F3 Knoxville

Ringing the B.E.L.L.S.

THE SCENE: Nice and crisp – feelin’ like a spring day!

  • 15 Baby Arm Circles – Reverse it
  • 25 SSH
  • 10 cherry pickers
  • 15 tempo squats
  • 10 tempo Merkins
  • 10 MTN climbers

Mosey on offer to the hill near the ‘ol Chocolate Factory, grab a partner and tackle the Burp Back Mountain.  100 total burpees.  While one partner does burpees the other sprints to the top of the hill, turns, and runs back.

Mosey over to the stairs beneath the glorious wig housing Big Ball and get ready for Elevens!  Start at the bottom of the stairs with 10 squats, run to the top, and perform 1 8-count bodybuilder.  Run back down the stairs for 9 squats, run up, 2 8-count bodybuilders… Keep going until 1 squat and 10 8-count bodybuilders.

Mosey over to the bridge beyond the big pond. Make your way across with Lt. Dans. Lt Dans = Lunge with right leg, lunge with left, squat… Repeat until halfway down.  Turn and mosey back towards the AO.  Stop just underneath the Big Ball and SPRINT back to the AO.

  • Burpback
  • Elevens
  • Lunge
  • Lunge
  • Sprint

= B.E.L.L.S.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Joan Cronan was the Athletic Director for the Lady Vols and worked with Pat Summit to help oversee much of the women’s athletics program’s success.  I once saw her give a talk about ensuring that every day you ring your B.E.L.L.S.  The B.E.L.L.S. are

  • Bible
  • Exercise
  • Learn
  • Letter of gratitude
  • Special project

These are daily habits that help ensure a well rounded and focused mind. Spend time in the Word, take care of your body daily, learn something new (as simple as a new word), let someone know you are grateful for them (read Ephesians 1:16 – pray for them by name), and take 5 minutes to straighten a junk drawer or toss old food out. That few minutes of chipping away at a bigger thing helps you eat the elephant one bite at a time.

CSAUP with the Bombshelter on Saturday! On a personal plug: fundraising pint night at Elkmont Exchange on Wed for Cystic Fibrosis 5-9pm

Get started and see how far you go

THE SCENE: 30* but little wind, ready to go

Even/odd static stretches for 20 count: middle, left, right
BAC forward and reverse
Tempo lunge
Mosey out of SP and over to the amphitheater, stopping in front of the stage.

  • 10 Bulgarian split squats (10 each leg)
  • Sprint the stairs, mosey back down to the stage
  • 10 calf raises on stairs

Repeato with 15 reps

Mosey further to the parking lot behind the Min Kao building on UT campus for Charles Bronson.  Three cones set up, with 5 exercises at first cone.  Perform exercise, sprint to second cone, bear crawl to the third cone, mosey back and move to next exercise.  Repeat for each exercise.

  • 50 SSH on 4 count
  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 Burpees (yup)
  • 50 Big boy sit ups
  • 50 Jump squats

Mosey back to amphitheater, need to balance out the leg work with some upper body.  15 decline merkins, 15 regular merkins, 15 incline merkins all done in succession with no rest.

Mosey back to start point for Mary.

Flutter kicks
Heals to heaven
Feet elevated crunches
Boat canoe flutters led by Pfeiffer
10 Strong: Pfeiffer, Rusty, SiPad, Pullups, Amazon, Half Caff, Ivy, G6, Swanson, Abort
I’ve noticed on weekends that I am either extremely lazy or extremely productive, and usually nowhere in between.  I either just lay around and never get started doing anything or once I get started it just leads to staying busy.  The latter was yesterday, and it simply started with doing laundry early.  Then I painted something I had put off for months.  I fixed a broken section of fence that has needed attention for at least a month.  Cleaned up the utility room.  Found clothes to donate….I just encouraged men to get started with something and see how far it takes them to accomplish other things as well.

Keep Rick (G6’s son) and Blake (Scope’s father) in our prayers as they both have surgeries upcoming.
Hardship Hill teams need to form up soon!!

Ampitheater Circuit at the Big Ball

THE SCENE: Very wet, low 40s.

SSH x 25 IC

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC

Mosey to Ampitheatre b/c it was super wet out

Continue warming up under cover on the stage

Baby Arm Circles x15 up and down IC

Burpee Drill – SSH until PAX yells “down!” to do one burpee. Everyone gets a turn around the circle.

Ampitheater Circuit –

6 Stations around the Ampitheater on the floor and on the upper level at the top of the stairs.

– 3 circuits – 20, 25, 30 reps

  1. Bottom right – MERKINS
  2. Top right – BBS
  3. Bottom center right – IMPERIAL WALKERS 4CT
    1. Bear crawl to next station
  4. Bottom center left – SQUATS
  5. Top left – PULLUPS
  6. Bottom left – AMERICAN HAMMERS 2CT
    1. Bear crawl back to 1. Repeat 3x
  • 21s – Counting is not that hard…
    • PAX do 21 SSH. First 5 are counted out loud. 6-21 are counted silently. If we don’t all stop at the exact same time, we do an exercise…. group too small to make this effective b/c we all stopped at the exact same time – even with our backs turned away from each other.
    • Each PAX was asked to lead us in an exercise around the circle

Plank with shoulder taps around the circle

Everyone in the plank position. First PAX does 10 shoulder taps on a 4CT while the others hold the plank position. Rotate around the circle so everyone gets a turn while the others plank.

G-6, Abort, Swanson, Si Pad, Filter
MLK speech at Spelman College in 1960 – “If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run, walk; if you can’t walk, crawl; but by all means keep moving.”
Prayers for lots of folks in and around our group with health issues.

testing out the 1-2 step up

THE SCENE: 39* which was a heat wave after Monday and Tuesday

Gear inspection and quick warm up
  • BAC forward and reverse
  • Tempo squats
  • 8 count bodybuilders
Gear up and move out. Head to UT amphitheater by library. 4 PAX with rucks, two additional 60 pound sandbags. Rotate bags as needed until reaching amphitheater.
Two count of one arm ruck overhead squats, then step up to next level of amphitheater. Continue to the top.
2 derkin at each level, bear crawl going down (hence forth known as the controlled fall).
Two rounds, switch arm for ruck overhead going up. Same two count controlled fall going down. THIS WAS HARD.
Bucket list style, mule run. One man farmer carries both 60 bags about 20 yards and back. Upon return, next man takes turn and the group moves to next exercise.
  • Curls
  • Flutters
  • 8 counts
  • Thrusters
  • Sit ups
  • Overhead over and back
  • Merkins
  • Ruck OH squats

Went two rounds of this, bumping order. Ruck up and head back to start point, climbing stairs at The Hill and Pfeiffer finding another solid mountain to ruck up. (A Rod once said if you have a choice to go over or around a mountain, you always go over).

Cash out with Amazon complex. Burpee on top on sandbag -> strict curl -> clean -> squat -> press throw to next person in the circle. 5 reps for each man.

4 weirdos: Fast n Easy, Pfeiffer, Swanson, Abort

shooting from the hip

THE SCENE: Phone said 16*, feels like 6*.  Channeled my inner Crawdad and rocked shorts (though I had 5 layers up top).  Wind was colllddddd

BAC forward IC
BAC backward IC
Tempo squats IC
Mosey out of start point and toward amphitheater.  Run to the top of the backside of the theater to try to hide from the wind. One round of leg blasters, exercises done with no break:
15 air squats
20 lunges (10 each leg)
10 jump squats

Followed by a half round of Amazon shoulder smokers:
25 overhead claps on 4 count, pick the cherries and put them in the bucket x3, then another 25 overhead claps on 4 count.  Amazon is the only person with the superpower to go to 100 on 4 count with no rest, can’t do it don’t Q it, so we stop at 50.  Mosey down and across the pedestrian bridge and over to the Big Ball stairs for some 11’s.

Start with one jump squat at the bottom, run to the top of the stairs and do 10 hand release merkins.  Keep going through 11’s routine until our legs were made of jello.  Recover and 10 count.

Mosey back to the pedestrian bridge and do Lieutenant Dan’s across the bridge.  Four lunges, one burpee, until you reach the other side.  Short mosey to the bottom of the amphitheater.  One group of 2 and one of 3.

One partner does dips on the benches at the bottom, the other partner sprints up the hill and does 5 pull ups on the rails at the top.  Return to the bottom and flapjack with your partner.  3 rounds for each partner.

Mosey back to the start point for Mary.

Box cutters IC
Boat/canoe ring of fire
Frostbitten 5: Dinger, Filter, Swanson, Vertigo, Abort
Scheduled Q did not show up, so I did not have a word prepared.  I just did the Pantene method and rinsed and repeated my word from Saturday about reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken to and rebuild a bridge.  Vertigo spoke about the value of lives of all ages, and hope that the man who left a note to his family had a change of heart and will be found alive in the mountains.