F3 Knoxville

Bad Customer Service

THE SCENE: Somewhere in the 50s… Rain sort of tapering off… Maybe?

SSH x25 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Cossack Squats x20 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Travoltas x10 each arm IC

Insert information about the workout.
Everyone retrieves one 2-hand pee rock and two 1-hand pee rocks. Leave 2-hand pee rocks at the “service desk”
Time to try to return those crappy Christmas gifts, but of course you have no receipt!
Split into three lines, about 15yd from the “service desk”.
First man in line grovels to the desk (bear crawl w/ 2 1-hand rocks or snowplow w/ 2-hand)
Leave “gift” at the desk, but you get the runaround since you have no receipt (run around the outhouse)
Return to the desk to pick up your exchange (swap 2-hand for 1-hand or vice-versa)
Go to the back of your line and start doing the next exercise in the list.

2-Hand Exercises:
Tri Extension

1-Hand Exercises
Lateral Raises
Rocky Marciano

Stood in line for too long!
11 strong… Well, 10 strong and 1 weak. Trying to fight off a cold…
So we probably all got at least one crappy gift this Christmas. But remember to thank God for his unspeakable gift – Never the wrong size, needed by all.
2 Cor. 9:15 – Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!

Left an alternate Q in chalk up at the Pavalon in case it was more rainy… We’ll give that one a go next time!
Prayers for Mayberry’s Grandfathers – both in the hospital.

Nothing Fancy – just grind it out

THE SCENE: upper 40s and clear


  • SSH x 20
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Outhouse mosey


  • CMU workout today.  Menu was written on the ground.  PAX worked through the entire list 5 times.
    • Round 1 = 25 reps
    • Round 2 = 15 reps
    • Round 3 = 10 reps
    • Round 4 = 5 reps
    • Round 5 = 5 reps
  • Menu consisting of the following items
    • Blockies
    • Curls
    • Bent over rows (each arm)
    • Squat Press
    • Kettlebell Swing
    • Nose Wipers
    • Calf Raises
    • V-up/roll-up
    • Outhouse run

N/A – plenty of abs in the main workout

9 strong!  Farva, Swirlie, Mayberry, Butters, La-Z-Boy, Doubtfire, Frosty, Cavalier (FNG), Bartman


One good thing about Qing yesterday and having no repeat PAX today….I can recycle the BOM!  It’s still applicable!

We talked about resolutions for the new year.  New year’s day is a good time to reflect on the past year and put plans in place to make yourself better in the coming year.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; old things have passed away and new things have come.  This is refreshing to hear as we begin a new year.  We all have parts of 2018 we’d like to forget.  I challenged the PAX today to center their resolutions around being more like Christ in 2019.  If we draw closer to Christ and become more and more like him each day, the “normal” resolutions of physical fitness, time management, diet, fiscal responsibility, etc. will take care of themselves.



New Year at the Pound

THE SCENE: warm…almost 50!   Jan 1st??



  • SSH x 20
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10


  1. Mosey to Matterhorn
    • Ascend Matterhorn by alternating 10 broad jumps, 10 lunges
  2. Mosey to Pavalon
    • 10 rounds of the following:  5 pullups, 10 derkins, 20 squats, run to gate
    • 5 rounds of the following:  5 v-up/roll-up, 10 big boys, 20 flutter kicks
  3. Mosey back to the AO

Mary was baked into the workout!

3 new year HIMs:   Frenchie, Wagon Wheel, Bartman


No suprise, with it being January 1st we talked about resolutions for the new year.  New year’s day is a good time to reflect on the past year and put plans in place to make yourself better in the coming year.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; old things have passed away and new things have come.  This is refreshing to hear as we begin a new year.  We all have parts of 2018 we’d like to forget.  I challenged the PAX today to center their resolutions around being more like Christ in 2019.  If we draw closer to Christ and become more and more like him each day, the “normal” resolutions of physical fitness, time management, diet, fiscal responsibility, etc. will take care of themselves.



Those are a real thing?

THE SCENE: 37 and clear

IC 4ct Cherry pickers

IC 4ct SSH

IC 4ct Worlds Greatest Merkin
Mosey to Matterhorn IC 4ct Mountian climbers at the bottom

Mosey to the pav-a-lon

Battle Buddy up for Dora

  • 100 Burpee pull ups
  • 200 pistol squats
  • 200 hand stand push ups
  • 100 Turkish get ups
  • BB runs to the top of the hill

BBS-icide back down Matterhorn

Mosey to the AO

Took care of her on the BBS-icide
BOM was given in route back to the AO so that I didn’t get all emo in the circle. I shared about my 99 year old grandfather who was admitted to the ER last night for a minor stroke.  As @La-z-boy said he was a true badass.

He was born in 1919 and immigrated from Italy through Ellis Island in 1928-9.  The family lived in south western PA and that is where he met my very Irish grandmother. He worked very hard to impress my great-grandmother and she did not want my grandmother to marry him because “all Italians carry knives”.  He was drafted into WWII and served in the Army Corps of Engineers in the Pacific theater.  While over seas and because they couldn’t loved ones back home where they were, he and his buddies would make jewelry for their significant others out of coins, airplane parts, and scrap metal and adding in shells, and items they found on the islands.  He survived the war, came home, and went to college on the GI bill.  He got a job at a bank starting in the mail room, and eventually worked his way up to president. They moved to FL when my mom was young because she had asthma and it the doctors told them to “move someplace warm”.  So he packed up his family and moved them around from extended family so my mom could have a better life.  He sacrificed for our country, for his wife, and for his kids.

He taught me to love Jesus.  He was one of the first men I always saw sing at church. (How many do you see not sinigning in church?)  He said “God have us a voice and we should use it to praise him”.

Through him I also have witnessed unconditional love.  He loved my grandmother like no love I have ever seen before. Through lots and lots of good times, some small bad times, and even as she suffered and lost the fight with Alzheimer’s.  He loved and served her like no other love ever. She passed in 2009, but he keeps right on loving her. I feel ashamed sometimes that I don’t treat my wife the same love, care, and service as he treated my grandmother.

Additionally, he also unconditionally loves my mom and uncle, and always gives them second chances even if he didn’t agree with their choices. He loves my sister, me, and his other grand kids, even though our life choices make him shake his head sometimes.  He loves my kids, his first great grandkids, and was so worried this year that his Christmas cards to them didn’t arrive in time.

When I asked him about his health routine he said it is to walk regularly; find things to occupy your mind; a beer for lunch everyday; a glass if red wine with dinner; and always be thankful.

He’s lived his whole life and I’ve never once heard him complain, grumble, brag about himself, or put himself first.  He is always smiling and joyful and always puts other first.

Granted I hope to live till I’m 99, but I really wish I could live with his same attitude.

Go home love your wife, love your family, love others.  And be happy about it.

and as @Bartman pointed out, yes burpee-pull-ups are a real thing.


– Wallball’s wife and baby

– Frosty’s wife’s ankle

– My grandfather

I got you somethin “Real Nice”

THE SCENE: 33 and clear

Run to the slouthouse and some stretchin and crap

  • R: row and press w KB
  • E: Ear presses w/CMU
  • A: Arm blasters w/pee rocks 10 SFP
  • L: lunges w/sandbag or CMUs
  • *
  • N: not Highland games log throws
  • I: ice picker slams w/ball
  • C: cleans with bar 115lbs
  • E: eat? Sandbag toss over shoulder

When logs get back do 10 merkins and run up small hill to cones and back to next exercise

Flutter, box cutters and stuff

6 pax

Gift we don’t deserve.

God sent his son to redeem us not because we deserve it, but because he loves us.

Example of my kids misbehaving and still providing gifts for them on Christmas.

i only got Thru half the wo due to my back going out but the pax finished strong. Welcome Creeper from Nashville

Bring snacks tomorrow for the Wesley House. Prayers for FIA member that was killed by a car.