F3 Knoxville

Pumpkin Carving

THE SCENE:  44 and Spooky

-SSH x30 IC/ Cherry Pickers x10 IC/SSH x20 IC/Imperial Walkers x12 IC/SSH x15 IC/Baby Arm Circles Forward/Reverse x10 each IC

  • Mosey to TN Amphitheater Stage as a PAX and do the following together…
    • 10 Hand Release Merkins, 15 Squats, 20 BBS (take lap around Big Ball)
    • Rinse and Repeat 3 times.  on 3rd trip up sidewalk going behind the Amphitheater steps PAX must bear crawl up to top before returning to stage.
  • Mosey to Big Ball Steps…
    • 7’s with Burpees and Hand Release Merkins (Burpees at the bottom, HRM’s at top of first level of steps.
  • Mosey to Big Ball infield…
    • Partner UP with a Battle Buddy and wheelbarrow across infield to starting point (alternating who is crawling when partner is at exhaustion)

Flutter Kicks IC x20, Hand release merkins IC x10, Hello Dolly’s x15 IC, Hand Release Merkins x7 IC, Pickle Pounders x14 IC
16 PAX & 1 FNG “Swanson”

Proverbs 27:12 “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.  The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” (NLT)  Too often times I find myself being the simpleton.  Reflect throughout your day at a particular time such as lunch and pray about your day and needs/concerns so that God keeps your heart receptive to His ways.  If you want prudent results you can’t act in a manner of the simpleton!!


As we were all walking to our cars Passport and myself encouraged others to sign up to Q/Co-Q!  Commit to stepping out of your comfort zones and lead by serving.

Big Ball rock stars

THE SCENE: 48* and clear, perfect weather

  • Side straddle hops x20 IC
  • Tempo squats x10 IC
  • Merkins on 4 count, x20 IC
  • Imperial squat walkers, x10 IC

Begin mosey away from AO, pass bottom of Big Ball and pause just before Cumberland Avenue to wait on 6.  PAX perform 20 merkins and 20 squats OYO. Continue Mosey to Church Street parking lot right next to Henley Street Bridge.  PAX pick up pet rocks for rock circuit.  PAX who start with Colt 45s bump the group ahead of them to next exercise, 4 corners of lot with exercises:

  • Colt 45s – 15 rock curls from bottom to halfway point of ROM, 15 rock curls from halfway point to top of ROM, 15 rock curls full bottom to top
  • Big boy sit ups with rock pressed in the air.  Exercise until bumped by group behind
  • Squats with rock pressed above head.  Exercise until bumped by group behind
  • ABCs – Write the letters of the alphabet with the rock.  Exercise until bumped by group behind

Rotate through all exercises twice.  Replace pet rock and recover.  Mosey across Henley Street to hill at Walnut Street, and meet at bottom of hill.  Perform Lt. Dan’s all the way up hill (1 squat, 4 lunges, 2 squats, 8 lunges, etc maintaining 1:4 ratio until you reach the top).  Recover.

Mosey back towards AO, stopping at the Big Ball for Contra Burpees (increasing number of merkins in the burpee by each repetition until you reach 10 merks in the burp).  Recover. Mosey back to AO SP.

Box cutters x15 IC
17 PAX, 0 FNGs.  Hang Tight, Steam, Blazer, Jenner, Savannah, Manwich, Cowbell, A-Rod, Frank, Passport, Outlaw, Uncle Rico, Quarantine, Eggo, Singlet, G6, Abort
Workouts with F3 have been a game changer in my life.  I’ve tried doing workouts and rucks that we’ve done on my own, and there is no push and the workouts have no effect.  The men that join each morning are why I’m here.
Trucking to the Pount Saturday, Big Ball AO begins Saturday workouts on Saturday as well


THE SCENE: Low 40’s, a bit nippy, clear

  • Cherry Pickers x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Happy Jacks (5, 4 count SSH followed by 2 squat jumps) x 5 sets
  • Tempo Merkin x 10


  • Mosey to the amphitheater for whirlpool instructions.
  • Whirlpool (timed exercise ~20 min AMRAP).  5 stations around World’s Fair pond.  #1 Box jumps x 10 on amphitheater stage.  #2 Derkins  x 10 amphitheater steps.  #3 Lunge across bridge.  #4 Carolina dry docks x 10 base of convention center steps.  # 5 Pull-ups x 10 on the Big Ball!  Mosey from station to station as many laps as possible until time called.  Big boy sit ups until last group arrives.
  • Recover to crosswalk under the bridge
  • Triple Nickel.  Run from crosswalk uphill to intersection of Clinch and World’s Fair Park drive.  5 merkins at the top, then run back down.  5 merkins at the bottom.  Rinse and repeat x 5
  • Return to AO for Mary


  • 4 count Sweat Angels x 20
  • 4 count American Hammers x 15
  • Cash out with some ATMs


16 PAX strong.  No FNG’s, but second timer George Locken  forgot his previously  given F3 name.  It was agreed to rename him Mr. Magoo.


  • Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always.  Again I will say rejoice.
  • What do you rejoice in?
  • It is not in our circumstances we find joy.  Circumstances will often not allow it.  Joy resides in the Lord.

Shampoo Effect…#rinseandrepeat

THE SCENE: 60 and cool

Tempo Squat x10 IC, Cherry Pickers x10 IC, SSH x20 IC, Baby Arm Circles Forward/Reverse each x10 IC
Form two lines and mosey to TN Ampitheatre

Grab a battle buddy…

  • Partner A sprint the steps and do 2 burpees/Partner B does alternates between two exercises on stage til Partner A returns then alternate
  • Repeat this exercise until both Partners A/B complete 10 burpees increasing each rep of burpees by two each trip up the steps (2,4,6,810).
  • Alternate between BBS and Flutter Kicks each trip while waiting to alternate with your battle buddy
  • Repeat same sequence except do pull-ups on hand rails at top of theatre steps and alternate between squats and LBC’s on stage

Form two lines and mosey to the bridge…

In waves of three PAX to keep everyone spaced the PAX performed burpee broad jumps across the bridge and held Al Gore/Plank until every member of the PAX made it across.  (T Claps to A-Rod for going back to finish the exercise with an FNG!)

Form two lines and mosey to BB steps for Mount Merkin OYO

  • 10 merkins at bottom of steps, sprint to top of steps and compete 9 merkins.  Rinse and repeat until you count down to compleeting 1 merkins (10-1).  PAX do leg lifts until recovery.

Form two lines and mosey to SP…

  • 11’s on the benches with box jumps and dips

Flutter Kicks x25 IC, Hello Dolly x20 IC
16 PAX and 3 FNG’s! FNG’s are: (Bilko, Heisenberg, Boo Boo)
Prayed as a PAX as everyone enters into the end of the week
Great push from the PAX, good mumblechatter from Passport specifically and the FNG’s gave it all they had.  Everyone emptied the tank!

Curb Crawls and Dirty Hookups

THE SCENE: 52 and clear, perfect morning

Side straddle hops x20 IC
Tempo squats x10 IC
Peter Protons
Michael Phelps
Mosey over to side street running beside park.  Start ascending curb crawls – bear crawl across street to curb, turn around and place feet on the curb and perform 1 derkin.  Bear crawl back to the other side, perform 2 derkins.  Repeat bear crawl across street and increase number of derkins until reaching lucky 13.  Flutter kicks and big boys waiting on the 6 to complete. Recover

Mosey to long parking lot behind Chemistry building, pausing at the halfway point for 20 big boys and 20 squats.  Continue to long parking lot where 5 cones are set up, 100 yards from SP, 75 yards, 50 yards, 25, yards, and 10 yards from SP.

  • 100 yard dash, perform 100 SSHs, mosey back to SP and plank waiting on 6
  • 75 yard dash, perform 75 mountain climbers, mosey back to SP and plank waiting on 6
  • 50 yard dash, perform 50 LBCs, mosey back to SP and plank waiting on 6
  • 25 yard dash, perform 25 merkins, mosey back to SP and all plank while Pfeiffer takes us shopping (holding varying heights of plank)
  • 10 yard dash, perform 10 burpees, mosey back to SP and plank waiting on 6.  Recover

Mosey back to underpass near AO.  All PAX plank facing wall for dirty hookups.  From plank position going through a 4 count exercise.  1 Count, place right hand on wall, 2 count place left hand on wall (now in horizontal plank), 3 count right hand down, 4 count left hand down.  Repeato x10.

Mosey back to SP for shoulder blaster and Mary. Shoulder blasters:

  • Forward arm raise thumbs up x10
  • Forward arm raise thumbs down x10
  • Forward arm raise thumbs up on up, thumbs down on down x10
  • Lateral arm raise thumbs up x10
  • Lateral arm raise thumbs down x10
  • Lateral arm raise thumbs up on up thumbs down on down x10

Flutter kicks x20 IC
Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Boat/canoes til time
13 Strong: Careless, Red Writer, Pfeiffer, Hooker, Doolittle, Passport, Singlet, Plunger, Filter, Uncle Rico, Quarantine, Green Card, Abort
Make sure as HIM that we are remembering all the hats we wear, and are being present in all those areas.  Try not to focus too much on one area that you forget or neglect another.