F3 Knoxville

A friendly visit

THE SCENE: Clear 70 degrees humid

Over Head Clap x 40 IC

Tempo Squat x 20 IC

T-Plank Arm Circles x 15 EA ED

8 Count Body Builders x 10 IC
Aiken Legs: on benches complete two rounds of 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunge (10 EL)

Mosey to Stairs

Jelly Legs:

  • R1: Hold squat for 10 seconds; 10 squats; run up stairs; 2 burpee
  • R2: Hold squat for 20 seconds; 20 squats; run up stairs; 4 burpee
  • R3: Hold squat for 30 seconds; 30 squats; run up stairs; 6 burpee
  • R4: Hold squat for 40 seconds; 40 squats; run up stairs; 8 burpee
  • R5: Hold squat for 50 seconds; 50 squats; run up stairs; 10 burpee

Grizzcalator: Merkin crawl up stairs completing push-up on every other step and three push-ups on landings.

Mosey to bridge

Burpee Broad Jump across bridge and then lunge back across bridge.

Mosey back to AO

Pick card- 3 rounds of 10 squat, 10 flutters (4 ct), 10 lunge (10 EL).


  • Justice
  • Judgement
  • Dependability
  • Initiative
  • Decisiveness
  • Tact
  • Integretity
  • Endurance
  • Bearing
  • Unselfishness
  • Courage
  • Knowledge
  • Loyalty
  • Enthusiasm

When we’re enthusiastic about something, we’re willing to sacrifice for it. People who are enthusiastic about a cause will sacrifice time and money for it. People who are enthusiastic about their jobs will make personal sacrifices to spend time at work and educate themselves to do a better job.

Do the Hard Thing First. Lead by example. People/family is watching you to see how to act/react to situation and life.




THE SCENE: 52* and clear, slightly cool start but the sweat is coming
Led by Swanson
SSH x25 IC
Little of this and a little of that
Windmills x10 IC
Tempo squat x 15 IC
Tempo merkin x15 IC
8 Counts x5 IC
THA-THANG: Led by Abort
Gather keys and phones and mosey out of start point over to amphitheater.  Assemble at the stage for 11s’s big brother, 25’s.  Same concept as 11s except increase/decrease by 5 reps.  Start at the stage and do 20 feet elevated crunches (legs straight out and 6″ off the ground, hands on head and crunch), run up the stairs to the top and do 5 pull ups/inverted rows on rails.  Return to the bottom for 15 crunches/10 rows, etc. working up and down in count.

Mosey to pedestrian bridge south of amphitheater for Welsh Dragons (thanks Filter).  Take 4 bear crawl steps, do 1 merkin, 1 two-count shoulder tap.  Take 4 bear crawl steps, do 2 merkins, 2 two-count shoulder taps.  Increase reps every 4 steps, I think we got to 7 or 8 reps of each depending on how big your bear feet are.

Return to start line for Galway Hookers.  Same scenario as before but exercises are different.  Take 4 lunge steps, do 1 super-squat (deep squat, then calf raise after coming up).  Take 4 lunge steps, do 2 super-squats.  Increase reps every 4 steps.  Exercise extended further because people decided to take giant lunge steps.  Again we made it to about 8 reps.

Led by Swanson

Short mosey to round pull off near convention center. Everyone spreads out and finds a column barrier to start out with.
– First round: Pistol squats on left leg x10, bear crawl to center, pistol squats on right leg x10, then bear crawl back to outside and hold
– Second round: Incline merkins x10, bear crawl to center, decline merkins x10, bear crawl back to outside and hold
– Third round: Lunge to center, dips x20, lunge back to outside and hold

Short mosey over to the base of the Big Ball for Swanson pyramid.  Each round you multiply the exercise times the round you’re on (never math in public..).  Exercises done at Big Ball, middle landing of stairs, and top of stairs.

  • Pulls ups x1 on Big Ball
  • Big boy sit ups x3 on middle landing of stairs
  • Merkins x5 at top of stairs

So round one you do 1 pull up, 3 sit ups, 5 merkins and run back down.  Round two you do 2 pull ups, 6 sit ups, 10 merkins. Etc. etc. up to round 5.

Mosey back to start point.

MARY: Led by Abort
Flutter kicks x25 IC (mixed tempo)
Boat/canoe and variations for 90 seconds
13 Strong: G6, Cheesesteak, 2×2, Gesundheit, Swanson, Reverb, Frank, 3Peat, Singlet, Sneaky Pete, Mulligan, Steam, Abort
Gesundheit spoke about getting out and being consistent with F3 and his physical job, and how they have helped with his overall energy level and his outlook.  I seconded that.  I’ve had issues getting up especially on Mondays.  I got up Monday and didn’t on Tuesday this week.  That extra hour or two of sleep seems like a great idea until you miss a workout.  I almost always regret sleeping in, and I never regret actually coming to F3. AYE!!
Hardship Hill OCR this weekend, still time to register or volunteer.

Getting to know Big Ball

THE SCENE: Beautiful weather at the Big Ball!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER administered!

20 SSH, 10 Tempo squats, 15 mountain climbers IC, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club
Mosey to the playground and locate a good pull-up spot.  Perform 8-count body builders with a pull-up at the top of the jump with pyramid style reps:  2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 2.  Each set consisted of the stated count of each portion of the exercise, e.g. 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks, 2 pull-ups.

Mosey to the stairs beside the Big Ball.  Perform 11’s using both sets of stairs.  Start with 10 burpees at the bottom and 1 squat at the top.

Mosey back toward the fountain and stop at the closest corner of the “track” around the park.  With hard runs between, perform theses exercises at the corners (1 exercise per corner):

  • 15 merkins
  • 15 diamond merkins
  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 15 squats
  • 15 lunges each leg
  • 15 sumo squats
  • 15 Freddie Mercury IC
  • 15 Imperial walkers IC
  • 15 flutter kicks IC

An attempt at a “square” merkin.  I am sure someone has an awesome name for these.  4 PAX form a square and put their legs on the PAX’s upper back behind them and everyone’s feet will be off the ground.  One group had to modify due to risking further back surgeries.  We definitely don’t want that to happen.  The other group of 4 successfully completed 5 or so reps.  Nice job!
8 HIMs in attendance today.
Ephesians 5:22-25.  The relationship between a husband and wife should be the most important earthly relationship.  A husband should be willing to die for his wife just as Christ died for us.  The relationship we have with our children, though very important, is secondary.  Keep this in mind and make sure we are showing our love to our spouses.
YHC snagged this Q at the last minute last night and I am glad I did.  Great group of HIMs to lead!  I look forward to other opportunities to enjoy F3 with them in the future.
OEW fundraiser at Abridged on Thursday.  Don’t forget to sign-up for Hardship Hill coming up on May 18th.

In honor of Mom turning “72”!!

THE SCENE: Temp in the 60’s, clear

SSH IC x 25

Merkins IC x 10

American Hammer IC x 20

Flutter Kicks IC x 17

For a total # of reps = 72

  • Mosey to rock pile to choose a coupon and return to yard area
    • With a battle buddy, completed 72 reps of each exercise with coupon
      • Squats
      • Overhead press
      • Curls
      • Pull ups
  •  Without coupons, Lunge x 40 then Bear Crawl x 32 across field
  • 4 corners:  High Knees, Squats, Crunches, Merkins x 18 each with 3 burpees in center of field between each corner.
  • Mosey to curb for Wheel of Merkin.  10 Merkins at each position on curb.
  • Mosey back to rock pile to deposit coupons.
    • Ring of fire of merkins

Flutter kicks x 18

Box cutters x 18

Imperial walkers x 18

8 count body builders x 18

When we go anywhere we represent someone.  Either our family, company, church, etc.  Through our speech, actions, attitudes, etc. let’s represent well.  More importantly, if we are followers of Christ, be aware that we represent Him and to make sure our words, attitudes, actions, etc represent Him well to others.
Prayers for Soot as he’s deployed.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Short Notice

THE SCENE: 44 and clear

Baby arm circles 12 forward/back on 4 count

A little of this/that.   Michael Phelps

Cherry pickers x 5

SSH x 25 on 4 count

Tempo squats x 10

Tempo merkins x 10


  •  Mosey to the playground for some CMU work.  25 curls, overhead presses, BBS, Tricep extensions, bench press, rows.
  • Mosey towards the Big Ball.  3 laps around the pond with 4 stations of exercises.  5 burpees under the bridge, 10 big ball pull ups, 15 merkins on the bridge, 20 squats under the amphitheater.
  • Mosey to Candy Factory for Dora’s:  50 BBS, 100 merkins, 150  flutter kicks (4ct), 200 squats.  While partner performs exercises, the other Pax is running up the hill towards the art museum ( Bernie Sanders  the first half and sprint the second)
  • Mosey back to AO for Aiken Legs:  20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 20 split jacks (10 each leg).

Edward Scissor leg x 20 (4 ct)

Flutter kicks x 15 (4 ct)

Side to Side pickle pounders x 15 (4 ct)


3 HIMs