F3 Knoxville

The Crippled Krakken

THE SCENE: 39 and dry

Grab some weight, jump around and stretch something. .

Ten stations

25 reps x 15 min, 20 reps x 15 min, 15 reps x 15 min

  •  Overhead sandbag sumo squats
  •  Sandbag cleans
  •  Dumbbell curls
  •  Tricep extensions
  •  Overhead press
  •  Goblet squats
  •  CMU rocky balboa’s
  •  Slam ball
  •   Dumbbell Merican  rows
  •  45 pounds flamingos

When you finish your station, take a lap and fill an empty station. If the only empty station is the one you left: tough luck, do it again.

Who needs washboards when you’ve got pipes?

10 PAX

Mayberry, Shooter, I-beam, Butters, Cosmo, Swirlie, Bartman, Scooter, Wallball

Recently I had a few guys approach me about starting a small group of men to discuss life issues, challenges, struggles and sharpen each other. The first few weeks I was pleased that we could talk through some major issues they were dealing with and I shared from my experiences and how my wife and I handled many of these things in our own marriage.  About six weeks later I had a conversation with my wife where she expressed that she had felt neglected, unseen, unloved and virtually ignored for about that length of time. I was stunned. I  had absolutely no idea she felt that way. As I looked back over the previous two months I realized that I had spent the majority of the time focused significantly on myself. I had several trips, went to multiple ball games, and was overall focused on my own enjoyment and pleasure. The word for today is “Pay Attention.”  Don’t allow yourself to simply coast through life doing what comes naturally. You can lose the things and the ones you love, you can damage people and you can hurt yourself if you’re not paying attention to your attitudes, actions and motivations.  It takes hard work to get back from these far off places. The work is worth it, but you’re better off avoiding them in the first place. Pay attention!

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Great, cold work!


Choices, choices…

THE SCENE: low 40s and rain



  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Squats x 10 IC
  • OYO stretches


Today’s workout was all about making choices.

  • Choice #1:   Work in the rain  -or-  Go to the pavalon.
    • Pavalon wins…begin to mosey
  • Stop at street for choice #2:  Burpee broad jump to speed bump  -or-  Inchworm merkin to speed bump.
    • Burpees won….BBJ to the speed hump
  • Choice #3 at bottom of Matterhorn.  How to get up Matterhorn:  Frontwards  -or-  Backwards.
    • Backwards won….Bernie Sanders up the hill
  • At the pavalon, began a descending ladder workout.  Trying my best to keep everyone dry on a nasty morning.
    • 10 Burpees
    • 9 Iron Mikes
    • 8 Thrust Merkins
    • 7 Side Crunch (each side)
    • 6 Decline Merkins
    • 5 Pull ups
    • 4 Single Leg Squats (each side)
    • 3 Dry Docks
    • 2 Knee ups
    • 1 Dive Bomber
      • We got through 1 round of the ladder before the putrid smell of some dead creature arrived.  First it was manageable, then it got worse, then Tank started dry heaving….time to go….audible…


  • Choice #4:  stay or go….GO!


  • Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn and turn left into the parking lot
  • Choice #5:  11’s  -or-  Route 66
    • Route 66 won.  Dry Docks & Jump Squats around the parking lot Route 66 style
  • Choice #6:  Grass hill  -or-  Cement hill
    • Cement hill won:  mosey back to bottom section of parking lot.  Run the stairs & hill up to the rock by the restaurant.  At top and bottom of each run do 5 burpees, 5 merkins, 5 jump squats.   4 sets total.
  • Mosey back toward AO
  • Stop at the road for Choice #7:   Forward to the speed bump  -or-  Backward to the speed bump
    • Forward won….bear crawl to the speed bump
  • Continue back to AO and cash out with Ring of Fire Merkins



Tank, Waxjob, Blue Cross, Flute Loop, Bowflex, Doubtfire, I-Beam, Bartman


Joshua 24:14-15.  Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness.  Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.  But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.  But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Choices matter.  Make wise choices for you and your family today.

Props to Waxjob for showing up early with his leaf blower to clean off the pavalon.  T-claps bro!


Get Low

THE SCENE: Low 50s and slightly overcast.  A number of hoodies present… Must be expecting a pretty low-key beatdown.  YHC came in on two wheels due to unplanned meeting with John, but at least Stu didn’t show up during the beatdown.
A bit abbreviated, but mostly there. No FNGs… Let’s Get Low
SSH Smurf Jacks x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x6 IC
Peter Parkers
Failure to Launch x8 IC
Freestyle Swims x15 IC
Hand Release Merkins x10 OYO

Mosey to the lowest point of the AO at the bottom of the stairs by the docks.
30 Merkins
Up the first set of stairs
60 BBS
Up to the rock
90 Overhead Claps

Mosey to the base of the Matterhorn
Balls-to-the-wall sprint to the top to earn 30s stargazer

Gather in the Pavalon and partner up for some Dora:
30 8-Count Body Builders
60 Super Mario step-ups (60 each leg)
90 6″ LBCs (hold feet 6″ off the ground)
Partner Gets Low and crawls under picnic tables Audible: lots of glass on the floor. Run to top of hill and back

Mosey back to the rock for:
30 Bobby Hurleys
Down to the landing
60 Single-ct shoulder taps
Down to the bottom
90 SSH
Out of time! Mosey back to the AO.
Just enough time for about 20s of low plank.
8 HIMs this morning
I must admit, as research for this Q I checked out the video for the “song” Get Low.  I can’t say there was much of anything of value there.  But, God actually has quite a bit to say about getting low. Here’s just one of them:

    Mark 9:33-35

And they came to Capernaum. And when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you discussing on the way?” But they kept silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest. And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”

This isn’t some sort of weird race where the slowest person who happens to be last is unexpectedly declared the winner at the end. This is a conscious choice, a decision to humble yourself and serve others. Get low. As usual, we get the ultimate example:

    Philippians 2:5-8

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

How will you Get Low today?

When I was planning this Q, the whole “Get Low” theme started with the idea of low-crawling under the picnic tables.  And that’s the one exercise we didn’t do… Next time I’ll bring the leaf blower to the Pavalon…
F3 Cleveland Launch next week! Also, Mend House workoutreach Monday at 6. May parlay into Fountain City AO…

Station Work

THE SCENE: 45, clear, dark


Warm up was explaining the exercises

Seven stations in a circle.  Do 25 reps at each station, then run a lap around the outhouse.  Rinse and repeat while dropping 5 reps each circuit until your last circuit is 5 reps per station.

  1. KB Swing:  several size KBs
  2. Squat Press:  20# slam ball, 25# med ball.  Hold the ball, squat down and press it as high as you can throw it.
  3. Curls:  25# & 30# dumbbells
  4. Squats:  60# sandbags
  5. OH Press:  35# dumbbells, golden cmu
  6. Bent over rows:  barbells with 35# on one end
  7. Lunge:  35# weight plates.  Lunge out & back.


I-Beam, Mayberry, Bueller, Junk, Swirlie, Tweet-E, Butters, Abacus, Bartman

Spoke from Matthew 14.  The story of Jesus walking on water.  Prior to walking on water, Jesus told the disciples to get into a boat and go out on the sea.  Later on, while they were on the water a storm came up and they were afraid, then Jesus walked out to the boat and calmed the storm.   This mornings point was that the disciples did exactly as Jesus told them to do, yet they still encountered a storm.  Life is this way – Jesus told us the Christian life would be difficult.  Do not believe the lie that says storms only arise in your life because you are outside of the will of God.  Quite the contrary, storms are often the mark of a Christian following God’s commands.