F3 Knoxville

Nothing Fancy

THE SCENE: Perfect weather 67 degrees

10x side straddle hops

10x cherry pickers

10x oyo merkins

Michael Phelps

A little of this and that


Burpeecides – Start at 1st cone do 5 burpees, go to 1st cone do 5 burpees then run back to 1st cone and proceed to 2nd cone and do 5 burpees back to first cone then to 3 cone and do 5 burpees.  Rinse and repeat until you get to the 6th cone for a total of 30 burpees.

Continue to the little hill by the docks (not sure the name of hill)   7’s-merkins and BBS (2 bear crawls 2 Bernie sanders 2 run up the hill)

Head to the stairs by the docks start at bottom of steps with 10 Carolina dry docks, then proceed to up the 1st set of steps  and do 20 prisoner squats and then all the way up to the restaurant  and do 30 shoulder taps.  Rinse and repeat

Head back to pee rock pile by the AO.

20-20-20 biceps triceps overhead press run to the end and do the following

20-20-20 hello Dolly’s, baby Crunches, American hammer Rinse and repeat.

Headed back by lunging and stretching out to the AO.

Pusher led us in doing 10x flutter kicks then ran out of time


I took some statistics from https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-suicide and read this to the group

  1. Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide every year.
  2. In the U.S., suicide rates are highest during the spring.
  3. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-olds.
  4. On average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes.
  5. Each suicide intimately affects at least 6 other people.
  1. About 2/3 of people who complete suicide are depressed at the time of their deaths. Depression that is untreated, undiagnosed, or ineffectively treated is the number 1 cause of suicide.
  2. There is 1 suicide for every 25 attempted suicides.
  3. Males make up 79% of all suicides, while women are more prone to having suicidal thoughts.
  4. 1 in 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide each year.
  5. There are 2 times as many deaths due to suicide than HIV/AIDS.
  6. Over 50% of all suicides are completed with a firearm.

It is also the 10th leading cause of Death in the United States.

There are a lot of Men and women who struggle daily with Depression and suicidal thoughts.  Nobody should have to struggle with this alone.  If you are going thru this please contact me or any of the F3 Men.  My contact number is 865-567-6652.  Also, as men of F3 reach out to those who may be struggling or you  have not heard from a while.
Pray for Boulder’s Friend Jassone and that God will guide him to those who can help him.  Pray for Pusher’s Friends family who just recently lost a son to suicide.

Change of Plans

THE SCENE: Absolutely perfect morning. Could not ask for anything better. Except for the smell of the trash truck that came through about half way

Sshx20, merkins x20 cherry pickers/Phelps things

As Ratchet called it “Candy Land” like the board game

Mosey to the “ boat “ with CMU

At start, do 20 CMU presses, 20 CMU Tris, 20 CMU Curls

then….up baby Everest down road to intersection. At each cone do exercise and # of reps listed and work your way back to start.

exercises are: 5 burpees, 10 lunges each leg, 15 merkins, 20 squat jumps, 25 shoulder taps, 30 squats and repeat

Do an extra lap of just running about 3/4 of the way thru

Mosey back to AO

19 in attendance
Today I had a workout planned but forgot to check what Booger did on Tuesday. When I did that this morning at 5am it was pretty much the same thing I had planned. Luckily I had a couple in my bag of tricks that I could pull out. One thing I did not plan was my BOM. The lack of planning on my part is disappointing to myself as I value the BOM greatly . As I am running back to the AO with my CMU I started thinking about how we have the best of plans and they often don’t turn out the way we want them. God’s plan is always perfect and even though we don’t understand it, it is a wonderful plan for us. We need to trust God with our plans even when they don’t go the way we want them to or if we don’t even think about planning at all.
The workout today was a bit repetitive, but the mumblechatter kept it entertaining. Shout out to @Trap Door for pushing hard at the end caring that CMU to the finish line
Prayers for VBS coming soon and leadership at camp. Friends dealing with disease and cancer.


THE SCENE: 58 degrees


Michael Phelps OYO

10 Merkins IC

Michael Phelps OYO

5 Stations (10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10=Rep Cycle)

  • LBCs
  • Squat Jumps
  • Merkins
  • Fence Jumps
  • Run to “pee rocks” and complete 10 Curls, 10 Overheads, and 10 Rows

Hello Dolly’s with a Sprint to the finish.

The theme again for today was to “Keep it Simple”. The workout wasn’t super complex but it was simple and effective and simple does mean something is easy. Keep things simple at work, at home, with friends. How? By loving, forgiving easily, and being easy to forgive.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Suicide Squad (with pee rocks)

THE SCENE: Quite Nice. 60 degrees. No precipitation; ample perspiration.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Properly welcomed; sufficiently disclaimed. 

  • Cherry Pickers x5 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10 IC
  • Rockettes x10 IC
  • SSH x10 IC
  • Tempo Merkins x7 IC
  • Tempo Squats x8 IC
  • Mosey around the outhouse
  • *The above numbers are approximations. I may or may not have fumbled through my cadence calls.


  • Colt 45’s (with a “medium” sized pee rock, that “we will spend some time with”)
  • Indian Run (with rock) to base of Everest
  • 4 Station Hill Climb Suicide (with rock)
    • Lunges to first cone; 20 squats; run back to start
    • Lunges to first cone; Bernie Sanders to second cone; 20 squats run back to start
    • Lunges to first cone; Bernie Sanders to second cone; karaoke’s to third cone; 20 squats; run back to start
    • Lunges to first cone; Bernie Sanders to second cone; karaoke’s to third cone; run to fourth cone; 20 squats; STOP
  • Colt 45’s (with rock) followed by Shotput Championships
    • @Frosty is the champion of “tee tiny pee stone pebble” class
    • @Lay-z-boy is the champion of the “medium man-sized rock” class
  • Pavilion
    • Pull Ups x10
    • Dips x10
    • Box Jump Burpees x10
    • Rinse and Repeat
  • Rock run back to the AO.  Nice work men; this sucked!

MARY:  Sally Bring ’em Up; Sally Bring ’em Down Merkins – 100% flame out rate, which lead to Sally Bring ’em Up; Sally Bring ’em Down Squats.

Priorities:  My 5-F’s (in order): Faith, Family, Friends (i.e. Fellowship), Fitness (e.g. exercise and nutrition), Finances (i.e. career/work).  The question is not really, “do we have priorities?;” rather the question is, “do we have our priorities in the right order?”  I am not referring here to priorities for the sake of improved time management, but for improved decision/life management, in both the hundreds of little decisions we make daily about the seemingly trivial and in the infrequent, life-altering decisions. The consequence of the order of our priorities, is that our lives, our relationships, our impact near and far, will mirror our priorities.  For me, when I look in the mirror, I want to see …. in addition to six pack abs, of course … a faith in Jesus steering my relationships with family, friends, myself, and my career, not the other way around.  What do you want to see in that mirror?  Re-order; reflect; recommit.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Burpicide to the Pavalon

THE SCENE: around 70 – warm & steamy



  • Side straddle hops x 20
  • Tempo merkins x 10
  • Tempo squats x 10
  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • this/that stretch


  • Indian run to base of Matterhorn – last man drops & performs 2 merkins before running to front of line
  • Suicide run up the Matterhorn
    • 8 cones lined up the hill
    • Burpees at each cone increasing by 2 each time:  2,4,6,8….16.   Had to stop at 14 due to time.
  • Countdown at the pavalon
    • Start at top & work your way down the list.  Rinse & repeat eliminating the lowest rep exercise each time through the list.  Finish each trip down the list by running up the hill to the gate & back.
      • 10 wide grip pullups
      • 9 thrust merkins
      • 8 speed skaters (each leg)
      • 7 dips
      • 6 box jumps
      • 5 decline merkins
  • Indian run back to the AO


  • Box cutters x 25
  • Side crunch x 10 (each side)
  • Flutter kicks x 25
  • American Hammers x 20
  • 1 minute plank

22:   I-Beam, Snitch, Flute Loop, Waxjob, Driftwood, Wagon Wheel, Side Car, La-Z-Boy, Transfer, Smoker, Mayberry, Junk, Wallball, Pusher, Toto, Butters, Trap Door (FNG), Scooter, Bueller, Booger, Ratchet, Bartman

My 11 year-old son is out of town on a trip and called last night with a headache.  He was letting it get to him and making a mountain out of a mole hill…he was losing perspective on the situation and getting overwhelmed.  Funny thing is, we do this as men all the time.  It’s usually not a headache – usually it’s financial stress, work stress, family pressure, health needs.  We let these things grow in our minds until we think they are too big to handle.  God reminds us in the book of Deuteronomy that he is always with us.

“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you”   Deuteronomy 31:6

This verse is taken from the time of Moses, when he was getting ready to hand the reigns over to Joshua.  Moses was reassuring both Joshua and the Israelites that God would take care of them in battle against their enemies.  We still have that same promise today.  Whatever your circumstance, large or small, God’s answer is still “I will not leave you nor forsake you”.  Don’t make mountains out of mole hills – give them over to the Lord in prayer and watch him do the work on your behalf.