F3 Knoxville

Make It Count

THE SCENE: Cool, calm and collected

SSH IC x 20

Tempo Squats x 10

Manly Arm Circles IC x 10 forward and backwards

Tempo Merkins x 8

Tempo Lunges x 5 each side

Mountain Climbers IC x 10
1) Ran to get a coupon, then walking lunges x 50 yards (approx)

2) 20-15-10

  • Run a set of stairs at Big Ball
  • 20 Hand Release Merkins
  • 20 Squat Press with Coupon
  • 20 Mountain Jumpers
  • Run 2 sets of stairs at Big Ball
  • 15 Hand Release Merkins
  • 15 Squat Press with Coupon
  • 15 Mountain Jumpers
  • Run 3 sets of stairs at Big Ball
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins
  • 10 Squat Press with Coupon
  • 10 Mountain Jumpers

3) Make It Count

Broad Jump approx 25 yards and count how many jumps it takes.  That number is used for the circuit

  • Squat 3x your number
  • Squat Jump 2x your number
  • Step Jumps x your number
  • Run a lap


Told a little about my story of my volunteer trip to Guatemala to build schools in 2014.  The big thing I noticed was that the community there had very little.  Very little clean water, not much food, cramped living conditions, rundown classrooms, etc.  But what they did have was gratitude, smiles, kindness and community.  They made us volunteers feel appreciated.  Like we were rockstars.  They treated us like friends.  Over in the U.S. we often don’t have that.  We have complaining and fighting and negativity.  Remember all that you do have to be grateful for.  Be neighborly and be kind to people.  Smile and say hello.


Field Day at the Big Ball

THE SCENE: Hot and sticky, lower 70’s

SSH x 20, Arm Circles x 15 forwards and backwards, Tempo Squats x 10, Tempo Merkins x 8, This and That
Ran across the field while I dropped 4 cones about the same distance apart from each other. Th rest of the workout were rounds of different exercises at each cone, crossing the field to get to each cone in a different way each round, followed by a lap around the field once finished

  • Round 1: Bear crawls across the field to each cone. Cone 1 – 30 x Cobra Merkins. Cone 2 – 25 x standard Merkins. Cone 3 – 20 x Carolina Dry Docks. Cone 4 – 15 x Body Builders. Cooldown lap
  • Round 2: Broad Jumps across the field to each cone. Cone 1 – 30 x Sumo Squats. Cone 2 – 25 x Flutterkicks (4ct). Cone 3 – 20 x Edward scissor legs (4ct). Cone 4 – 15 x Lunges (each leg, 30 total). Cooldown lap
  • Round 3: Crab Walks across the field to each cone. Cone 1 – 30 x LBCs. Cone 2 – 25 x American Hammers (4ct). Cone 3 – 20 x BBSs. Cone 4 – 15 x Freddie Mercurys (4ct). Cooldown lap
  • Round 4: Walk/jog across the field to each cone. Cone 1 – 15 x Burpees. Cone 2 – 15 x 180* Squat Jumps. Cone 3 – 15 x Get Ups. Cone 4 – 15 x Hand Release Merkins. Cooldown lap

After this we finished with one last sprint across the field, ending back at the fountains with less than 30 seconds to spare


Pointed out how here at F3 I’ve noticed a trend of quoting, looking up to, or talking about past presidents, generals, and other leaders involved in WW1, WW2 and other large scale conflicts. I shared that the guy who discipled me when I was in college once said that since God is sovereign He chose those men to be born in the time of those conflicts and battles, knowing they’d be a part of it. But we weren’t born during these times, so what battles or conflicts did God keep in mind when deciding when we should be born? I pointed out that if we’re claiming to be “high impact men”, we shouldn’t only look back on past heroes, but also look at the problems we’re dealing with now and consider if these are our battles we were born for. Lord willing, none of us are riding into battle on horseback with bullets flying past us, but we are living in a time where our nation faces plenty of other kinds of conflicts. The obvious being the racial tensions and injustices we’re currently addressing and this global pandemic. But also take note of the following:

  • >40% of Americans are obese; >30% of Americans are overweight; roughly 3/4’s of Americans are not at a healthy weight
  • In the US, roughly 40% of marriages end in divorce; roughly 25% of married men have an affair; even roughly 10% of pastors have an affair
  • 35% of all internet downloads are pornographic; 25% of all internet searches pertain to sex; 70% of men ages 18-24 view pornography regularly
  • In the US, roughly 15% of women have been raped or survived an attempted rape; roughly 34%of these women were below the age of 12 at the time
  • 1 in 8 Americans are technically classified as alcoholics
  • An estimated 10 million US citizens are victims of domestic abuse every year

We may not be storming beaches, but there is more than enough to fight for right now. MLK said, roughly, that what we have to repent of isn’t just the vitriolic words or violent actions of a few bad men, but also the silence and indifference of a lot of good men. High Impact Men take action towards whats happening in front of them, not just honor the actions that took place behind them

New Logo contest is going on, we’ll continue sending guys to help out with F3 Morristown the next couple weeks

Memorial Day at the Big Ball

THE SCENE: Perfect weather.  Not too hot, not too cold

I am not a professional.  You are here on your own accord so push yourself but modify if needed.

SSH x 20

Tempo Squats x 15

Tempo Merkins x 10

Baby Arm Circles

Mosey to Sunsphere for some ladder work:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 squats
  • 20 American Hammers (2 ct)
  • 25 LBC’s
  • 30 Mt. Climbers (2 ct)
  • Between each exercise run to far steps, bear crawl up stairs, run back to the base of the Sunsphere.

Mosey to new yard area:

– Bear crawl 360 up the yard IC 10 reps each direction.  Lunge the remainder of the yard.

– Beginning at one corner, 5 Merkins, 10 squats, and 15 SSH – run 1 lap around yard.  Repeat exercises then run 2 laps around yard.

Mosey to L&N:

With coupons: 25 curls, 25 OH presses, 25 triceps – 20 flutter kicks.  Repeat coupon exercises with 20 reps each.

Walked single file around the Veterans Memorial in silence thanking God for the sacrifice paid by the men and women who have died for our freedoms.  Ended back at the AO.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Personal thoughts from reading Philippians chapter 1.  Paul, writing from prison, is praying for others, sharing the gospel with courage and encouraging others in their walk with God and they too share the gospel “without fear”.  His mind isn’t focused on his immediate trials but on eternal things.  Key words from this chapter I noticed he wrote from prison.  Joy, yearn for you, confident, without fear, Christ is proclaimed and in that I rejoice, eager expectation, full courage, hope, convinced, joy in the faith, standing firm, not frightened.

Verse 27 “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.”

Question to myself and us as men, “What is my attitude and outlook during difficult times?”  Paul was in prison but still kept pushing forward with what God wanted him to do.


Welcome FNG Gilette.

Reverse Suicides (Stage Hand Co-Q)

THE SCENE: Lower 60’s and foggy, ended up sunny and warm by the end

SSH, Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, This and That, Stagehand’s new groin stretch, Quad stretches
Moseyed around to the front of the conference center by passing the amphitheater and crossing the bridge. At the conference center we had 4 cones set up about 10 yards a part with a total of about 50-60 yards from start point to last cone. We did five rounds of reverse suicides, meaning 1st set we ran to the furthest cone and did an exercise and ran back, then 2nd set we ran to the furthest cone and then the second furthest cone and then ran back. We did this until each cone was hit, each of which had different exercises

  • 1st Round: Cone 1 – Merkins x 10, Cone 2 – Big Boys x 10, Cone 3 – Plank Shoulder Taps x 10 (4 count), Cone 4 – Lunges x 10 (each leg, 20 total)
  • 2nd Round: Cone 1 – American Hammers x 10 (2 count), Cone 2 – Carolina Dry Docks x 10, Cone 3 – Squats x 10, Cone 4 – Burpees x 10
  • 3rd Round: Cone 1 – Overhead Claps x 10 (4 count), Cone 2 – Flutterkicks x 10 (4 count), Cone 3 – Cobra Merkins x 10, Cone 4 – Little Baby Crunches x 10
  • 4th Round: Cone 1 – Edward Scissor Legs x 10 (4 count), Cone 2 – Hand Release Merkins x 10, Cone 3 – Freddie Mercury x 10 (4 count), Cone 4 – Walkout Merkins x 10
  • 5th Round: Asked each of the guys what their favorite exercise was and assigned each to a cone, we came up with: Cone 1 – Oblique Crunches x 10 (each side, 20 total), Cone 2 – Merkins x 10, Cone 3 – Broad Jumps x 10, Cone 4 – Squats x 10

Finished this quicker than expected, so we moseyed over to the amphitheater to do 11’s for the remainder of the time. Body Builders at the bottom, Pull Ups/Inverted Rows at the top

Talked about how recently I’ve been reading a bit about the importance of how we use our time, but have been hearing about opposite ends of the spectrum. On one hand we have so much grabbing our attention and demanding our time that we need to relearn how to not be preoccupied, or even how to be content with boredom. While on the other hand, our time is valuable, it was bought with the blood of Christ and our days are numbered, there’s nothing we can do to earn or win back more time. So I encouraged us to be thinking through where in our lives should we dial back our usage of time and be more present to whats in front of us, rather than needing to constantly be working or distracted, and also where in our lives should we rethink how to make more of the time we give to things, acknowledging that our time is valuable

F3 Morristown official launch is two weeks from today I believe

THE SCENE: 55* dry and perfect

Tempo squats x10
Static stretches left/right/middle x20 secs each
Shoulder taps x15
Four count merkins (hand release) x12
SSH x10
Mosey out of the fountains toward the lots where we park, past The Foundry and across the railroad tracks to Preacher’s parking lot (The International).  Five cone set up, about 10 yards apart for reverse suicide ladder.  PAX line up across the parking lot, run to the furthest cone and perform exercise.  Run back to the start line.  PAX then run to the furthest cone, repeat that exercise, and add the next cone and exercise on the way back, eventually knocking out all 5 exercises.

  • Four count merkins (hand release) x10
  • Jump squats x10
  • Burpees x10
  • LBCs x20
  • SSH x30

Each PAX grabs two rocks from the pile right beside our starting point.  OYO, then hold both rocks overhead when finished.

  • Lateral raises x20
  • Curls x20
  • Up and outs x20

Sprint out to the furthest cone and return to your rocks for another round, this time 10 reps of each.  Return rocks and mosey back across railroad tracks to the parking lot across from The Foundry for Lt. Dan’s Revenge. Starting with 2 squats and 4 lunges, then run up the short hill and knock out 5 merkins, return back to bottom of hill.  Repeat, increasing to 4 squats 8 lunges, 6/12, 8/16, 10/20 all with 5 merkins at the top of the hill before running back.

Quick mosey back to start point

American hammers x20
Box cutters x10
10 strong: Passport, Steam, Swanson, Magic Mic, Cornhole, Petey (WELCOME BACK), G6, Half Dome, Postman, Abort
From Ozark, Jacob Snell: “Ill humor in the morning brings about a darkened day.”  I know that I have been struggling lately at work, and I really thing it is because I’ve not been able to work out as much.  When I get up, I have extra time and look at the news or social media, which is inevitably something negative.  I think it’s pretty obvious that it sets the wrong tone for the day and its hard to climb out of that hole dug so early.

But when I come and work out, I’m listening to people talk about doing things with their kids, or seeing faces for the first time in a while and without them knowing it, they have pointed me in the right direction for the day.  That positivity just in words, that goes along with having done some exercise, prevents a darkened day.
Morristown launch June 6th!