F3 Knoxville

Super easy AOQ handoff beatdown

THE SCENE: Few clouds, 54°F, Feels like 52°F, Humidity 82%, Wind 2mph from SW

  • Arm circles forward IC 15x
  • Overhead Claps IC 15x
  • Seal claps IC 15x
  • Amr circles backwards IC 15x
  • Tempo squats 10x
  • SSH 30x


  • Herbie starts with Q
  • Mosey to the planters. Partner up. 
  • Dora’s
    • 100 derkins
    • 200 dips
    • 300 step ups (2 CT left leg right leg)
    • Partner 2 runs to the bush and back while partner 1 does exercise
  • Hand off Q to Geppetto
  • 10 count Welsh dragons.
    • 4 step bear crawl
    • Merkin, plank jack, same shoulder shoulder taps = 1 rep
  • Mosey to the rock pile.
  • Diego’s
    • Grab a good sized rock
    • Partner up, partners do total reps
    • 100 curls
    • 200 overhead presses
    • 300 squats
  • Mosey back to the main parking lot, single file line and Indian run to the marathon station backer on the parking lot to the AO.


  • Dealer’s choice.
    • Hello dollies on a 20 count.
    • Captain Thor’s six to and 24.
    • Freddie Mercury’s
    • Ring of fire till Time



Handoff of the flag and AOQ from Herbie to Geppetto

To the pax:

It has been an honor and blessing to be the AOQ for the Brickyard. You men have inspired and challenged me. We have faced a pandemic together and grown stronger together. F3 has made me a better man and you all are a part of that. Leadership of the AO does not fall on the shoulders of one man. You all are a part of this. If you haven’t figured it out yet, we are a leadership group disguised as a workout group. So if you have an idea of something to do, don’t wait do it. You are freed to lead. Start it up and pull other men into it with you and get after it.

I love you all.

To Geppetto:

I’m handing over a group of rowdy wild men that are passionate and outspoken. They have heart and will push you to your limits at times. As the AOQ you will represent Brickyard to the other AOs and with the Nantan, but you are not alone. Do not feel that you have to do everything yourself, you have a group of men here to lead and guide. Call upon us, challenge us and push us to be better. Iron sharpens iron only by being struck and scraped together. At times things will be abrasive, but that is the sharpening of men and it cannot be done alone. Thank you for your willingness to step up and be the AOQ, we have your back.


Christmas party and emerald youth toy store

Brickyard 4 Year Anniversary

THE SCENE: Overcast clouds, 49°F, Feels like 45°F, Humidity 79%, Wind 8mph from WNW

  • Baby arm circles x10 each direction IC
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Tempo Squat x 10 IC
  • Tempo Merkin x 10 IC


Mosey to the front of the school
Brickyard Bear crawls – Ascending curb crawl (1 to 13 merkins with bear crawl)

Mosey to the back lot (with a locked fence at the shortcut)

  • 4 stations, 3 exercises at each station, start at a station, do exercise, run a lap and move to the next station. Continue until 12 laps are completed.
    • Station 1: 15x Squat, Jump Squat, Smurf Jack
    • Station 2: 15x BBS, LBC, Flutter (4ct)
    • Station 3: 15x Merkin, CDD, Shoulder taps
    • Station 4: 15x (4ct) Mountain Climber, Peter Parker, Hello Dolly

Mosey to the front. Stop at AOQs truck to drop off cones.
Burpee Dan back to AO. (1 burpee, 4 lunges)

Hurricane Hoedown

  • 20x Flutterkicks
  • 20x Inclined Flutterkicks
  • 20x Flutterkicks with a BBS every 5

Dealers Choice

  • Peter Parkers
  • Crab reachers
  • Man Makers
  • Suzanne Summers
  • Australian snow angels


We are not made to be alone. This group of men are your brothers, they will be there when you need them.

AOQ handoff this Saturday

Get the Balance Right

THE SCENE: Cold, clear 32 degrees or so

All with 2 Brix:  Tempo MKNS x 10, Tempo Squats x 14, IC x 10 each:  Seal claps, OH Press, OH Claps, Rows, Triceps Extension, LBAC’s (B)
Mosey to the track for the 1st time in Forever!

Run one lap around track

  • 1st & 10’s (Mkn’s & Burpee’s)
  • Stairs to do 11’s of Dips and Monkey Humpers
  • to field and hold Al Gore until all arrive
  • 50 BBS
  • return to AO

All ex’s with a pair of BRIX:

Captain Thor’s 5 rounds,  Gas Pumps x 10 IC, Freddy Mercuries x 14 IC, Seal Claps Supine x 10 IC, Superman’s (I made it 1x with Brix and then said no…to finish out 10 IC). Fast & Easy was a trooper and the good ol’l Husker kept them the whole round
Fast & Easy, Herbie, Biojazard, Natty
Find your balance at work and home, challenge yourself to take on the real priorities…which likely are not the job
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
4 Year anniversary this Thgursday for Brickyard, please come and see the handoff

Best way to rest our ankles

THE SCENE: Cold, clear, ankle warming weather

Tie Fighters x 10 IC (B), Lounge Act x 20 IC (B), Danger Zone’s
Mosey to Brickyard Corner and perform 10 Animal Style SQTS OYO, Mosey to Norm Hill and do 25 BBS–>sprint to top of hill and do 5 jump squats, quicksey down the hill & repeato.  After 2nd set of JMP SQTS hold plank until all have completed.

  • Run to end of road and perfor SSH until all arrived
  • Run up Brickyard Hill to 1st hill, perform Speedhumps (60 sec of monkey humpers as fast as you can…a bitch!)
  • Run to next hill hold Al Gore until all arrive, 15 8CT MM;s IC
  • Run to last hill and do OH claps until all arrive then do 20 Bonnie Blairs (2 CT)
  • Proceed back down to next hill and do 25 4CT MM’s IC
  • Proceed to next hill and do 25 Plank Jacks OYO
  • All together back to Brickyard corner and do 10 Clerkins OYO (the 2nd bitch)
  • Mosey to planter boxes to do 11’s- Incline MKNs and Dips
  • 60 sec wall (pillar) squats
  • Australian Nut Knockers x 20 IC (Thanks you Herbie for increasing the cadence so we completed quicker)

Supermans x 10 IC, Flutter kicks x 20 IC, Hello Dollies x 20 IC, Gas Pumps x 20 IC, Crab reachers x 20 IC, Freddy Merc’s x 20 IC, LBC’s x 20 IC, tempo SQTs until recover recover
Herbie, Spellcheck, Natty and Manilow late entry
To be a leader you must lead even in times when you don’t want to,  Controversial moments, awkward moments, moments when the discussion needs to be steering in a better direction, moments when the right thing needs to be done…even if it’s hard
Prayers for Noah, Herbie’s father in law, Gepetto’s brother, Natty’s friend Ashley and his in-laws, Manilow’s recovery to enable him to return to Absolutions, MM’s, MKN’s and Burpees.
I challenger every man to not forget our creed…no man left behind.  Let’s get our men who have strayed and bring them back to the flock.  Grab some new ones along the way

Veterans WOD from RWB

THE SCENE: Fog, 49°F, Feels like 49°F, Humidity 80%, Wind 2mph from ESE

LBAC 15x IC forward and reverse
Seal Claps 15x
Little of this/that, Some of these/those
SSH 30x
Leg Stretches


Mosey to the planters.

11 Rounds for Time
  • 11 Mountain Climbers (4ct)
  • 11 Squats
  • 11 Hand Release Merkins
  • 11 Box Jump Burpees
  • Run the outer parking lot

No time, 1 PAX finished 10 full rounds, 2 started round 10, 1 finished round 9


At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?”
Marcus Aurelius Meditations

Thank you to all our veterans, especially the 3 that call Brickyard home. Geppetto, Oscar, and Hamm