F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 49 – cool and crisp

Mosey around Parking Lot to Senior Center, Squats, LBAC, Tempo Merkins, Cherry pickers, Stretches OYO


Mosey Pool Wall – 5 Wallpees, Playground – 7 pull-ups, Mosey to Recruiting Center

Heavy Stations: Pax rotate through every station with one pax as the timer until everyone makes it back to their original station. 2 Rounds.

Round 1

  1. CMU Thrusters
  2. CMU Lunges
  3. CMU Tricep Extensions
  4. Tire Flips
  5. Heavy Ball Slam
  6. Chariot Race (pull CMU on rope around parking lot)
    TIMER – Bear Crawl to next Parking Lot island

Round 2:

  1. CMU Kettleswing
  2. CMU Squats
  3. CMU Curls
  4. Sledge Hammer on Tire
  5. Heavy Ball Toss Up
  6. Chariot Race (pull CMU on rope around parking lot)

TIMER – Bernie down to end of Parking Lot and Bernie back

Circle up for Merkin Pyramid – All pax hold plank while one pax does one merkin. Each pax in turn till all have done one merkin. Work up to 5 merkins, and then back down to one merkin.


Lucky 7: Kick, Erector, Mathlete, Biohack, Bobbit, Snaggletooth, and FNG – Skewer! Welcome!

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Straight from QSource

Whetstone (Q1.8) – The Vertical Relationship Between Men

A man must be sharpened like a knife blade

Both a man and a knife are made to cut, but neither can be Effective until properly honed.

A knife is sharpened by a whetstone. While water is used to lubricate the whetstone prior to sharpening that is not where the “whet” part comes from. To whet actually means to sharpen, like with a man’s appetite and his curiosity. In other words, to whet both blade and man is to put on an edge, with a result that is sharp, dynamic and ready to cut. The unsharpened man is dull and lethargic, in-Effective as a Leader and ill-Prepared for the Obstacles he will face in his life.

Just as a man’s appetite for pure food must be whetted, so must his appetite for the heavy responsibility that comes with Leadership . The HIM acts as the Stone to the younger man’s Blade , providing the hard surface against which he becomes sharper and whetting his appetite for greater responsibility.

Hard looks and straight talk (tempered by love) get results

Because the desire of an older man to pass on what he has learned to a younger man is natural, the vertical relationship between Stone and Blade has existed since men first sought the Advantage of gathering together into Communities. But like all relationships, it takes skill and effort for the Whetstone to work. To obtain that skill, a HIM does not wait until he is retired to begin practicing it. He is about the business of Sharpening younger men even while he himself is being Sharpened.

Sharpening does not happen by accident. It must be done with Deliberatude within a vertical relationship between two men who set out to see it happen. It works best between men who are not at the same point of their journey. For a Blade to be Sharpened properly, the Stone must be the harder of the two, at least for a season.

Like the Shield Lock, the Whetstone is a relationship that is subject to the 3P: it must be Proximate, Purposeful and periodic to be Effective.

– Proximity requires the Stone to physically meet with his Blade. While it is fine (good even) for them to also talk on the telephone and email, that is not a replacement for the physical meeting where they can look each other in the eye. Hard looks and straight talk (tempered by love) get results. That cannot be done virtually.

– To be Purposeful, the meeting between the Stone and the Blade must be more than the kind of inconsequential pizza party a Club would have–it must have a particular Outcome in mind: the Acceleration of the Blade’s Preparedness. The Stone’s task within the Whetstone is to help the Blade get ready for the expected and be ready for the unexpected by both encouraging him to turn Pro and providing him with the Bricks he will need to build his own Guardrails. Just as a Workout should Accelerate the HIM’s Fitness, the Whetstone should Accelerate the Blade’s proper personal alignment.

– There is no set rule for the periodicity of the meeting between the Stone and the Blade. It must be frequent enough to be Effective but not so frequent that the Stone and Blade smother each other. This is something both men must determine through trial and error. However, because it is (by design) a Movement away from the Status Quo it will cause pain, and it is man’s general hardwiring to avoid pain. As a result, the Stone must be deliberate to ensure periodicity. Otherwise, his Blade will drift away to something easier.

The Whetstone is necessary for both the Blade and the Stone to Get Right

Through the Whetstone, the Blade receives something he lacked before, a honed edge to his life that he must possess to be Effective and have IMPACT on his Community. But the Stone gets something as well. In fulfilling his natural desire to pour into younger men he Accelerates his own pursuit of proper personal alignment.

Although we tend to think of hypocrisy in binary terms (as in you either are a hypocrite or you aren’t) the truth is that we all practice a bit of hypocrisy, at least subconsciously. None of our deeds match our words 100% of the time. Since we are all hypocrites, the question is one of degree–how big a gap is there between deed and word? The bigger it is, the less Right one will be. In other words, the Get Right requires the hypocrisy gap to be closing with Acceleration.

Nothing closes the hypocrisy gap for a man like having a Blade. Helping another man build his Guardrails through the formation of positive Habits strengthens the Stone’s Guardrails. This principle is reflected in the 12th Step of Alcoholics Anonymous: having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. The act of carrying the message goes hand-in-hand with practicing the principles.

Hypocrisy is dependent upon selfishness and self-delusion. The Whetstone results in an abandonment of self which deprives hypocrisy the fuel it needs to survive. By talking the talk to his Blade, the Stone finds himself more Prepared to walk his own walk.

Thanks for enjoying this HEAVY workout

    OTB workouts at #rampart – new AO in Kingston, April 9 & 23, Saturday 7AM, Ft Southwest Point
  2. Good Friday, April 15 AOQ change at Equalizer
  3. Saturday, Apr 16 – Family Workout, The Project (Bissell Park, Oak Ridge), 9AM
  4. Friday, May 6, The Project CSAUP, 9PM-MIDNIGHT, HAW RIDGE

Honor in the Asking


Lap around Parking Lot (Senior Center and back to Flag), Tempo Squats, Imperial Walkers, Tempo Merkins, 5 Burpees, Cherry Pickers, Stretches OYO, Mosey to Parallel Bars


3 Stations/3 Rounds (Parallel Bars to Pool Wall to Playground, Rinse/Repeat)

Arms/Chest: 10 dips + 10 hand release merkins – bear crawl to halfway tree then mosey to Pool Wall – 10 wallups + 10 diamond merkins – mosey to Playground – 10 werkins + pullups + 50 sec plank

Legs: 10 squats + Monkey Humpers (2-ct) +– broadjump to halfway tree then mosey to Pool wall – 10 squats + lunges each leg – mosey to Playground –10 Bonnie Blairs + squats each leg

Abs: 20 LBC + Freddy Mercury (2-ct) – crabwalk to halfway tree then mosey to Pool wall – 20 LBC + Starfish each side – mosey to Playground – 20 LBC + Heals-to-Heaven

Ring of Fire (plank circle, merkins 1-5-1)

Senior Parking Lot: Sprint to end of parking lot, easy bernie back, rinse-repeat

PAX Choice/PAX Lead

7STRONG: Kick, Mathlete, Rocket, Slappy, Bobbit, Guardrail, Snaggletooth


James 1:5

And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and he will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but he will overwhelm your failures with his generous grace. (TPT)

If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. (MSG)

  1. Humble Admission/confession of our need: we don’t know everything/anything. Humility is good for all of us. We hate to admit when we don’t know something or need help. We hate to ask for help.
  2. Simple Belief in God’s goodness, wisdom, power. Isaiah 55: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my way higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
  3. Simple Transaction of Asking – There is honor in the asking. It establishes a relationship between God as our Father, and us as His sons. However, it is contingent upon faith/belief in Jesus as the Son of God who was sacrificed for our sins that separated us from intimacy with God. Jesus says, “No one comes to the Father except through me.” That’s how we become sons – through Jesus Christ.

For familiar passages like this, I like to read it from a contemporary translation like the Passion Translation or The Message for a fresh hearing of the Scriptures. Prayed for Guardrail’s Aunt Marilyn in open-heart surgery for healing and salvation for his cousin. Also prayed for several guys and their families recovering from COVID: Borg, Three-peat, Tuba, Kick.

Family Q – Saturday, Feb 5, 10:00AM, Kickflip on Q! Weather-permitting – we’ll call it on Thursday.

CSAUP @ Asylum end of the month – see Slack for deets.


THE SCENE: Alabama hot

Arrival at Camp  Cosby, F3 dads camp. Brief announcements and awful little round Pizza for dinner, but we all ate it as we were on a high of excitement with the start of dads camp.

Friday Night Dodgeball…yes of course our cabins Choctaw and Chickasaw won the tournament. After all, we are F3 KNOXVILLE. I  give Bueller MVP in dodgeball . I have NEVER seen a dodgeball get thrown so fast UNDER hand, amazing !
Dads Camp!

well, there was a workout but I am not disclosing what we did… it was a good one and saving it for my next Saturday Q!

back to the THANG;

Summary of activities which Booger lists below as well;

Alpine tower, B.B. guns, archery(kinda) alpine swing and open field for kickball on the upper field .

The water front where we spent most our time. Blob, wibbit(big blow up thing you slide , climb and jump off of) , kid slides , water trampoline , and pool time.


The BOM will be my thoughts but PLEASE READ the Moleskin for a few thoughts from other dads.

For me, dads camp was a perfect time  to spend quality time with my kids. Yes, I can do this at home or some short trip camping , etc… but dads Camp is different.

Whats different ? Is there an Agenda? The difference is that your in a wonderful environment surrounded by a bunch of HIMs and their kids with the same AGENDA.  The agenda was to have fun, be a father , and let kids be kids, simple as that! Really no other agenda than that, have fun with your kids. It was a time for me to spend as much time as i could just hanging out with my kids, watching them play. Of course, I got to play to….it is “dads camp”. It’s a time we can let loose with our kids and like I mentioned over the weekend, show our kids “how to break the rules responsibly”! What I really mean is, it’s a chance to let your kids be a little more independent than you normally would. At least for me it was. Let them play and explore, encourage them to climb the Apljne tower or swing on the alpine swing or jump off the ledge onto the blob or try a flip off the wibbit, etc…..just let them have fun. On top of that, We met other F3 dads and 2.0s from different states. It was equally great to hang out with the men from Knoxville and their kids ,getting to know them better. I truly had a great time look forward to next year.

Detention ;

Detention and Buckets take down Bama! What a great weekend of love, laughter, and blobbing!! As we approached Camp Cosby, Buckets could hardly contain her excitement. I felt the exact same way. A weekend together is what we really craved. No schedule, no agenda, no limit to the amount of time we could hang out. Having experienced our first Dads Camp last year, we knew a little of what to expect and we both were jacked up! It’s cool to see Dads and their kids laughing, hugging, high fiving, and simply enjoying each other. You don’t have to drive 4 hours to do this but this camp speaks to the intentionality we all talk about in F3. The men of Knoxville F3 are studs and we loved being with them and their kids. We are already counting down the days till next year!

Booger ;

F3 Dads = F4.  Fitness, Fellowship, Faith … and Fun.  We strained. We bonded. We shared our faith. We let loose.  I realized F3 Dads is the single most under rated benefit of F3.

I generally expected my son (8) to have fun; but me, myself, and I had tons of fun.  Everyone did.  It was a wonderful, if not perfect, blend of all these core F3 principles, and then some.

I got to know a number of the Knoxville-strong (and their 2.0’s), but I also got to know some of their really great kids.  I saw some dudes scream like girls.  I saw some girls get after it like men.  And I saw a whole lot of boys being boys, living out the adventure of their imagination, regardless of their age (me included).;

I met good dads from four states exhibiting the same values that make us love F3, all for the benefit of their kids.  I witnessed the collectively power of a group of guys making memories for their boys and girls.  I experienced a select few stepping up and taking on the responsibility to make it all happen.

In order of appearance: Day 1: basketball, football, Frisbee, walked the grounds, ran the grounds, greeted the crew, hung out, eat, dodge ball, victory lap, fire time, s’mores, hang out, sleep; Day 2: eat, workout, blob, wibit, water trampoline, water slides, blob, alpine tower, archery, bb guns, eat, pool, blob, football, blob/wibit/trampoline, dads only blob, pool, hang, eat, kickball, fire time, s’mores, hang; Day 3 hang, eat, back to K-town.


The boys loved our trip last year to Camp Thunderbird in SC. We had no idea what Camp Cosby in AL would be like. Well, we had an awesome weekend. Not that Thunderbird was a bad time but this was just a great fit for our PAX and kids.
The whole point of Dads camp is not just to get to spend time with your children, but to let them show you what is fun to them and to interact with the other children at camp. We swam, swung, ran, slid, and ate as a big group. The children interacted while the dads did the same. It was a busy weekend and relaxing at the same time. We talked about next year on our way home.
Glad to be a part of F3!

Hopefully find a camp closer wth similar amenities and cost. It would be great to have a camp full of F3 Knoxville dads and 2.0. I encourage all Dads to put dads camp on their bucket list of things to do with your kids before they get too old. Even if you go just one time , GO!

Truckin to the Pound Round 2

Men of Knoxville, August 25, 2018 you are invited to attend a Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless (CSAUP) event.  Truckin To The Pound Round 2,  #TruckinToThePound #TTTP2

This event was created by the TruckStop/DogPound crews as a way to have a longer event such as a Ragnar Relay, Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc. without the added expenses of entry fees, travel expenses, and most importantly the time away from family and friends.

As busy men, just like you we wanted to do something bigger but not have the logistics of travelling to another city/state/province to complete the event.

So August 25, 2018, instead of wishing you could get out there and do a crazy event come do one with us!  At 0600 we will gather at the TruckStop aka Bob Leonard Park and we will mosey to the DogPound located at Concord Park.  The course is 9-ish miles, with 4 stops for mini-Qs or workouts along the way.  Consider the Qs added bonus features, if you wish to think of them that way.


This event is free!


This event is for the High Impact Men (HIM)s of Knoxville to challenge themselves and each other, and help one another get better.

It is a CSAUP event, there are no trophies, medals, prizes or awards. We are all going to go out and get better together. #IronSharpensIron  Start together finish together.

For more information contact Mayberry via DM


F3 Knoxville to host OCR to benefit Operation Enduring Warrior

F3 Knoxville is hosting their first Obstacle Course Race to benefit Operation Enduring Warrior.  The event is on May 19, 2018. It will involve teams of 2 to 8 people racing 2 team members at a time to complete as many  laps as possible on a 2 mile 20 obstacle course. There is a 5 hour and a 10 hour race option as well as a kids fun run to kick things off for the day. Go to www.facebook.com/hardshiphillocr   For more info or register at www.active.com keywords Hardship Hill.