F3 Knoxville

Leg Day in the Rain

THE SCENE: Warm, Humid, 70ish. Started raining about 10 minutes into the workout, stopped right at the end

SSH x 20, Tempo Squats x 10, Rockettes x 10, Cherry Pickers x 5, Quad Stretches
Took a lap around the park, then went to the parking lot across the street

Parking Lot

  • Monkey Jumped (3 monkey squats followed by broad jump) all the way across the parking lot, then did 25 of each of the following: American Hammers (4ct), Big Boy Sit Ups, Flutterkicks (4ct), Little Baby Crunches
  • Lunged all the way across the parking lot again, then did 25 of each of the following: American Hammers (4ct), Big Boy Sit Ups, Flutterkicks (4ct), Little Baby Crunches
  • Duck Walked all the way across the parking lot again, then did 25 of each of the following: American Hammers (4ct), Big Boy Sit Ups, Flutterkicks (4ct), Little Baby Crunches
  • Side Lunged all the way across the parking lot again, then did 25 of each of the following: American Hammers (4ct), Big Boy Sit Ups, Flutterkicks (4ct), Little Baby Crunches

Street Next to Church

Lined up at the bottom of the parallel parking spots, did 5 reps of Get Ups (Big Boys plus standing up) followed by a sprint to the top of the parking spots. Did this two more times, but with 10 and 15 reps of Get Ups


Finished with another lap around the park

Was reminded of this story of GK Chesterton, a well known Christian author of the early 1900’s. The London Times sent out a questionnaire to a bunch of authors asking “What is wrong with the world?” and Chesterton replied with a one sentence essay, “Dear Sirs, I am.” In times like what we’re seeing nationally right now I think its good for us to practice the same self awareness and humility that he did. Not to say that we shouldn’t hold others, especially those with power, accountable for their actions, but before we make judgments, condemnations or conclusions about someone or something, lets all remember Jesus’ rebuke towards our tendency to attack the sawdust in our brothers’ eyes and ignore the plank in our own

F3 Morristown launch is tomorrow, pray for PDA as he has an interview today with the Knox County Sheriffs department

Ladder Day at the Quacken

THE SCENE: Overcast and Temp in the 60’s.

Welcome to F3 (Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith).  You’re here on your own volition, modify if needed and maintain appropriate distance.

Started with a little SSH’s,

On the way to Gresham the PAX stopped at a corner lot to wait on the 6.  While waiting we got in some Al Gore’s, flutter kicks, and planks.  Once the 6 arrived we continued to Gresham for a little ladder work.  The ladder was as follows:

  • 10 Merkins, run to stop sign and back
  • 10 Merkins, 10 BBS, run to stop sign and back
  • 10 Merkins, 10 BBS, 10 Squats, run to stop sign and back
  • 10 Merkins, 10 BBS, 10 Squats, 10 2count Flutter kicks, run to stop sign and back
  • Then worked back down the ladder in reverse.
  • Finished off our time at Gresham with a little shoulder work (shoulder taps, overhead claps, and moroccan night clubs.

Mosey to park to utilize a shelter for possible impending rain.  Played the numbers game under shelter.  Pick a number from 1-10 then I chose number of reps.



3.Flutter kicks


5.Decline Merkins


7.Hand Release Merkins

8.Carolina Dry Docks


10.Squat Jumps



6 HIMs from the Mend House (2 of them FNG’s) plus myself
In Philippians chapter 1 Paul is writing from prison but still having an attitude of thankfulness and encouragement. Even in the midst of obvious trials, he still didn’t loose sight of what God wanted him to do and was thankful for the people he had to partner with him.  May we have that attitude and thank God for the people He has put in our lives to partner with us.
Pray for all the guys at the Mend House.  One of their room mates died from an overdose last week.  Pray for their recovery.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

7’s and 11’s: Quacken Edition

THE SCENE: Upper 60’s, warm and humid

SSH x 20, Arm Circles x 10 forward and backward, Shoulder Taps x 10, Moroccan Night Clubs x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 6

  • Mosey to Gresham
  • 7’s from end of sidewalk to stop sign – Body Builders at the start, Get Ups at the end
  • 11’s from top of stairs to stop sign – Merkins at the start, LBCs at the end
  • Mosey to parking lot
  • Laps around lot with 5 reps of one of the above exercises in each corner (Body Builders, Get Ups, Merkins, LBCs)

Recycled my word from Saturday at the Big Ball. Talked about how in Jeremiah 29 God tells the Israelites, before being taken into slavery by the Babylonians, to build houses, plant gardens, eat of their fruit, get married, and pray on behalf of the city you’re being taken to. So essentially, instead of sitting around and waiting for liberation, God told His people to live well in captivity while also looking forward to freedom. With this quarantine I’ve done the exact opposite. I’ve sat around and moped and waited until things get better rather than tried to make the most of the season the Lord has us in. So my encouragement for us this morning was, even though we’re transitioning back to normal slowly, to be thinking of how we can live well right now in quarantine rather than sit around and just wait for things to be better

The Quacken is looking for a new AO leader if you know of anyone

Back to Reality

THE SCENE:  Just about perfect weather at the Quacken. Felt great outside.

Imperial Walker 10 IC
Arm Circles – 10 each direction IC
Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Minute Drills + Running Drills

Squats 30sec
Side Straddle Hops 30sec
Repeat 3x for a total of 3 minutes
Run 2 laps around park

Burpees 30sec
Mountain Climbers 30sec
Repeat 3x for a total of 3 minutes
Run 2 hill sprints, to top and back

Murkans 30sec
Bonnie Blairs 30sec
Repeat 3x for a total of 3 minutes
Run 2 laps around park



Using Google Trends data on internet searches for 75 countries, we can see that search intensity for the word ‘prayer’ doubles for every 80,000 new registered cases of COVID-19. – https://cruxnow.com/church-in-the-usa/2020/04/googling-prayer-has-skyrocketed-with-coronavirus-spread-expert-says/

“This isn’t the time to divide. (Nor is it necessarily the time to conquer)” – F3 Weekly Email

Shoulders galore

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Welcome to F3.  (Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith). And Free by the way.  I’m Duggar and will be the Q for the day and I am not a professional.  You are here on your own volition and you know your limitations and injuries.  Modify where needed to avoid injuries.

Starting with:

Baby Arm circles x 15 IC

OH clapps x 25

Imperial Walkers x 20

SSH x 25 IC

Tempo Merkins x 10

Tempo Squats x 10

Mosey to church parking lot and pair up with a battle buddy

Complete 100 reps of each exercise alternating with battle buddy after each 10 reps.

  • Merkins (plank)
  • Squat (Al Gore)
  • Flutter kicks (6 inches)
  • Shoulder taps (plank)
  • Burpees (stand and rest) – 5 reps each until 30 reps reached.

Mosey to rock pile near Masonic lodge.

4 rounds of exercises with 4 exercises each, 25 reps per exercise for a total of 100 reps each round.  Between rounds run up the hill and back and wait until all are together to start next round.

Round 1:

25 x Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Dive Bombers, Shoulder Taps

Round 2:

25 x BBS, American Hammers (4 ct), LBC, Hello Dolly (4 ct)

Round 3:

25 x Rocky Balboa (4 ct), Lunges, Squats, Star Jumps

Round 4: with coupons

25 x OH press, curls, triceps, squats

Mosey back to AO

No time.  Just enough time to mosey back to AO
The dynamic duo Filter and Duggar
Quote from Gen. Mattis’ book Call Sign Chaos. “You can’t control your circumstances but you can always control how you respond.”  In this time of uncertainty how we respond will speak volumes to others. Let’s keep our focus on God, the one who’s in control, and not our own understanding.


Juco convergence coming up March 28th, Morristown launch on April 4th