F3 Knoxville

FALCON Tribute

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Evan Wilson
FNGs: None

Abe Vigodas

Cherry Pickers IC


Little This, That, These, Those – Shoulder Stretching

Michael Phelps

Baby Arm Circles IC

Tempo Merkins IC

Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang: FALCON Tribute


4 Rounds:

F – Flying Squirrels (026 reps)

A – American Hammers (026 reps)

L – Lunges (026 reps)

C – Curls (026 reps)

O – One Lap (lap around the church)

N – No Cheat Merkins (026 reps)




Hardship Hill on 5/27/2024

I read to the PAX about the sad day that Jason Richards passed away at an F3 workout. I read about his love for his family of four children and a wife who is fighting cancer. I read about the dedication to his community and to youth sports especially the Jr. Football Program. Reading about this man and the circumstances of his life at the time of his death leaves me thinking why. Why God, would you take this man now when his family needs him and he is making a positive difference in his community? God only knows why. I’ve seen the goodness of God in my life. I read about it in scripture. I experience it in my salvation. When circumstances in life cause me to question God, “why?” I have to remind myself of God’s goodness. I come to him and prayer and struggle with trials and injustices. In those times God’s spirit helps me to walk by faith and know that God is working out all things for the good of those who love him.

CMUs and Stairs

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Evan Wilson
FNGs: None
Standard Z-Pack Warmup
Abe Vigoda
Cherry Pickers IC
Little This & That, These & Those Shoulder Stretch
Michael Phelps
Tempo Merkins IC
Tempo Squats IC
Over Head Claps IC
Mountain Climbers IC

CMU workout using Tabatha timer. Six CMU exercises for 45 seconds each then 10 seconds rest.
1. OH Press
2. Curls
3. Decline Merkins
4. Flutter Kicks while pressing the CMU
5. Squats
6. Rows
Travel to 1st set of stairs – go up and down stairs 5 times with CMU.
Repeat CMU exercises.
Travel to 2nd set of stairs – go up and down stairs 5 times with CMU.

Coming off the GTE this past weekend, I wanted to share with Skid Murse about the event and specifically the most emotional and inspiring moment of the weekend for me. It was of course the log carry. I was in Blue Platoon and the log evolution was a terrible struggle. I was under the log for awhile, then with a sandbag, switching like this for sometime. Occasionally I had a break with no weight. The log beat us down pretty quickly and the cadre took two of our three sandbags away. Spellcheck was platoon leader. He gave me a break from the log and I got the remaining sandbag and the flag to carry for the rest of the evolution. The remainder of the the platoon (18 guys) were under the log. We inched on, and the cadre told us we had 1.2 miles to the destination. Then a few minutes later, like angels descending, Red Platoon with their red headlamps began pouring down onto Neyland Drive and rescued Blue from our burden. I get choked up thinking about it. Red Platoon had already finished their log carry and was given the choice to come back for us or not. They didn’t hesitate to come back for their brothers. Red perfectly demonstrated the F3 Credo “Leave no man behind, and leave no man where you find him.” It was awesome!

Flag Hand Off

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack , FixerUpper
PAX: Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall), Herbie, Evan Wilson, Ribbed, Half-Caff (Patick Teasdale)
FNGs: None
Z- Pack:
Abe Vigodas
Cherry Pickers IC
Little This, That, These, Those – Shoulder Stretching
Michael Phelps
Baby Arm Circles IC
Tempo Merkins IC
Mountain Climbers IC
Run Panda Express

The Thang: Burner Ring
Four Stations of Two Exercises Around the Park track. Alternate between the two exercises for 2 min 30 sec. then mosey to the next station on the track.
1. 10 burpees and 10 Step Ups (10 each leg)
2. 10 pull-ups and 10 Bruce Lees
3. 10 Lunges and 5 Tres Merkins
4. 10 Decline Merkins and 10 Flutter Kicks on 4 count

Fixer takes over the Q for run drag carry. It’s a timed fitness test.
• Run from sidewalk to cone and back – 50 yards total
• Drag two sandbags (100 lbs total) from sidewalk to cone and back
• Farmer’s carry two CMUs, sidewalk to cone and back
• Run from sidewalk to cone and back again


• Summertime Quacken PM workouts start tonight at 1800, and Monday morning workouts will cease until Autumn. Lizzy is the Monday PM Q.
• Flag hand off at Big Ball this Thursday, Drive-thru to Postman.
• Convergence and GTE this weekend at Asylum. F-3 Knoxville is doing a canned food drive in conjunction with the convergence. Z-Pack will collect the canned food donations at the Quacken, and he will turn it in at the convergence.
• Also this Saturday as part of the convergence there will be a Nant’an transition from KickFlip to Mermaid.

I am thankful for FixerUpper and the PAX.
Fixer EH’d me in December 2022.
I’ve made friends – guys like Fixer, Lizzy, Wedding Singer, and others and we’ve carried each other’s burdens here at the Quacken through prayer.
My fitness has greatly improved and I feel more equipped in leadership.
At the least I want to maintain what Fixer and the PAX have built over the last year and a half. My goal is to grow this AO and do more fun fitness, fellowship and faith stuff together. We will do these things at the Quacken as we pursue the mission of invigorating male community leadership.

A scripture to encourage us in F3,
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
New International Version
9 Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Prayer time.

First pm of the year

AO: thequacken
Q: Lizzy
PAX: Z-Pack, Tenderfoot, Wedding Singer, Choo choo
FNGs: 1 Choo choo

THE THANG: go to the track and at the start do 5 burpees, then lunge quarter lap, 5 more burpees, then sprint, 5 more burpees all the way around then repeat one more time. Frontwards bear crawl, then 5 burpees, backwards burpees, then 5 joker pushups. Indian run the track one lap

MARY: none

ANNOUNCEMENTS:gte this weekend with convergence

COT: talked about the 60/40 rule

To The Top of Fountain City

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Spellcheck
FNGs: None
Rucked one lap at the Park

We rucked about three miles in the neighborhood with a good elevation gain. When we got back to the AO, Fast said we were about a tenth short of 3 miles. So, we rucked couple laps in the parking lot to get three officially. We had some light rain on the ruck.


– Flag handoff from Fixer to Z-Pack at the Quacken on Monday 4/22.
– PM workouts also start on Monday 4/22. Monday morning workouts will cease until the Fall. Lizzy is the Monday PM Q.
– Convergence and GTE next Saturday 4/27 at Asylum. F3 Knoxville is doing a canned food drive in conjunction with the Convergence. Z-Pack will collect canned food donations at Quacken, and he will deliver them at the Convergence.

“Two are better than one… a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

I am thankful for our AOs and the PAX. We build each other up in this thing called F3. I appreciate Fast n Easy and Spellcheck for making me a little stronger today.
Prayer Time
Have a great weekend!