AO: thequacken
Q: Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
PAX: Z-Pack, FixerUpper, Prairie Dog (Trey Barrett)
FNGs: None
The usual
Ran to hill in front of Gresham, did 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 BBS, and 20 squats
Ran back down to sloped lot next to AO for suicides. 4 marks for exercises of 5, 10, 15, and 20 reps, with 3 reps of another exercise at the start line and a different mode of transportation each round. Repeat reps at marks on the way back too
Round 1: walking lunges with merkins at marks and burpees at start line
Round 2: bear crawls/crawl bears with squats at marks and merkins at start line
Round 3: walking with BBS at marks and squats at start line
Convergence this Saturday
Shared the story of Robert McCheyne who infamously was quoted on his death bed at the age of 29 saying “God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride on. Alas, I have killed the horse and can no longer deliver the message”. We, especially as men, don’t prioritize or value rest, even though Jesus Himself said that rest (the Sabbath) was made specifically for man. If that’s the case it is probably something we benefit from. Prioritize rest and encourage it in others as well.