F3 Knoxville

Cheerful Hearts

Asylum PM
AO: asylum-pm
Q: Tenderfoot
PAX: Abacus, Lilydipper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Colonel (Alex Wallace), Crash Dummy, Glamper, Pusher, Steam, Brick, Shogun, Catnip, Billy Jean
FNGs: 2 Catnip, Billy Jean
– SSH: 25
– BAC (F): 10
– BAC (R): 10
– *Speed Skaters: 15
– Groin stretch OYO: 30 seconds
– Wedding Singer’s hamstring stretch

(1) Active “Warmup”
– Ballerinas/Toe Squats: 10
– Mosey to base of Everest
– Bernies halfway up Everest (to base of peak)
– Mosey
– *Apple Pickers
– Mosey toward shady grove at NE corner of park
– Butt kicks
– SSH: 50

(2) Set #1
– *Mountain Merkins: 5/10?
– Hillbilly Squats: 15
Dad Joke: How does Moses make his coffee?
– BBS: 15
– Mosey
Dad Joke: After an unsuccessful harvest, why did the farmer decide to try a career in music?

(3) Set #2
– Air Squats: 20
– Dive-bombers: 5
– *Muay-Thai Lunges (right leg): 10
– BBS: 15
– *Muay-Thai Lunges (left leg): 10
Dad Joke: Did Eve have a date with Adam?
Dad Joke: I went running with my Bible…
– Mosey up toward Asylum building
Dad Joke: I seem to get sick on weekdays…

(4) Set #3
– *Indian Bear Crawl
– Split into 2 single-file lines
– Loser does 10 burpees
– Winner does 5 burpees
– Walking Lunges
– Bernies
– Sprint to the flag

Apologies if I’ve forgotten any add-on exercises or gotten anything out of order.

– Summer Convergence: UnCOVEred on 7/13
– uncovered-summer-convergence
– Asylum PM Camping Trip
– bluegrass-pm-otb
– westhills-ruck-otb

COT: F3 (and our community of brothers) challenges us to do hard things – physically, mentally, etc. – but one of the hardest things in life, especially as a man, is reclaiming the cheerful heart and jovial innocence that we were born with but have lost along the way. F3 provides the opportunity to experience a safe space amongst brothers where we can let down our guard, be lighthearted, and have fun. It’s okay to be silly, goofy, and playful here because we know that we won’t be judged. We’re surrounded by men who love and trust one another. I believe that we should embrace this opportunity and challenge ourselves and each other to open up, to laugh, and to reclaim the cheerful heart that God has gifted us.

New Exercises Descriptions
*Speed Skater (from half-squat starting position): 1 rep = (push off with left leg into a long right-hop, landing on right foot in single-leg half-lunge; left foot swings behind, remaining raised; from this position, repeat same movement over to left foot in one fluid motion)
*Apple Pickers (skipping-like forward motion): single-leg jump, opposite leg high-knee; arm opposite of high-knee reaches for the apple; repeat w/ opposite leg/arm
*Mountain Merkins: 1 rep = (plank, right knee to right chest, left knee to left chest, right knee to outside right elbow, left knee to outside left elbow, right knee across to left chest, left knee across to right chest, Merkin)
*Muay-Thai Lunge: reverse lunge, same knee then proceeds to high knee (in one fluid motion); repeat w/ opposite leg
*Indian Bear Crawl: same as Indian Run, but Bear Crawl instead of a Mosey