F3 Knoxville

Big Ball 2020 Q Recap

Big Ball

THE SCENE: Upper 40s, cloudy, slightly damp

SSH, Rockettes, Tempo Squats, Little of this
Just like all the other recaps we’re seeing on spotify, strava, Facebook, etc., this workout is all pieces of memorable Big Ball workouts from this year.

  • Shoulder Warm Up (Amazon) – 15x Arm Circles (forward and back), Moroccan Night Clubs, Shoulder Taps, Overhead Claps, Shoulder Taps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Arm Circles (forward and back)
  • Monkey Jumpers (Mine) – Went over to the side walk next to the field for Monkey Jumpers (3 Monkey Humpers followed by a broad jump) all the way down to the end of the field
  • 343 Reps and 1980 steps (Pfeifer) – Went to the Big Ball steps for a modified version of Pfeifer’s 9/11 workout. Instead of 343 reps and 110 flights of stairs we did 3 laps up and down the steps followed by 30 Merkins, 40 Big Boys and 30 Merkins respectively
  • Make It Count (Postman) – At the middle landing of steps, we broad jumped across the convention center to the top of the next stair case, keeping track of the number of jumps we took. We then used that number for 2x our number of Squats and 1x our number of Squat Jumps
  • Twofer Tuesday (Steam) – Moseyed over to the stage. Did 11 incline merkins, ran across the stage for 11 decline merkins, then rinsed and repeated
  • Reverse Suicide Ladder (Abort) – Used trees next to event lawn as cones. Tree 1 – 10x Hand Release Merkins, Tree 2 – 10x Jump Squats, Tree 3 – 10x American Hammers. Ran to first tree and back, then to second tree then first and back, then to third then second then first and back
  • Duck Jousting (Trowel) – Formed two single file lines facing each other in the duck position (squat with hands behind head). The front person of each line had 10 seconds to knock down the other front person of the other line without breaking the duck position. Everyone tied except Abort
  • Burpee Indian Run (Soot and Mine) – Ran an Indian Run around the AO, whoever was in front stepped to the side and did burpees til the rest caught back up to him, joined the back of the line and the new front person took his place doing burpees


We’ve said it enough, but this year has been unexpected with change, heart ache, anxiety, loss and many other things. The sad reality of how we approach a new year is that the change in the last number in the date won’t change any of this, regardless of how much we celebrate tonight. We learned this year that a lot of what we put our hope and trust in is actually quite fragile, temporary or even unnecessary. But even in a year like 2020 we can find refuge in the fact that God is still sovereign, consistent and active. As believers, we also are meant to be consistent and steadfast in what we know to be true and what we value, even in this past year of ever-changing ridiculousness and in the years to come. Micah 6:8 lays out our role almost too simply, “The Lord asks of you this; to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God”.
CSAUP coming up, end of January