F3 Knoxville

An Even Rad-er Ladder

THE SCENE: 70 & pleasant



  • Baby Arm Circles IC | Grady Corns IC
  • Windmills IC | SSH IC
  • Short Mosey to playground.
  • 10 Pull-ups, 20 Merkins, 30 Squats
  • Lunge toward splash Pad


Mosey to Splash Pad. Descending Ladder.  Do 12 exercises, take a lap, and drop the top one. Do 11 exercises, take a lap, and drop the top one.  Etc…

  • 12 — 4-Count Shoulder Taps
  • 11 — 4-Count Hello Dolly
  • 10 — Lunges (each leg)
  • 9 — Diamond merkins
  • 8 — Squats
  • 7— CDD
  • 6 — WWI Sit-Up
  • 5 — Dips
  • 4 — Step-Ups (each leg)
  • 3 — Single-leg Bridge (each leg)
  • 2 — Single-leg deadlift (each leg)
  • 1 — Burpee


  • Brief Fellowship Mosey & then a full mosey to beat the clock




“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:8‬ ‭

We can count on Jesus. He’s not fickle, he’s not unsteady. His love is unwavering. And the Grace available to us because of his sacrifice is enough for anything we can throw at him.

As a parent, as a husband, as a leader, that’s a characteristic that I want to emulate. I want to be a steady leader, an unwavering husband, and the type of father that my boys can always count on.

Birthday Q + Burpee Trivia = Perspective

THE SCENE: Mid 70s, humid, and no breeze

207th day of the year, 158 days left in 2021

43 SSHs (4 ct)

Burpee Trivia – get an answer wrong = 8 burpees, get an answer right = regular warm-up exercise

Ribbed knew that Benjamin Franklin was the first postmaster general, so we did little baby arm circles (forward and backward) instead of burpees

Trunk knew that New York was the 11th state to ratify the Constitution and join the union, so we did tempo squats instead of burpees.

Ribbed knew that President Truman desegregated the military in 1948, so we did tempo merkins instead of burpees.

No one knew that Alice and in Wonderland, Disney’s 13th animated film, premiered in London on this day in 1951, so we did burpees.

The PAX guessed that I was 43 today, so we did burpees.

44 SSHs (4 ct)

Mosey to the flag pole

4 exercises at the flag pole

11 derkins (decline merkins)

11 dips

11 box jumps

11 ierkins (incline merkins)

(44 total reps)

Run a lap around the loop

Rinse and repeat for 4 total laps, which is a little over a mile and 44 reps of each exercise and 176 total reps between all of the exercises.

(Some of the PAX started doing the exercises before the Q was done with the instructions, so we did some more burpees and started over and together this time.)

Mosey to the tennis courts

Bear crawl the base lines and broad jump the sidelines, do exercises in the corners

First corner = 44 flutter kicks (4 ct)

Second corner = 44 hello Dollys (4 ct)

Third corner = 44 box cutters (4 ct)

Fourth corner = 44 LBCs (4 ct)

Slow mosey to the AO

No time, but the tennis courts gave us plenty of ab work

9 HIMs, including FNG Vanilla, er . . . Vanilla Sprinkles

God answers prayers, but sometimes God uses prayer to change us and our perspective, not the situation.  That’s a tough reality, but it’s true and one we have to accept and learn.  For example, if everyone you meet in a day has a bad attitude, then you probably have the bad attitude, and you need to change, not them.

Prayers for Ribbed’s wife, Doubtfire’s family, Trunk’s business opportunities, everyone dealing with addiction/depression, Ribbed’s interview, and Jetlag’s travel home to the Philippines.

CSAUP in August

Hardship Hill in October

Bearmuda triangle thankfulness

THE SCENE: 70 and muggy

stretching legs left over right and right over left

Cherry pickers

some of these some of those

20 SSH

1 Burpee

Mosey over to the Bearbuda triangle

  • Going down the ladder bear crawl from one corner to the next 7 Merkins and go all around the triangle.
  • Then doing 6 Merkins at each corner lunge between each corner.
  • all the way down to 1 on the even number lunge and odd bear crawl in between corners
  • Mosey to top parking lot
  • 11’s starting a the top with 1 Burpee and at the bottom 4 count Should taps.
  • Fellowship mosey back to the AO

None – no time
grateful for you men and how you care for Sarah and I. I’m grateful for the impact you all have on our lives. 

Monday AM @ The Equalizer – 7/19/21

THE SCENE: Gloom!  Low 70’s, High humidity, wet grass, firm ground

– Side to side twists back and forth

– Cherry pickers, nice and slow


– Imperial Walkers

– Michael Phelps

– This at that / shoulders and arms nice and loose

– Rockettes
After warmup we moseyed past the Flagpole and to the Playground for a quick briefing.  Two lines of cones 30 yards apart in the field marked our start and finish lines for 1a of a 2 part circuit.  The playground was the location of 1b.

  • 1a – 30 yards in the field (all moves are “there and back”)
    • sprints
    • lunges
    • imperial walkers / high knees
    • bear crawls
  • 1b – short jog to playground to complete the following
    • 5 pullups
    • 10 dips
    • 15 merkins
    • (back to the field to repeat 1a)

*Complete as many circuits as possible in ~25 minutes*

  • Mosey to the flag pole for old-school 8-minute abs (9 exercises, 25 reps apiece in cadence)
  • Recover and jog from Flagpole, past the Pavilon, around the rock garden, and back to the AO

Finished on time
11 HIMs
Word on perseverance as it relates to fitness and faith.  In both cases it’s a decision.

Once upon a time I embraced a limiting belief that some people could run for distance, and others could not.  I placed myself in the latter category without ever actually attempting to train and better myself in that department.  Finally, with some motivation from a friend, I made the decision to train for a 5k.  I committed to seeing it through, and I knew that other people can run 3.1 miles (and many many more), so I was able to DECIDE to keep moving even when my legs, lungs, and the deceiver tried to tell me to stop.  Speed didn’t matter.  All that mattered was reaching the finish line and being able to celebrate the accomplishment of not stopping along the way.

In Hebrews 11, the author outlines the Faith Hall of Fame.  From Creation, to Noah, to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Rahab, Samson, David, and on and on to illustrate that we are not the first to encounter hardship and/or have a need to draw on faith – that it’s taken great acts of faith by those who have come before us to bring God’s word to where it is today – and then he follows up with an absolute heater of a verse that’s one of my favorites:

Hebrews 12:1-2 – Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the fight hand of the throne of God.

The word I love the most in that passage is “perseverance” because just like in running, perseverance in our daily lives and our spiritual walks is a decision that doesn’t require any physical ability, and when things get tough, when obstacles arise, when the path isn’t clear, when temptation keeps calling – we can make a decision to stay on course, focus on Christ, and draw inspiration from the community of those around us and those who’ve come before.

Hebrews 11-12

C25K 5K Trainer is a great app for anyone who might have some limiting beliefs about their ability to run for distance.  Just keep moving forward.
Dad Camp Aug 12-14 – Camp Ocoee (sons and daughters welcome)

CSAUP @ Dogpound Aug 21

Hardship Hill coming up this Fall

Wash those feet

THE SCENE: humid

SSH x20; Tempo Squats x10; Rockettes x10; Tempo merkins x10; Cobra Kai x5; Cherry pickers x5

Mosey to watershed for some 7’s

  • Pull-ups at the watershed
  • Big Bois at the bottom of Bermuda Triangle
  • Bear Crawl up ramp to get back (modified to lunges halfway thru)

Mosey to various locations around the park as we worked our way thru a Deck of Cards. I think we got a thorough tour of Equalizer.

  • Hearts = HR merkins
  • Clubs = V-ups
  • Diamonds = Air taps
  • Spades = Lunges
  • Joker = 10 Burpees

no time



I was effected by this quote I was reading yesterday about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. First of all, he is heading towards his death and yet stops to serve them. Then, “Jesus served despite the unworthiness of the disciples. Notice John’s reminder that Jesus knew the betrayer was present. Jesus saw them all — one betrayer, one denier, all forsakers! When he needed them most, they would leave him. One of those sets of feet was dirty and sore from an errand that arranged for his torture and death. What did Jesus do? He washed those feet.”