THE SCENE: Low 70’s & muggy
- Tempo Squats
- Cherry Pickers
- Rockettes
- Tempo Merkins
- Sprints on the Matterhorn. 8 cones up the hill – sprint to each cone in descending order. Stop & wait on the 6 at the bottom between rounds.
- Route 66 around the parking lot. Merkins & Big Boys at each light pole increasing by 1 at each pole.
- 7’s on baby Everest. Carolina Dry Docks @ top; Squats @ bottom.
- Had to call this after 2 rounds due to time
- Dealers choice
- Boxcutters – Sparky
- Row, row, row your boat – Waxjob
12 HIMs. Tweet-E, La-Z-Boy, Driftwood, Sparky, Ribbed, Waxjob, Bowflex, Tank, Mouthwash, Mustard, Wagon Wheel, Bartman
Talked about the fact that we are made for relationship and to be looking out for other men who share common experiences with you. We often think we are going through hard times alone and that no one could understand our situation. The fact is, other people have dealt with similar situations to those that cause us worry and pain. It could be the reason you are going through your current bout with pain is so you can support a fellow man when he is struggling and needs someone to lean on. So, if you find others dealing with the same issues you have dealt with….use that as an opportunity to engage with them and lift them up.
We had a first today: while sprinting the matterhorn a car came down the hill following a dog. Turns out they were “walking” the dog while chain smoking a pack of cigarettes. Nothing quite like sprinting through 2nd hand smoke!
Truckin’ To The Pound this weekend. 6am at the Truck Stop.