F3 Knoxville

“Good” Ascent

THE SCENE: lil nippy


Lil this and that

Around the Worlds

Cadence for the following

10 4-count merkins

10 tempo squats


Big hill

  • Squat jump halfway up, bear crawl the second half, when tired of jumping bear crawl, when tired of bear crawling, squat jump
  • At the top did some Al Gore then went back to the bottom
  • Second time up, Lunge halfway, then sprint to the top


70 pullups combined with partner, when not doing pullups we were getting our burpee on

Mosey back to the top of the hill

Mosey to the lil hill with some steps, along the way we  got some merkins cranked out

Flutter kicks + merkins in cadence followed by a trip up the hill to the Lakeside Rock. then back down

Mosey to the AO, along the way, some more MERKS!

At the last speed bump we got 10 burpees in and then had ourselves a jailbreak

Some cadence Merkins, ankle touches, and the lovely BOAT CANOE
10 PAX
I drew the following from Jocko Willink

The appropriate response to failure or generally adversity is acceptance of personal responsibility and duty to overcome. I think that this is one of the themes of Judeo-Christian theology and of existentialism. It is also an incredibly pragmatic outlook. If you adopt this, then you will never fall into the trap of learned helplessness or self-victimization. Jocko beautifully demonstrated this with one word, “Good”. Throughout his time as a Navy Seal, his response to adversity was and still is “Good”. I encourage you all to at least consider the above, and to read Jocko Willink’s books as well as his podcast Jocko Podcast.

Jocko discusses responsibility around minute 135





THE SCENE: 81 and super-humid

Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
Russian Swings
American Swings
Jump Rope 2-min
3 Rounds for time (we did 2+)
*45 Burpees (added 5 for age)
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Box Jumps 24″
10 Wall Ball 20#
100 Jump Rope
Buy In-Cash Out – 1 Mile run

Side-Crunches 10x each


DREDD said it best:


Today felt like Houston in the summer.  Humid and hot.  The weather didn’t stop us!  I really enjoyed the longer runs in that workout…

Step it UP!

THE SCENE: A very sticky 72 degrees, cloudy, with insufficient breeze.

The PAX moseyed in place throughout the Welcome & Disclaimer. After the W&D, the QIC joined in the circle for a quick circle drill. While all members moseyed in place, a number of steps and direction of travel were shouted and the PAX followed suit. (i.e., “2, left” indicates two steps left). When “center” was shouted, all members ran to the center of the circle & then Bernie Sanders back to their original position. This continued for several minutes to get the blood flowing. We then performed the following exercises:

  • Tempo Squats x 10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles FWD x 12 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles BWD x 12 IC
  • Little o’ This
  • Little o’ That
  • Michael Phelps

The PAX split into two even lines for an Indian-run style mosey. Instead of Indian runs, the PAX executed commands directed by the QIC. “Left” and “Right” required reaching down to touch the ground on the respective side. “UP!” required jumping into the air and clapping twice before hitting the ground. Commands continued until the fork in the parking lot.

Completed one round of Circle Burp using Kraken Burpees.

Continued mosey to the stairs. Split the PAX into two groups, one on either side of the stairs. The first member of each group sprints up the stairs, touching every step. Once they summit, they alternate (10x) LBCs and (10x) merkins while they await the rest of their group. All members at the bottom alternate (10x) SSH and (10x) tempo squats until their turn to summit.

Rinse and repeat, with accelerated hustle on the second attempt.

Slow mosey back to first light pole for Route 66. We called an audible due to time, but completed the following exercises:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Lunges

Mosey back to the AO with a hard sprint on the homestretch.


  • Hello Dolly x 25 IC
  • Flutter Kick x 10 IC

14 PAX today with 0 FNGs.
“There are 3 kinds of men when it comes to work. Some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their nose, and some just don’t turn up at all”. As HIMs we are called to be leaders, and part of being a leader means jumping in to do work even we may not be best suited to the task. All of us need to step up at times, turn up our sleeves, and DO WORK that needs doing.
Tell your Ms that you’re welcome for that stair work today.

  1. Maryville/Alcoa launch Oct. 14
  2. Truckin’ to the Pound Oct. 28
  3. Please note the new Q calendar. If you haven’t Q’d before and you’re skeered, grab a co-Q or ask a veteran some questions. You’ll be glad you jumped in!

Pair up in groups of 3

THE SCENE: Clear, cool, the kind of weather that makes you not think about it.  Oh, and that full moon! Wow.

  • 2 burpees OYO
  • SSH IC x26
  • 4 burpees OYO
  • Outhouse run, Bernie back
  • Remove sweatshirt (solo exercise by La-Z-Boy)
  • 6 burpees OYO
  • Merk-jacks IC x15
  • 8 burpees OYO
  • White Boy Breakdance IC x10 (Plank, lift left arm and walk legs to Crab, right arm up back to Plank, reverse)
  • 10 burpees OYO
  • Tempo Squat IC x20
  • LBAC IC x20 Fwd x20 Bwd

I think we’re warmed up… Mosey to the hockey rink

THA-THANG (Part 1):
Pair up in groups of 2

  • 69 Merkins (I’m not allowed to explain this one) x10 each
  • Over the wall, to the grass, back over the wall
  • 1 man BBS x30, other Plank, high-5 each rep. Switch.
  • Over the wall, to the grass, back over the wall
  • Helping Hand (PAX sit facing one another, grab right hands, stand together) x10 each hand
  • Over the wall… Mosey to the Party Rock pile

THA-THANG (Part 2):
Pair up in groups of 3. Each group gets 2x hand-size rocks, 1x CMU size. 2 lines facing one another across parking lot. One line has CMU size, other line has hand size. Each line does exercise until relieved by third member of pair. 2 trips through this list:

CMU size line:

  • Squrl ( simultaneous Squat and Curl)
  • Forward raise
  • Hip Thrust
  • RowMo (CMU at chest, bow at waist, perform row, return to standing)

Hand size line:

  • Man-Makers
  • Lateral shoulder raise
  • Wax On/Wax Off
  • Raise the Roof

Only a couple minutes left for Mary: Row Row Row Your Boat. Sing the song while doing American Hammers in Boat position. Switch to Canoe, keep paddling, sing the song again.  R&R like 3 times or so.
18 PAX showed up for work today, welcome to FNG Quaker!
Sunday’s message has stuck in my mind this week.  The topic was faith and putting trust in God for both the big things like salvation and the little things that bring us anxiety or worry.  The phrase that hung in my mind was “practicing” trust.  If we are not intentional about where we place that trust on a day-to-day basis, our natural tendency is to trust ourselves or something that we can see.  We get together in the mornings to stress ourselves physically, training our bodies to respond to the demand.  Spiritually, it’s only through intentional practice of continually turning things over to God that we can train our stress response to do the same.  Search your heart for any areas where your trust is placed elsewhere, and surrender those to Him.
Good shoulder content today… The DP Pax may be a little too uptight for the breakdancing.  Or maybe they just need more practice!.
Lunch today at Hardin Valley Brown Bag (11:30).

Truckin’ to the Pound (first annual) 10/28.  Starts 6AM at the Truck Stop!

F3 Knoxville 2nd anniversary 11/4 at Anchor Park

Hit the speedbump

THE SCENE: 58 degrees and clear!

Mosey to Outhouse
‘Merkins 20x
Cherry Pickers 20x
Around the Worlds
Figure 8
Russian Swings 20x
American Swings 20x

3 Rounds
2x side TGU
21 Burpees
21 Russian Swings
Speed Bump Run
2x side TGU
21 Side Squats
21 American Swings

Too beat for Mary…
4 PAX …the usual crowd…
Tweet-E had a great WORD:  Gratitude.  Gratitude is much more than being thankful for the obvious things in life.  Key to having gratitude is observing those who you wish to learn from; from both the positive and negative examples.
Thanks for coming out this morning men…I would certainly have #Fartsacked had I not known you would have been there…  Where were you @Shooter, @LateNite ?