F3 Knoxville

Sunshine and Rainbows

THE SCENE: 70°ish humid

  • Tempo Squat x 10
  • Fast Squat x 10
  • Tempo Merkin x 10
  • Fast Merkin x 10


One-handed block burpee each side (burpee with one hand on a CMU) then 2 lunges holding the CMU all the way down the grinder and back. Brutality!!

Mosey to Mt Crumpet and buddy up.

P1 Lt Dan halfway up and back down twice while P2 is doing 4x4s (burpee with 4 merks and 4 mt climbers at the bottom) at the halfway point. P1 then man carries P2 to the tree. Mosey back to start and repeat each man twice.

Mosey back to grinder.

Merkin/Squat Max. Merkin until form suffers then deep squat until form suffers. Keep alternating for 5 minutes. We all suffered.

Iron boys x 50

Iron boys again x 50
9 HIMs
Nothing much to say. Remember travelers this weekend and the reason for Memorial Day.
Made this all up on the fly because my original plan didn’t seem intense enough. This definitely fixed that.
Murph tomorrow at 630 am

21 gun workout at Asylum Monday at 530 am.

The Farmer Carry

THE SCENE: Little warm, beautiful morning!

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each forward and backward IC
Little of this, little of that
Shrugs x10 on Q
Cherry Pickeres x10 IC


Everyone grab a CMU and Mosey over to Waxjob hill. Partner up. One Partner takes both CMUs and does bears and blocks up the hill, then farmer carries both CMUs over to the tennis courts around two nets and back. While partner one does that, partner two does the following exercises:

  • BBS x30
  • Squats x25
  • Merkins x20
  • V-ups x15
  • Burpees x10

Once the farmer carry partner gets back, both partners grab one CMU and do the following exercises:

  • CMU Overhead Press x25
  • CMU Curl x20
  • Bent Over Rows x15
  • CMU Tricep Extension x10

When both partners finish those exercises, they switch and repeat until Q calls time.

Only time for a little Mary today!

Boxcutters x20
LBC to cash out the last 30 seconds


8 HIMs strong this morning!


On the way to the beatdown this morning I heard the song “Get Along” by Kenny Chesney. I’m not very good at remembering song lyrics, but I remember that he says “afraid to die, afraid to live” and that really got me thinking. I think we are all afraid to die, at least to some extent. But we don’t often think about being afraid to live. Why have that crappy job that we hate when we spend the whole day dreaming about doing something we are passionate about? Why watch other people accomplish things and think it would be amazing, but never go out and try for ourselves? Sure there is always a chance that we can fail, but why not try? Failure is just a lesson. Without failure, we can’t grow and learn. Settling in to our comfort zones and living an “okay” life is not what we were made for. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there for what you believe in and what you are passionate about. God gave us the gift of this life, don’t be afraid to live it.


Is this Moses’s Birthday?

THE SCENE: It’s getting hot…

Side Straddle Hop (15), LBAC (10 F/B), Cherry Pickers (10)…………Run to the sandbag bridge

It’s back….inspired by what I could only imagine might have been the rest of the Moses birthday Q

3 reps at every light pole……. starting at sand bag bridge, over the wooden bridge, past the troll bridge, and back up the grinder for bear crawl and crawl bear. Oh…and there is about 30 light poles…sorry.

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • and for Snorkel and some others…….Big Boys

Iron Boys…30 ish
Butterfingers, Deep Dish, Fins, Flash, Henhouse, Hammy, Ma’am, Mr Rogers, Neighbor, Snorkel, Tin Man
We each build a prison of our own personal preference.  Our preference dictates what we eat, where we go, and the people we meet.  As a consequence we get closer and closer to the people inside our bubble and further away from people outside of this preference bubble.  This limit our potential and we become stagnant.  I believe we should break out of this bubble and actively search out people who can make us better.  F3 has definitely been a bubble hopping experience for me, and your strength and passion has made me a better person.

Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron,so one person sharpens another.

Game of Cards

THE SCENE: Nice and Warm

  • Side Straddle Hop (20)
  • Little Baby Arm Circles (15 F/B)
  • TN Rocking Chair (10)
  • Cherry Picker (10)

Two teams played a game of cards….card number for rep and exercise by suit.

  • Clubs=Merkins, Spades=Over Press, Hearts=CMU Rows, Diamonds=CMU Curls
  • Bonus:  Kings=1/4 lap, Aces=10 Burpess

30 LBC, 30 Hello Dollies, 30 Leg Lifts…………and then some. random stuff thanks to Snorkel and Hammy.

——-15 Men———Butterfingers, Cable Guy, Deep Dish, Drifter, Fins, Hammy, Ma’am, Neighbor, Pinocchio, Rain Check, Slugger, Snorkel, Tinman, and FNG (Cat5)


Thomas Carlyle (Essay on Labor)

“For there is a perennial nobleness, and even sacredness, in Work . . . in Idleness alone is there perpetual despair.” In work, we communicate with nature and with truth.  Labor is a “purifying fire.” Destiny “cultivates” us through our labor, and Destiny cannot help the lazy man. “Labor is Life,” and our only knowledge comes from our work. God lets us find a “sacred celestial Life-essence” through our labor:

Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness. He has a work, a life-purpose; he has found it, and will follow it! How, as a free-flowing channel, dug and torn by noble force through the sour mud-swamp of one’s existence, like an ever-deepening river there, it runs and flows;–draining-off the sour festering water, gradually from the root of the remotest grass-blade; making, instead of pestilential swamp, a green fruitful meadow with its clear-flowing stream. How blessed for the meadow itself, let the stream and its value be great or small!


More Than Halfway

THE SCENE: 70-something and pretty muggy.

The good ol’ Zero Burpee warmup.
Zero Burpees
25x SSH IC
2 Burpees OYO
20x Cossack Squats IC
4 Burpees OYO
20x Crab Kicks IC
6 Burpees OYO
10x Travoltas IC (each side)
8 Burpees OYO
15x LBAC each way
10 Burpees OYO


Start with a Calf Killer – Calf Raises on the curb, then mosey across the parking lot: 20-25%-20-50%-20-75%-20-AYG-20

Mosey to the base of Mount Crumpet, partner up for Dora 1-2-3
Running partner runs up the hill and around the tree.
100 Merkins
200 BBS
300 Squats

After each exercise reps complete, both partners mosey to the Fountain of Youth.
Plank-walk sideways with feet up on the curb of the fountain – one clockwise, one CCW.
When you meet on the other side, head back to Mt Crumpet and start the next exercise.

Everyone made it at least halfway through the squats before time was up!

Indian Run back to the AO

We crammed in 10x side crunches each side, 15x flutter kicks, and 5x slutter kicks before the clock hit 6:15.
11 PAX killed it today.
Plank-walk around the outside of the fountain sucked by an appropriate amount for a good beatdown. But as difficult as it was, I didn’t see anyone look up when they were halfway around, stop, and say, “I did my half!” Each individual kept pushing until the two completed the circle together.

That’s similar to the way it should work at home. Every household has a pile of hard stuff to do. Don’t “meet your partner halfway”. Take it together as a team. Try to do more than “your half.” As Paul said, we should love our wives as Christ loved the Church, and He didn’t “meet us halfway”. He came all the way around for us. Romans 5:8 says that “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”

Congrats to Pup on HS graduation! He’s off to the Citadel in July.
Everyone is super sore from Hardship Hill and super stoked for the next CSAUP!