F3 Knoxville

Independence Day Drop’em

The Scene: 68 degrees with 100% Humidity

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The Thang
10 Burpees OYO
Lt. Dan x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
These Right Here and Those Over There

Pick-up a boulder with battle buddy and mosey over to Matterhorn

Heartbreak 1-2-3 aka Dora’s on a hill
300 Boulder Squats
200 Boulder Rows
100 Boulder Press
1 partner runs the hill while the other partner completes reps

Mosey to pavillion

Pull-ups and Dips
Partners complete 5 rounds
10 Pull-ups
Dips until Partner 1 is done with Pull-ups

Mosey back to AO

Tennis Court Cashout
Corner 1- 30 Merkins
Lunge to Corner 2
Corner 2- 30 Merkins
Bear crawl to Corner 3
Corner 3- 30 BBSU
Lunge to Corner 4
Corner 4- 30 BBSU
Bear crawl to corner 1

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Remember Jesus’s last words on the cross, “IT IS FINISHED” and cling to the power that those word gave humanity. Jesus gave us freedom through his resurrection, which is a freedom that is unlike any that this world has to offer. This freedom provides eternal life in heaven. So as you go out and celebrate the freedom of our country today with your family and friends make sure to remember the true freedom we have in Christ.

#Let’s Get Rocked!

The Scene – 65 degreesish

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Merkins 4ct IC x 10
Some of This/Some of That
Tempo Squat IC x 10
SSH IC x 25

(Ascending Burpees – Start with 1 and add one between every exercise.

The Thang
Pick up a couple of handheld Pee Rock’s or full on boulders (Ratchet)
Indian Run to Kory Hill & Grab a Battle Buddy

Circuit 1 – 5 min
Partner A – High Rows
Partner B – Runs Hill and performs 10 Manmakers run back and switch w/ partner

(Continuing Ascending Burpees)

Circuit 2
Partner A – Overhead Presses
Partner B – Runs Hill & performs 15 Squats – switch w/ partner

Circuit 3
Partner A – Squat Jumps
Partner B – Smurf Jacks x20

Indian Run to base of Matterhorn – Cont. Burpees
Indian Run back to AO – Pax took the opportunity to Indian Run Drag Race back

Mosey to Tennis Court
Descending Burpees then Wall Crawl (10 Burpees – Wall Crawl, 9 Burpees – Wall Crawl, etc.)

Saved by the Bell

Count-Off & Name-O-Rama

GRIT is persevering over difficulties for an extended amount of time. GRIT is when Purpose meets action. Every #HIM out here has GRIT and we need to remember how far we’ve come before getting lost in constant improvement.

Challenging workout today, loved to see the PAX audible their own Drag Race Indian Run back to the AO.

The whole gym!

The Scene: 68 and gloomy at the Pavalon

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer


Was there one?

Tha-Thang  (Supposed to be 300, but ended up doing 400 or something)

15 pull ups
30 dead lifts
30 push ups
30 box jumps
30 floor wipers
30 single arm kettle bell clean and press
15 pull ups
30 Russian swings
Repeat-o x2

Was there a “WORD”?

If Junk was an Indian

The scene : MUGGY MAYBE!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

The Theme: If Junk was an Indian…….man he is fast!

Monkey Humpers x20 oyo
Squats x10
Smurf Jacks x10
SSH x 20
LBC x15
RBC x15
Burpo x10

Indian Run to the PAVALON. ALL PAX stay together and we made 3 stops for LBC, squats, and merkins on the way

3 sets of
Leg ups x20 each leg IC
LBC x20
squats x20
Pull ups x5 plus one more set to make 20 reps total

Working on Form NOT reps!

Ran out of time so we Indian ran back to the AO. On the way, double Indian run race! Back 2 guys race to the front and so on.

Gotta cash out, right?
Burpicides on the Tennis court, 5 burps, 4,3,2,1……until time ran out.

Plain and simple, Find time, REAL/QUALITY time with your M. With our busy lives, we need to find quality time with our Ms to grow our relationships with each other and if you have kids, it spills over into fatherhood and sets examples for your kids.

Ocho Hombres

The Scene: 72 and humid

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200 Jump Rope
Squat 15x IC
Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
American Swing
Russian Swings
‘Merkins 15x OYO
200 Jump Rope

Outhouse Run & Back
21 AM Kettlebell Swings
21 SOTS Press (PVC)
21 ‘Merkins
4 Bag Toss
21 Weighted Squats
21 AM Kettlebell Swings
21 OH Squat (PVC)

Count-off and Name-O-Rama

Word: – excerpt from DREDD post in February 2017
Maintenance Is Deceleration

*Movement is the action taken in furtherance of purpose

*Momentum is the sustained Movement that results from Acceleration

*Deceleration is the loss of Momentum

A man is either Accelerating or Decelerating in all of his endeavors and relationships, particularly with his wife. There is no other in-between state of nature as such as “maintenance”. If you think you are maintaining, you are actually Decelerating because there is no Status Quo . That is the myth of the plateau. Thus, the Q never thinks of maintaining his marriage. He always focuses on Accelerating it.