F3 Knoxville

VQ at the Brickyard, CMUs Required

THE SCENE: 50s, extra gloomy and wet.

SSH , Toy soldiers , Temp Squats, OH & Front Claps and Mosey

  • 20 Grave diggers, 20 Lunges out , Bear Crawl back (all w/ CMUs) repeat series w/ 10 reps then 5 reps.
  • Partner split exercise count while one partner marches 50yrd and back shrugging 2 CMUs. – 50 Burpees, 100 Merkins, 200 Mountain Climbers (single count)
  • Black Snake – Indian run but back man weaves his way to the front
  • 11’s – Box jumps/ step ups and CMU Curl Press

Flutter Kicks, Hello Dollies & Froggers
vs Rom 8:28 Lets stop grumbling and complaining in the little things that we so often do. Our attitudes and perspective need to constantly be in check. Remember that God works ALL things to a Christians good. It’s easy to not pay attention to the little things when relating this verse but be mindful that our lives are made up mostly of the little things.

Gmail will work on his counting in cadence skills. The double CMU shrug carry was harder than anticipated and distance was shortened after first march.
None from me.

Restomod Naturday

THE SCENE: 33 degrees, clear crisp and cool

SSH IC x 30, Cherry Pickers IC x 10, Toy Soldiers IC x 10, Myrtles: FWD / BWD Hip Circles on all 4’s IC x10 each way, Donkey Kicks x 10, Clams x 10 (B) IC
Mosey toward track

  • 20 Australian Nut Knockers, 30 Plank Jacks 40 Single leg lunges
  • Run 2 laps around track
  • 20 MKNS, 30 Shoulder Taps, 40 (B) arm reacher JMPS
  • To Endzone and bear crawl to 20 YD to do 20 BBS–> bear crawl to 30 and do 30 Freddy Mercs then to 40 and do 40 flutter kicks
  • head to bleachers for 11’s: Dips & Monkey Humpers
  • return to run one lap around track fast
  • The six lines up to lunge the straights 50 yds and a 25 yd sprint to catch up with FNG
  • Head to the 50 yd line for suicides:  sprint to 40 do 1 MKN (sprint back to 50- SBF), to 30 2 MKNS (SBF), 20 YD for 3 MKNS (SBF), 10 YD for 4 MKNS (SBF)and EZ for 5 MKNS and SBF
  • back up to 60 YD line, quick side steps to 30, reverse side and repeat to EZ
  • Mosey back to planters for some more 11’s:  Box Jumps & Derkins

Supermans IC x 10, Hold Superman position for 90 seconds, Leg raise holds at 80 degrees, lower to 60, 40, 20, 10, 5, then Crunch position ankle reachers IC x 20, Crab reachers IC x 20, Flutter kicks IC x 17
Spellcheck, Gmail, Spladle, Natty & FNG- Dumplin
Left the msg at home, but talked about self-control, be quick to listen and slow to speak, James 1:19 (you were right Gmail!)
We prayed for the broke back boys at the Simmons compound
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Nolan Richardson w. Hamm

THE SCENE: It was cold again 26 degrees but the wind was calm. Hamm thought it’d be appropriate to do a Nolan Richardson since he grew up in Arkansas and it just so happened the Vols & Hogs had a huge matchup the same day.


SSH’s, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Shoulder Stretch, Triceps Stretch, Some other things maybe?

A Nolan Richardson (Slightly Modified)

Basically you are with a partner and there are 6 different exercises with mass repititions. While one partner moves backwards (as if he were playing defense on a b-ball court) for 50 yards, Bobby Hurley’s one time, then sprints back to the partner, the other partner performs the exercise then they switch off.

  • 100 Burpees
  • 300 Squats
  • 100 BBS’s
  • 300 LBAC’s
  • 150 Merkins
  • 300 Imperial Walkers

Since We still had some time left, Hamm had a die that his M just got him for Valentine’s Day. IT has a variety of Exercises on it which have all been done at F3 (though some names are different). So we did that for a while which included lunges, merkins, wall sits, mountain climbers, side planks, etc. etc.


Here we did LBC’s, Hello D’s, Flutter Kicks, & Leg Lifts.


1-8 (See Tags). Also, we had an FNG we named Gmail primarily because when asked about his first email address he stated it was G-Man@…….. and he since he seemed to be touting for his F3 Nickname to also be G-Man we chose Gmail instead.


You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime you’ll find
You get what you need

(Just Kidding that was the Rolling Stones actually.)



I have nothing else.

The backyard is open

THE SCENE: 60 degrees and cloudy with a chance of meatballs

SSH x 27 IC, T-Plank arm circles x 10 (B) both directions, Prone all-4’s hip circles x 8 bi-directional IC (B), Donkey Kicks prone x 8 (B) IC, Chinooks x 10 (B) IC, Seal Claps x 20 (B) IC, Manly Arm Rotations x 5 (B) IC
Mosey jog to the outer school wall and perform 20 Australian Nut Knockers x 20 IC followed by 10 Squat Jumps IC..then to the track

  • 1 lap around track to EZ bear crawl 15 yds do 15 MKNS
  • 2 laps around track to EZ duck walk 20 yds do 20 BBS
  • 3 laps around track to EZ crab walk 30 yds do 30 plank jacks
  • 4 laps around track to EZ lunge  40 yds do 40 SQTS

10 supermans IC, 20 Box cutters IC, 20 Gas Pumps IC, 20 Crab reachers IC
A-Rod, Biohazard, Hamm, Herbie, Geppetto, Spellcheck, Natty, Simmons
The golden Rule
Natty was a little miffed today and made some comments he regrets, asking for forgiveness
CSAUP 2/26

The Frozen Brickyard

THE SCENE: Light Snow and 18 Degrees with a bitter North Wind @ 12mph

SSHs, Cherry Pickers, Wind Mills, Miscellaneous Stretches, LBACs, Mosey to Powell Station Park

1. Mini Brickyard Seabiscuit:

  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 1 Lap around Powell Station Park
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 2 Lap around Powell Station Park
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 3 Lap around Powell Station Park
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 2 Lap around Powell Station Park
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 1 Lap around Powell Station Park

2. All HIM’s to the Rock Pile

  • While One Him Throws the Sandbag 5 parking spaces and back the other HIM’s grab a medium size rock.
  • AMRAP: Curl to Overheads, Rows, Merkins
  • HIM’s perform the AMRAP Exercises with Rocks while HIMS cycle through the Sandbag Throw.

3. Bear Crawl 7 Posts and Back to the Start with 7 Merkins performed at the post and then down to 6 posts,        5  posts, etc.

4. Mosey to Football Field and line up at the Back of the End Zone, Lunge to 5 yard line, 5 Squats, Sprint Back to starting point, Then R&R to 10, 15, 20.

5. One Lap Around the Track

We took turns calling out: Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly’s, Etc. Etc.

Simmons, F&E, Herbie, SpellCheck, Switchgrass, Hamm on Q
We have Exiles (The experience of afflictive emotions usually as a youngster i.e. shame, anger, etc.)

We Develop Protectors (Managers as socially acceptable ways of compensating or keeping unwanted emotions exiles and Firefighters reactive ways of dealing when the exiles are triggered) Both can be unhealthy ways of not facing our feelings or learning how to cope effectively with life and all it’s difficulties)

Then we have our self or the part of us connected to God that is able to live in reality and on life’s terms. We can use this self energy or connectedness to God to reach our exiles and help our protectors to not be so extreme in their ways.

CSAUP next Month was discussed.