F3 Knoxville

Quacken Dice

THE SCENE: A perfect morning in the gloom



SSH x20; Copperhead Squat x10

PAX roll a 12 sided die to determine what exercises they will do. Keep rolling until Q calls recover.

  • 1 – Bear Crawl to cone, Crawl Bear back
  • 2 – Burpees x10
  • 3 – Big Boys x20
  • 4 – Bobby Hurley x15
  • 5 – Crab Walk to cone and back
  • 6 – Carolina Dry Docks x20
  • 7 – Crab Cakes (4-ct) x20
  • 8 – Copperhead Squat x15
  • 9 – Lunge to cone and back
  • 10 – Alternating Shoulder Taps (4-ct) x20
  • 11 – Australian Snow Angels (4-ct) x20
  • 12 – Apolo Ohno (4-ct) x20

Afterburner (Overhead Claps 4-ct x50; Seal Claps 4-ct x25; Grady Corn 4-ct x25)

Hello Dolly x20; LBCs for time

5 HIM in the gloom


“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4:9-12‬

F3 is meant to provide us men that will help us when we fall. We are meant to be in community with others. We all need those guardrails that we can’t provide for ourselves. Be willing to let others speak into your blind spots.

Pray for Switchgrass and Rep Sleepy as they travel next week


Convergence at JUCO on 7/2

IPC Week 2 at The Quacken

THE SCENE: At the Gresham Track, lower 60s

SSH and static stretching
IronPAX Challenge Week 2:

  • Round 1: Do 8 Burpees on the sideline, sprint to the far sideline and do 8 more. Continue until the 11th set of 8 Burpees are complete (88 total)
  • Round 2: Do 8 Squrls on the sideline, coupon carry to the far sideline and do 8 more. Continue until the 11th set of 8 Squrls are complete (88 total)
  • Round 3: Do 88 Overhead Presses on the sideline, rifle carry to the far sideline, do 88 more (176 total)
  • Round 4: Do 88 X-Factors on the sideline, Bear Crawl to the far sideline. Do 88 more, then Crawl Bear back to the sideline (176 total)


Continuing my theme of encouraging us to preach the Gospel to ourselves daily, I talked about John 17:3 where Jesus lays it out simply: eternal life is to know God and know Jesus. Our ability to live life to the fullest begins the moment we place our faith, trust and obedient submission in Jesus

Keeping It Simple

THE SCENE: A somewhat cooler morning, upper 60’s and not too humid

SSH, Arm Circles, Shoulder Taps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, This and That, Tempo Squats
Moseyed over to the drive in front of Gresham. We did 3 rounds of Doras, changing partners each time. We started at the end of the side walk and would run to the stop sign at the other end of the drive.

  • Round 1: 200 Merkins plus running
  • Round 2: 300 BBS plus running; if you finished first when running with a group you could add 5 reps to your total
  • Round 3: 400 Squats and running; if you finished before the person who started running before you you could add 10 reps to your total

Moseyed back and did a very fast round of the Protractor


The Office is easily my favorite show of all time. One of my favorite quotes is where Dwight gives Ryan sales advice saying “Michael always says ‘K-I-S-S: Keep It Simple Stupid’. Great advice, hurts my feelings every time”. This is really helpful advice for me as well because I have a tendency to over complicate things, even when making workouts, which is why today we did only 4 things that everyone knows how to do: running, push ups, sit ups and squats. This quote also got me thinking of how simple our call as believers can often be. Paul instructed the Thessalonians to lead a quiet life and work with their hands, Jesus’ answer to the question of what command is greatest was simple: love God and love your neighbor. Looking back on my life the men who had the most impact on me were not engaging in any sort of crazy complicated approach to anything, they just simply loved God and loved me. So my advice to us all is to keep it simple stupid.

Taking DORA Back to School!

THE SCENE: Coolish, until the humidity hits. 



SSH IC x25

Arm Circles each way IC x10ish

Cherry Pickers IC x5 

Imperial Walkers IC x10 

A little bit of this, a Little bit of that 


Mosey up the hill to the Gresham Middle driveway for a modified DORA (started the workout with 3, so we changed to 20 reps of each exercise rather than partner work)

  • First Station: GMS driveway exit
    •  V-ups
    • Merkins
    • Imperial Walkers
  • Second Station: GMS car dropoff area
    •  Flutter Kicks 2 ct. 
    • Shoulder Taps 2 ct. 
    • Squats 
  • Third Station: Flagpole
    •  Hello Dollys 2 ct. 
    • Donkey Kicks
    • Lunges 2 ct. 
  • Fourth Station: GMS Welcome Sign
    •  Big Boys 
    • Mountain Climbers 2 ct. 
    • Squat Jumps 
  • Make your way back down the DORA 

Regulars at the Quacken were introduced to the 2nd favorite exercise (behind StarGazers) of The Equalizer: The Fellowship Mosey ™ back to the AO 


Peter Parkers IC x4 

Hello Dollys IC x10

V-Ups IC x 10

LBCs x 25 

Leg Climbers x10 


4 HIMs; 0 FNGs 


I started my journey to Fountain City this morning wanting to talk about patience. Patience has recently taken the forefront of my prayer life as I continue my dream of continuing my career in School Administration. However, as I listened to my daily devotional podcast on my trek down 140, 40, 640, and Broadway… I was struck by today’s reading from Genesis. 

This whole week I have been reading/listening to the story of God’s covenant with Abraham. Today, I heard God speak to the Patriarch again, changing both his name and his wife’s name. It made me think about F3 in the fact that we give out nicknames to all of the HIMs who join us. Name changes are VERY significant in Scripture. From Abram → Abraham, Jacob → Israel, to Simon → Peter … We often give F3 names from a funny or embarrassing story, which leads to funny or embarrassing names, but most of the HIMs I have met have taken those names and made them their own. While the name changes aren’t as significant as those in Sacred Scripture, I like to think that they are significant to each of us and the PAX as a whole. 

Let us use our own name changes from F3 to be leaders in our communities, jobs, and families, just like those in Scripture. 


Thank you all for welcoming me to your AO! It took me taking the Q of this OTB workout to actually get me there. I hope to join you on a Wednesday evening soon! 

The Quack is Back

THE SCENE: Mid 60’s, humid

SSH, Arm Circles, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers
4 cones were laid out in the parking lot roughly 10 yards apart. We did 4 rounds of work with a mode of transportation between cones, exercises at each cone, followed by 5 Blockees (CMU burpees) and a run up the hill by the church. Each set was followed by a cool down jog (with a soft J) around the parking lot

  • Round 1: Bear Crawl to each cone, 5x Mucho Leg-o’s, 5x Blockees, hill run
  • Round 2: Broad Jumps to each cone, 5x Mucho Arm-o’s’s, 5x Blockees, hill run
  • Round 3: Crab Walk to each cone, 10x American Hammers on 4ct, 5x Blockees, hill run
  • Round 4: Pick Your Poison (any combination of the above), 5x Blockees, hill run

Circled up, held a squat while passing the CMUs, once you had the CMU you owed 10 overhead presses

Last night when I volunteered to Q Filter commented in Slack that he was “ready to suffer”. As I was thinking about what to share I read his comment and realized that that was a very Biblical view on suffering. Scripture actually paints hardship in a somewhat positive light. James says to consider it pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds, Hebrews encourages us to endure and view suffering the way we would view a son being disciplined by his father, not as punishment but as for the benefit of the son. 1 John says we know when we abide with Christ by if we have joined with Him in His suffering. Culturally we view suffering differently. We avoid it at all costs and often view it as a sign of things gone wrong or heading in the wrong direction. But in reality God uses our suffering to grow and strengthen us while also glorifying Himself. So as men and believers we ought to be, as Filter put it, ready to suffer, knowing that there is fruit to our hardship.