F3 Knoxville

Like Mic

THE SCENE: Dark, wet, a bit rainy and lower 50’s

SSH x 20, Baby Arm Circles x 15 forwards and 15 backwards + 15 shoulder taps, Little of This and That, Michael Phelps, Cherry Pickers x 5, Imperial Walkers x 10
This workout was done with a basketball. Everywhere we went we ran Indian Runs, passing the ball to the person behind us and when the ball made it to the back of the line whoever had it would run to the run and start passing it back again. If the ball touched the ground at anytime, even during exercise, we all had to stop and do 5 burpees

  • Amphitheater: 2 laps of snaking the stairs. 1st lap we did 10 Big Boy Sit ups at the bottom of each staircase and 10 Merkins at the top. 2nd lap we did 10 Dips at the bottom and 10 Sumo Squats at the top
  • Min Kao Bridge: We lunged across the bridge, stopping 3 times to do 15 Carolina Dry Docks each time
  • Bottom of the Hill: 25 Incline Merkins, 25 Little Baby Crunches, 25 Squats and run up the steps to Ayers
  • Outside Ayers: We made a big circle on our 6’s and passed the ball around. Each time someone caught the ball they had to lead everyone in 5 reps of an exercise. We did 2 rounds and you couldn’t pass to the people next to you or the person who just passed to you and went until everyone had caught the ball. 1st round was American Hammers and 2nd round was Flutterkicks
  • Student Union Bridge: We played Bearcrawl Ball. We formed 2 teams and essentially played soccer with our hands while bearcrawling
  • Long Mosey back to AO


During this time of year we often take time to think about things we want to improve on, do more of, become better at, or start doing all together. I encouraged us to also consider where in our lives we can dial back, spend less time, less energy, or less money, in order to make room for the things we value or to just make more room in our schedules in general. Last night I read that the average audio book collection of the entire Bible clocks in at 71 hours, which is also less time than the average American spends in one month watching TV. So what are somethings, like TV, phone, social media, etc. that we could be spending less time on in order to make room for the things we value most?
2nd F New Year’s Party was moved to the 10th

24 Days of Christmas


SSH (4ct), Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers (4ct),

12 Days of Christmas x 2

Round 1 with coupon

  1. Lap
  2. Big Boy Sit ups
  3. Bench press with coupon
  4. Overhead press
  5. Curls
  6. Bent over rows
  7. LBC’s
  8. Mountain climbers
  9. Merkins
  10. Plank Jacks
  11. Squats
  12. Burpees

Round 2 without coupon

  1. Lap
  2. Carolina Dry Docks
  3. Jump Squats
  4. LBC’s
  5. Diamond Merkins
  6. Plank Jacks
  7. BBS
  8. Flutter kicks
  9. Squats
  10. Wide Merkins
  11. Mountain climbers
  12. Burpees



Titus 2 – Be self-controlled and live godly lives with integrity.  What ungodliness or worldly passions do we need to renounce to live a holy life?

leg day lollygag

THE SCENE: 43 or 44 but felt cooler with the wind

  • Grady Corns
  • Squat and reach
  • Angle grinders
  • Imperial walkers
  • SSH


Mosey over to Big Ball, 12 minute AMRAP
  • 30 squats
  • 15 Carolina dry docks
  • 10 pull ups
  • 15 side lunges (each leg)
  • 20 Jane Fonda’s (10 each leg, 4 count)
  • 20 American hammers

I gave everyone the option of moving on to the next planned thing, or to repeat the AMRAP listed above for another 6 minutes, cutting the reps in half each exercise. They opted to repeat the AMRAP (I think they made the right call).

Mosey back to light poles for Route 66. Lunge between light poles, merkins at poles. 1:11 merkins. Had we stopped our AMRAP at just the 12 minutes, we would have repeated Route 66 with crawl bears and squat jumps. Yuck.


Flutter kicks and pickle pounders

5 Strong: Magic Mic, Reverb, G6, Swanson, Abort
I just thanked everyone for showing up, not just today and not just in the gloom but every day and throughout the community. Pray for a safe holiday for our community and for everyone to be back out tomorrow or Thursday.

A Big Ballin’ Christmas Eve

THE SCENE: Felt Christmas-y. Merry & Bright (not literally).


“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this Christmas Eve morning. A couple things before we begin:

  • I’m not a professional, despite popular belief
  • You’re here on your own volition – you made a choice to be here/no one’s forcing you to be here, if they are, come see me after and we’ll talk.
  • Modify as you need this morning. You know your body better than anyone, so feel free to modify, but push yourself and the men around you.”

Happy Christmas Eve men!


  • SSH (Side Straddle Hop): 11 x 4 in cadence
  • Windmill: 11 x 4 in cadence
  • Imperial Walker; 11 x 4 in cadence
    • Humble plug for the new Star Wars movie
  • Revised Merkin (Army Standard): 11 x 4 in cadence
  • Half- Burpee: 11 x 4 in cadence

Inforrmation about the workout.

[ Mosey to Market Square from Big Ball AO ]

    • AO –> Stairs by Big Ball –> Bridge across Henley –> Market Square
  • Plateau on stairs by Big Ball: 24 x 4 man-makers in cadence
  • American Santa Run to Market Square (basically an American Indian run but more jolly)

(Arrive at the stage at Market Square)

  • 24s
    • Battle Buddy Up
    • As a BB Team:
      • Stage: 24 battle-buddy sit-ups (1 BB holds feet for the other)
      • Sprint around the perimeter of the ice-skating rink and back to the stage
      • Stage: 24 1-count merkins
      • Rinse & Repeat 2x

(24 count from PAX)

(Mosey to Gay Street Christmas Tree)

  • Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
    • 4 points of contact around tree
      • Gay Street Side: 24 squats in cadence
      • Sidewalk(s): 24 1-count Merkins in cadence
      • Grass opposite of Gay Street: 24 squats in cadence

(24 count in cadence)

(Mosey to World’s Fair Park bridge/tunnel with lights)

  • PAX line up in incline merkin position on the ledge facing the water
  • Starting with the 6 – each HIM counts 7 up-down incline merkins then sprints to the front of the line – All PAX complete 7 merkins with the counter
    • This s*** ain’t no joke
    • Q Tip: It’s okay to give PAX a break if the exercise is elongated ^^^ and high-intensity
  • PAX executes exercise
    • Q gives PAX standing rest for 15-20 seconds
    • Q quickly realizes a rinse and repeat would destroy everyone for the upcoming holiday
  • PAX runs through everyone once

(24 count)

(PAX moseys towards AO – F3 Cadence Call ensues)

@ AO = ATMs (cash it out)


11 Total: 9 PAX // 2 FNGs


“F3 is not a Christian organization by nature. As long as you believe in a higher power, and that you’re living for more than yourself. However, I’m a Jesus follower, so that’s what I speak about when I Q usually.” – Steam

    • Q Thoughts: I forget to throw this out there before the BOM/in the COT a lot. Which is fine…..however, all men are welcome at F3 and giving whatever men that are in the COT after your Q the reminder that they are welcome regardless of they’re a “varsity Christian” (no such thing), or are struggling in whatever your faith or lack there of may be, you’re welcome.
  • The darkness has not overcome it.
  • Comes from John 1:5 = “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
    • What’s your “it” ?
    • As Jesus followers, we know how the story ends. And our Savior was born as a human to die from the get-go. The darkness (whatever that is for you) cannot overcome the light, the light of the world that we celebrate tomorrow.


  • Jan 1st: Polar Bear Plunge in Townsend: Some of our PAX will be clown-car’ing up to Townsend on New Years Day to do an annual Polar Bear Plunge, followed by a 2nd F lunch at Soccer Taco on Northshore Drive. More info to come from Abscess closer to the 1st on where we’ll meetup, etc.


  • F3 Knoxville New Year’s Party: 1/3/2020
    • Friday, January 3rd: 5pm – 10:00pm
    • 2223 Mystic Ridge Road
    • “F3 Knoxville is having a New Years party…kind of. It’s on The Friday after New Years. Bring the wife, girlfriend/significant other or even a FNG. It’s going to be a fun night of fellowship to celebrate the new year! What to bring: a few bucks for the game tournaments, a small dessert or appetizer and BYOB. Tea and coffee will be provided. Make the HC now and let your wife/sig other meet the other idiots that you workout with at 5:30am!”

Prayer Lessons ITG

Prayer Lessons ITG

Everyone knows the drill.  The alarm goes off, you get dressed, drive to the AO, put in work, name-o-Rama, pray. Rinse and repeat.

Pray.  Hmmm, that one stands out.

What I have seen and learned in my time at F3 is that we as men need male bonding, that is no surprise, but we also need God, and we need prayer. The male bonding part is easy, and I can honestly say my closest friends of all time are men I’ve met in the gloom. They’ve helped me grow, as a man and in my faith.  Many of them might not know it, but it wasn’t just going through the motions, it is how they live life, and how they pray. To see how they have walked with God is truly an inspiration.

No one ever said life was easy, and the men at DogPound have seen all the bad, divorce, overdose, car accidents, death, sick kids, sick wives, job loss, and most recently the ongoing battle with cancer. There has also been much joy to combat the bad which is always a blessing. However, what has stayed with me is how these men through everything good and bad, has been to pray.  Prayer has been a focal point in everyone of those situations. Praying together in gloom.  Praying alone about those in need.  A text message or post requesting prayer.  A reminder to pray for someone. Day to day through adversity, celebration, and whatever comes their way, they remain calm and steadfast not only in their actions, their undying trust in God,  their support of one another, but in how they pray.

I wanted to share because prayer hits home for me.  My biggest fear about leading my first Q wasn’t the exercises, cadence, not even the public speaking.  But public praying?  Well that’s not my thing. I’ll be the first to admit even now when I pray it still isn’t fancy. I’m not eloquent like Junk or La-z-boy.  I don’t have Bible verses come to me during prayer.  I still say “uh” a lot, and there are lots of awkward pauses. I’m basically still one step above the old faithful “Now I lay me down to sleep…”.  For me, I know I have never left the BOM thinking “dude, I rocked that prayer”.  But truthfully the men in my Wolfpack have taught me that doesn’t even matter.  What I’ve seen is that it’s not about how you pray, where you pray, what you pray, but it is to just to pray. Just pray. Taking time to speak with God. Thanking him for all that He has given you, good and bad, and then laying your joys and concerns at His feet.  Submitting, asking, and allowing for His plan for our lives.

I believe God always answers prayers. Always. It might not be the answer we want, and it might not be when we want it, but He answers. He opens doors while closing others. And because of that He just wants us to pray.

It took me a long time to understand that, and I am thankful for these men who have helped me.

“pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17