pawed at her pillow, knowing Hannah just wasn’t right. Her parents came in and found her disoriented and non-responsive.  Two days later, on Valentines Day in 2007, surgeons removed the brain tumor.

The journey was not over for Hannah.  She had to go through radiation treatment at the Thompson Cancer Survival Center.  During her months of treatment, she would sometimes get letters from U.S Soldiers overseas.  U.S. Soldiers often write to kids who have cancer and some become pen pals with kids. Hannah’s pen pal was a soldier named David Creech.  Hannah admired what these soldiers like David Creech did.  During her treatment and recovery, Hannah began to think of how she, also, might help others.  She created Hannah’s Army Angels which raised money for the pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.  Hannah’s Army Angels also collected supplies to send to soldiers overseas.  Because of what she had accomplished through her Hannah’s Army Angels, the Tennessee legislature recognized her bravery and compassion with a proclamation and special metal coin on the senate floor in Nashville.

After graduation from high school, Hannah went on to study nursing at East Tennessee State University (ETSU).  Now age 22, she still has some remnants of the cancer and brain tumor, including left-sided weakness and permanent baldness on the right side of her head.  Guess where she is now working?  At ETCH on the same ward where she received treatment all those years ago.  Pediatric oncology was always her passion in college. And, her prior treatment is one of her greatest connections to the young patients she is caring for ETCH.

Two other things to mention in this happy story.  Hannah is getting married in October.  And, her dog Frenchy, who found her that day back in 2007 and helped to save her life – she is still alive and will walk down the aisle as the flower dog on Hannah’s wedding day.

God, thank you for warriors like Hannah Lawson.  May they be an inspiration to us and reminder how, we too, can give back to our communities.

Prayers for Crispr’s friend, Chris, whose mother recently had a massive aneurysm in her brain.  She is currently at the hospital.  Prayers for Mr. Jinxy’s father who has a heart condition that is worsening.  His father was recently released from the hospital.  Prayers of praise that the brain tumor of Swimmies’ sister was found to be benign.  Prayers for Lillydipper who has total shoulder replacement surgery this Thursday.
Mt. Everest public run on September 10 at 10 am.  F3 family picnic on September 11 from 4 pm to 8 pm at Victor Ashe Park.

The Kraken

THE SCENE: Dark and crisp with just the right amount of warmth

  • SSH
  • Tempo merk
  • Tempo squat
  •  Chat cherry pickers
  • Lbac
  • Rlbac
  • Moroccan night clubs
    Entered the lair of the Kraken (the track) where 4 stations awaited the unsuspecting victims (cough) men.. unsuspecting men… Round 1:
  • Station 1: 25 merkins & 25 big boy situps, then into a plank until others are done, one lap around the lair (track) pass station 1 to station 2
  • Station 2: 50 burpies & 50 American hammers, shift into plank until others are done. One lap around the Lair pass first 2 stations to station 3
  • Station 3: 75 squats & 75 flutter kicks, shift into plank and await.. lap around lair, pass 3 stations to station 4
  • Station 4: 100 iron Mike’s & 100 dead bugs, shift into plank and await, reverse lap around track to station for and start round 2
  • Round 2 reverse exercises and repeat..
  • Station 4: 25 iron Mike’s & 25 dead bugs
  • Station 3: 50 squats & 50 flutter kicks
  • Station 2: 75 buries & 75 American hammers
  • Station 1: 100 merkins & big boy situps

No time
Foghorn Leghorn, Bobbitt, Airborne, Feeny, angel soft, Binks, Oliver oyl

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Great job to the guys that made it out and conquered the Kraken!! Stay vigilant gentlemen.. Kraken 2.0 is on the way… heh heh heh heh
Bobbitt gave out announcements..

Cheap Writing Service Review

You should read reviews before you decide to sign up with a writing company. This can help you receive the highest quality writing services and help you save the cost of writing. Listen to feedback from customers and competitors. It is also important to take note of the reaction to complaints from the management of your company in the event that customers are unhappy with the good quality of their writing service. It can tell you whether the company is serious in addressing customer complaints.


If you’re looking for an affordable writing service it is possible to consider ExtraEssay. The company offers a money-back promise that gives you your money back if you are unhappy with the paper. You can also have a plagiarism test absolutely free of charge, in the event that it’s required. ExtraEssay is known as being dependable and will complete your order in the most efficient manner.

ExtraEssay will ask the submission of details regarding the kind of paper you want to write, the pages and academic levels. They will then quote you an amount, which will depend on the type https://www.journalism.co.uk/dev/inc/index.php?how_to_write_my_college_paper_quickly_and_easily.html of document you want. Prices are reasonable and it is possible to ask for unlimited revisions and unlimited pages.

If you’re unsure if you should purchase an essay, check out reviews by existing customers. Reviews can aid you in determining whether the service is reliable or not. Customers can verify if they have written positive reviews of the business on websites like Trustpilot as well as SiteJabber. Some writing companies will post testimonials of their clients on their websites. In addition, you can view videos of authentic customers sharing their thoughts on the services.

Even though you’ll find low-cost essay writing service online, be sure that it’s a cost which you are able to afford. Poor quality essays will not get past plagiarism scanners. Expert writers don’t take lower pay. In the ideal scenario, you’ll be paying at least 12 dollars per page to write a college essay.


If you want excellent essays and documents at an affordable price 99Papers is the best place to go. 99Papers’ writers are experts in over 300 subjects and the majority of them have been educated at top universities in the US as well as the UK. They are also not late to the deadline. Writers will supply a first draft of your work a few days before deadline this allows you to edit the document if needed.

Many people have reviewed the company online and are highly regarded by their professionalism. It is possible to get amazing deals https://ecogra.org/pdfs/ap/?cheapest_paper_writing_service.html as well as money-back. Customer service agents are available 24/7 to help you answer any question you have. Their reputation online is excellent and they are professional. Over 1800 freelance writers are employed by them. They boast that they have one of the highest rates per page.

99Papers This website is very easy to navigate, with a minimal layout. The site also contains everything you need to know about the service regarding prices. If you’re a college student who needs to write a research paper to submit for class, 99Papers is not for you. 99Papers will not be useful when you want to complete postgraduate research or work in corporate America.

99Papers is an essay writing company with more than 1300 writers. Their writers are located within the United States. They have strict confidentiality policies to protect their clients. In addition, 99Papers offers a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the final paper. It claims that they offer the best prices in the marketplace, however they may not be as low as they say.


EvolutionWriters is a low-cost writing company that produces excellent quality documents. They’ve been around for quite a while and have earned a reputation for their safe and secure delivery. If you’re on a strict deadline This isn’t your optimal choice. You could be looking at having a six or five-page piece of work done in just the span of six hours. However, you shouldn’t risk copying.

The cheap writing service has an excellent reputation and provides a money-back guarantee for customers who aren’t happy with the caliber of the written work. It also provides an unrestricted plagiarism http://cefrank.com/wp-content/pages/how_to_choose_a_research_paper_writing_service_based_on_reviews.html report. They offer 24/7 customer service. Additionally, they offer a discount coupon that will save you five percent of your total purchase.

The costs at EvolutionWriters are very reasonable, but they are still above market standards. It ranges from $9 for a one-page essay to $47 for a five-page paper dependent on the amount of pages as well as the timeframe. EvolutionWriters has a coupon code for customers who are first time customers. It is suitable for up to 5 percent off your order. They also offer special deals for those who own blogs who purchase the content on their website.

Even though it’s not a costly editing service EvolutionWriters consistently delivers high-quality writing at a low cost. The prices are reasonable and conform to the standards of the industry, and the firm offers unlimited revisions as well as the ability to obtain a plagiarism-free report for free. There are also plenty of promotions and discounts that you can benefit from. The plagiarism report is accessible for free. Repeat customers can also enjoy discounts of 5 percent or more.


The review of cheap writing services on Studybay reviews the value and the effectiveness of these products. This service has a small fee for its services and gives a guarantee of money back for 20 days. Once they have accepted the assignment they are responsible for payment. The site also looks for any plagiarism.

Studybay Prices include fees for service and transaction costs. They accept payments through MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, and Payoneer. It is possible to negotiate your own price or may use the auto-suggest feature to locate a writer. The firm offers a wide range of services, including writing and editing, proofreading as well as editing.

There is a comprehensive list of guaranteed products on the website. It also provides money-back guarantees for a certain amount of time after the purchase is completed. But, refunds offered by StudyBay are rare. It is also mandatory for customers to provide detailed feedback. If they find the work not satisfactory, they can request a revision. The majority of issues can be solved through this process.

Study Bay’s downside is the variable pricing. The lowest cost is $6.95 per page. But writers can set the prices they want to charge. A few sites charge $4 however, others may charge up at $15 per web page. In addition, the cost for the service instantly increases the price. If you do http://traveltalkonline.com/includes/pages/the_reasons_you_don_t_need_a_writing_service_for_graduate_school_papers_1.html not negotiate the cost, you may be paying higher than what you would like for the paper.


EssayPro’s review of cheap writing services showed that customer support at the firm can be better. In the first place, the presence on social media for the company is abysmal. It has just five posts on Facebook in 2019, as well as 35 users on Instagram. The company doesn’t seem to be eager to advertise its services via these social media sites. Additionally, it’s hard to find an online community dedicated to EssayPro through Reddit.

EssayPro has special offers for students who are on a budget, according to a review. An offer of 30% off is available on projects with multiple pages, which most assignments are. Additionally clients can also communicate directly with their writers to discuss costs that are lower. EssayPro is an ideal choice for students on a budget.

EssayPro does not provide refunds after your purchase is approved. Although the business has a great reputation, that isn’t necessarily a guarantee that its essays are good. The company cannot guarantee authenticity and originality. But it does provide unlimited revisions. EssayPro’s pricing varies based on the kind https://www.jamaipanese.com/news/custom_paper_writing_service_reviews.html of essay you want the subject, deadline and even the author you select. EssayPro’s motto, which is not official, is “Everyone deserves professional help,” and their prices reflect the fact that everyone deserves professional help.

A bidding system determines how much essays cost. There are writers who have lower costs, some possess more expertise, and others who are only beginning their careers while others are working to earn a good star score.


Even though EssayPro.com can be a wonderful site for low-cost essay writing However, there are a few important aspects to be aware of before using it. The writer should be provided with all the necessary instructions, and you must also add any PDF files you have downloaded on your college’s portal. Although the process of getting in touch with the writer often not immediate however, you’ll be able to provide the specific requirements of your assignment to ensure that there are no miscommunications. In addition, regular communication with the writer may help you answer questions faster and more easily. Also, you may choose to place an open order, this is the most efficient method to purchase from EssayPro.

In order to ensure that the writers at EssayPro are proficient and professional The writers have to pass a series of exams. In order to be considered suitable for the service they must complete the required education, and they must be able to pass a variety of exams to verify for plagiarism and editing skills. In addition, they are bound to adhere to rigid deadlines and maintain an established track record among their customers.

Additionally, in addition to providing cheap Essays, EssayPro also offers cheap research papers and other assignments. EssayPro utilizes a bidding process that determines the amount of the work. If you’ve got a huge amount of writing pages, you can select an affordable bulk rate. This site has several writers available who you can look through and pick the writer that will best meet your needs. You can choose from a variety of payment options that are available on the website. Once the task is finished, users can release their money.

Cheap Writing Service Review

You should read reviews before you decide to sign up with a writing company. This can help you receive the highest quality writing services and help you save the cost of writing. Listen to feedback from customers and competitors. It is also important to take note of the reaction to complaints from the management of your company in the event that customers are unhappy with the good quality of their writing service. It can tell you whether the company is serious in addressing customer complaints.


If you’re looking for an affordable writing service it is possible to consider ExtraEssay. The company offers a money-back promise that gives you your money back if you are unhappy with the paper. You can also have a plagiarism test absolutely free of charge, in the event that it’s required. ExtraEssay is known as being dependable and will complete your order in the most efficient manner.

ExtraEssay will ask the submission of details regarding the kind of paper you want to write, the pages and academic levels. They will then quote you an amount, which will depend on the type https://www.journalism.co.uk/dev/inc/index.php?how_to_write_my_college_paper_quickly_and_easily.html of document you want. Prices are reasonable and it is possible to ask for unlimited revisions and unlimited pages.

If you’re unsure if you should purchase an essay, check out reviews by existing customers. Reviews can aid you in determining whether the service is reliable or not. Customers can verify if they have written positive reviews of the business on websites like Trustpilot as well as SiteJabber. Some writing companies will post testimonials of their clients on their websites. In addition, you can view videos of authentic customers sharing their thoughts on the services.

Even though you’ll find low-cost essay writing service online, be sure that it’s a cost which you are able to afford. Poor quality essays will not get past plagiarism scanners. Expert writers don’t take lower pay. In the ideal scenario, you’ll be paying at least 12 dollars per page to write a college essay.


If you want excellent essays and documents at an affordable price 99Papers is the best place to go. 99Papers’ writers are experts in over 300 subjects and the majority of them have been educated at top universities in the US as well as the UK. They are also not late to the deadline. Writers will supply a first draft of your work a few days before deadline this allows you to edit the document if needed.

Many people have reviewed the company online and are highly regarded by their professionalism. It is possible to get amazing deals https://ecogra.org/pdfs/ap/?cheapest_paper_writing_service.html as well as money-back. Customer service agents are available 24/7 to help you answer any question you have. Their reputation online is excellent and they are professional. Over 1800 freelance writers are employed by them. They boast that they have one of the highest rates per page.

99Papers This website is very easy to navigate, with a minimal layout. The site also contains everything you need to know about the service regarding prices. If you’re a college student who needs to write a research paper to submit for class, 99Papers is not for you. 99Papers will not be useful when you want to complete postgraduate research or work in corporate America.

99Papers is an essay writing company with more than 1300 writers. Their writers are located within the United States. They have strict confidentiality policies to protect their clients. In addition, 99Papers offers a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the final paper. It claims that they offer the best prices in the marketplace, however they may not be as low as they say.


EvolutionWriters is a low-cost writing company that produces excellent quality documents. They’ve been around for quite a while and have earned a reputation for their safe and secure delivery. If you’re on a strict deadline This isn’t your optimal choice. You could be looking at having a six or five-page piece of work done in just the span of six hours. However, you shouldn’t risk copying.

The cheap writing service has an excellent reputation and provides a money-back guarantee for customers who aren’t happy with the caliber of the written work. It also provides an unrestricted plagiarism http://cefrank.com/wp-content/pages/how_to_choose_a_research_paper_writing_service_based_on_reviews.html report. They offer 24/7 customer service. Additionally, they offer a discount coupon that will save you five percent of your total purchase.

The costs at EvolutionWriters are very reasonable, but they are still above market standards. It ranges from $9 for a one-page essay to $47 for a five-page paper dependent on the amount of pages as well as the timeframe. EvolutionWriters has a coupon code for customers who are first time customers. It is suitable for up to 5 percent off your order. They also offer special deals for those who own blogs who purchase the content on their website.

Even though it’s not a costly editing service EvolutionWriters consistently delivers high-quality writing at a low cost. The prices are reasonable and conform to the standards of the industry, and the firm offers unlimited revisions as well as the ability to obtain a plagiarism-free report for free. There are also plenty of promotions and discounts that you can benefit from. The plagiarism report is accessible for free. Repeat customers can also enjoy discounts of 5 percent or more.


The review of cheap writing services on Studybay reviews the value and the effectiveness of these products. This service has a small fee for its services and gives a guarantee of money back for 20 days. Once they have accepted the assignment they are responsible for payment. The site also looks for any plagiarism.

Studybay Prices include fees for service and transaction costs. They accept payments through MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, and Payoneer. It is possible to negotiate your own price or may use the auto-suggest feature to locate a writer. The firm offers a wide range of services, including writing and editing, proofreading as well as editing.

There is a comprehensive list of guaranteed products on the website. It also provides money-back guarantees for a certain amount of time after the purchase is completed. But, refunds offered by StudyBay are rare. It is also mandatory for customers to provide detailed feedback. If they find the work not satisfactory, they can request a revision. The majority of issues can be solved through this process.

Study Bay’s downside is the variable pricing. The lowest cost is $6.95 per page. But writers can set the prices they want to charge. A few sites charge $4 however, others may charge up at $15 per web page. In addition, the cost for the service instantly increases the price. If you do http://traveltalkonline.com/includes/pages/the_reasons_you_don_t_need_a_writing_service_for_graduate_school_papers_1.html not negotiate the cost, you may be paying higher than what you would like for the paper.


EssayPro’s review of cheap writing services showed that customer support at the firm can be better. In the first place, the presence on social media for the company is abysmal. It has just five posts on Facebook in 2019, as well as 35 users on Instagram. The company doesn’t seem to be eager to advertise its services via these social media sites. Additionally, it’s hard to find an online community dedicated to EssayPro through Reddit.

EssayPro has special offers for students who are on a budget, according to a review. An offer of 30% off is available on projects with multiple pages, which most assignments are. Additionally clients can also communicate directly with their writers to discuss costs that are lower. EssayPro is an ideal choice for students on a budget.

EssayPro does not provide refunds after your purchase is approved. Although the business has a great reputation, that isn’t necessarily a guarantee that its essays are good. The company cannot guarantee authenticity and originality. But it does provide unlimited revisions. EssayPro’s pricing varies based on the kind https://www.jamaipanese.com/news/custom_paper_writing_service_reviews.html of essay you want the subject, deadline and even the author you select. EssayPro’s motto, which is not official, is “Everyone deserves professional help,” and their prices reflect the fact that everyone deserves professional help.

A bidding system determines how much essays cost. There are writers who have lower costs, some possess more expertise, and others who are only beginning their careers while others are working to earn a good star score.


Even though EssayPro.com can be a wonderful site for low-cost essay writing However, there are a few important aspects to be aware of before using it. The writer should be provided with all the necessary instructions, and you must also add any PDF files you have downloaded on your college’s portal. Although the process of getting in touch with the writer often not immediate however, you’ll be able to provide the specific requirements of your assignment to ensure that there are no miscommunications. In addition, regular communication with the writer may help you answer questions faster and more easily. Also, you may choose to place an open order, this is the most efficient method to purchase from EssayPro.

In order to ensure that the writers at EssayPro are proficient and professional The writers have to pass a series of exams. In order to be considered suitable for the service they must complete the required education, and they must be able to pass a variety of exams to verify for plagiarism and editing skills. In addition, they are bound to adhere to rigid deadlines and maintain an established track record among their customers.

Additionally, in addition to providing cheap Essays, EssayPro also offers cheap research papers and other assignments. EssayPro utilizes a bidding process that determines the amount of the work. If you’ve got a huge amount of writing pages, you can select an affordable bulk rate. This site has several writers available who you can look through and pick the writer that will best meet your needs. You can choose from a variety of payment options that are available on the website. Once the task is finished, users can release their money.