F3 Knoxville

12 Days of Christmas Repeat

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Z-Pack, Piano Man, Piano Man
FNGs: 1 Piano Man
Squat and Reach
OH Claps
Mountain Climbers

A popular beatdown this time of year – 12 Days (exercises) of Christmas. You do the workout like you sing the song. Please sing along, “On the twelfth day of Christmas my AO Q made me do…”

12 Side Straddle Hops – 4 count
11 Merkins
10 Jungle Boys
9 Plank Shoulder taps – 2 count
8 Lunges – each leg
7 Carolina Dry Docks
6 Plank Toe Touches – 4 count
5 Burpees
4 Plank Jacks
3 Mucho Leggos
2 Times Bernie
1 Tres Merkin

So, you would start with 1 Tres Merkin for the first day. Then you would do 2 Times Bernie and 1 Tres SMerkin for the second day. Then you would do 3 Mucho Leggos, 2 Times Bernie, and 1 Tres Merkin for the third day. And so on it goes for 12 Days, 12 rounds of Christmas beatdown goodness!

We went a few minutes over because I was late getting the warm-up started. Some finished and some were close to finishing all 12 Days.

no time

No workout on Wednesday – Christmas Day at The Quacken. Other AOs will be meeting though, if you are looking for a Christmas Day beatdown.
1/1/2025 – Polar Plunge at the Wye in Townsend

1/4/2025 – F3 Smokies Convergence

1/11/2025 – Hot Toddy Triple Q at Asylum Daybreak

The Reason For The Season – Luke 2:1 – 21

Encouragement to enjoy the joy of this Christmas Season, and most importantly, for the believer, to reflect and adore the babe who was sent to overcome sin and death and set all believers free!

12 Days of Christmas Repeat

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Z-Pack, Piano Man, Piano Man
FNGs: 1 Piano Man
Squat and Reach
OH Claps
Mountain Climbers

A popular beatdown this time of year – 12 Days (exercises) of Christmas. You do the workout like you sing the song. Please sing along, “On the twelfth day of Christmas my AO Q made me do…”

12 Side Straddle Hops – 4 count
11 Merkins
10 Jungle Boys
9 Plank Shoulder taps – 2 count
8 Lunges – each leg
7 Carolina Dry Docks
6 Plank Toe Touches – 4 count
5 Burpees
4 Plank Jacks
3 Mucho Leggos
2 Times Bernie
1 Tres Merkin

So, you would start with 1 Tres Merkin for the first day. Then you would do 2 Times Bernie and 1 Tres SMerkin for the second day. Then you would do 3 Mucho Leggos, 2 Times Bernie, and 1 Tres Merkin for the third day. And so on it goes for 12 Days, 12 rounds of Christmas beatdown goodness!

We went a few minutes over because I was late getting the warm-up started. Some finished and some were close to finishing all 12 Days.

no time

No workout on Wednesday – Christmas Day at The Quacken. Other AOs will be meeting though, if you are looking for a Christmas Day beatdown.
1/1/2025 – Polar Plunge at the Wye in Townsend

1/4/2025 – F3 Smokies Convergence

1/11/2025 – Hot Toddy Triple Q at Asylum Daybreak

The Reason For The Season – Luke 2:1 – 21

Encouragement to enjoy the joy of this Christmas Season, and most importantly, for the believer, to reflect and adore the babe who was sent to overcome sin and death and set all believers free!

12 Days of Christmas

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Prairie Dog, Z-Pack
FNGs: None
Cherry Pickers
OH Claps
Michael Phelps
Hill billies

A popular beatdown this time of year – 12 Days (exercises) of Christmas. You do the workout like you sing the song. Please sing along, “On the twelfth day of Christmas my AO Q made me do…”
12 Side Straddle Hops – 4 count
11 Merkins
10 Jungle Boys
9 Plank Shoulder taps – 2 count
8 Lunges – each leg
7 Carolina Dry Docks
6 Plank Toe Touches – 4 count
5 Burpees
4 Plank Jacks
3 Mucho Leggos
2 Times Bernie
1 Tres Merkin

no time
We completed the 12 Days, but we went over by a few minutes.

Checkout the Nantan’s weekly email mailto:[email protected] . Let the SLT know you want to be on the distribution list.

1/1/2025 – Polar Plunge at the Wye in Townsend

1/4/2025 – F3 Smokies Convergence

1/11/2025 – Hot Toddy Triple Q at Asylum Daybreak

Life is brief, number your days – Psalm 90

Here am I …. send somebody else

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, Prairie Dog
FNGs: None
Warmup stuff

PD went for a run, ZP and yours truly went to the pavilion for some coupon / sandbag roulette with the exercise list and the random number generator. Exercises included:
Coupon squats
Rotational lunge
Overhead press

Side Hip raise
Leg Raise


Reflection on Exodus 4. Moses says “Please send somebody else.” I admit that this attitude is in my heart, and I am more like Moses than Isaiah who said “Send me!”
This shows up in little ways like the household chores of taking out trash, taking out recycling, taking out compost, folding laundry, driving kids to school, getting firewood in the house, taking ashes out, unloading the dishwasher. Especially if it is cold, dark, and rainy. “Send somebody else (like my wife, for an example). I want to hide in the bathroom and look at my phone.”

F3 is about invigorating male community leadership, so I committed to serving my family better by engaging in these tasks and to not take my phone into the bathroom to hide. No deadline or timeframe on that, just starting now and continuing indefinitely. I asked ZP and PD to hold me accountable. :toilet::no_mobile_phones:

Black Friday Ruck

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Manilow (Brent Hunter)
FNGs: None
Ruck around the park
Ruck some more
Ruck back to the AO
Happy Thanksgiving!
Name-o-rama and Prayer