F3 Knoxville

CMU Campus tour


The Scene

28 Degrees 

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone




Tempo Squats

Toe Taps

Hairy Rockettes

TN Rocking Chair


Mosey to CMU pile and grab 2 for a trip around campus (Modify with 1 if necessary)


Suitcase carry CMU’s to first location (Mouth of CMU alley)

2 rounds/12 reps

CMU Swings/Air squats (Booty touching CMU)


Suitcase carry CMU’s to the second location by the covered walkway

2 rounds/12 reps

CMU deadlift to sprawl/Iron Mikes (6 e/s)


Suitcase carry to next location by the Fathers house (Garage door was open, weird)

2 rounds/12 reps

Thrusters/Merkins on CMU (Try to get chest below the CMU)


Brick by Brick in the back parking lot. Each member of the pax will take one CMU at a time to the next parking lot line. After both CMU’s are back together, then run to the starting point and back. (Repeat will we get to the other end of the parking lot) 

We then moved our CMU’s via American Hammers about 30 yards.

Freestyle carry CMU’s back to the CMU pile and mosey back to the AO


No Time


8 and 1 2.0 for the beatdown


Spoke about the weight of Good Friday and even though we carry burdens throughout our lives (Much like those CMU’s around campus) that Jesus carried the ultimate burden for us so that we could have eternal life. 


I wanted to thank the PAX for bearing with me throughout the beatdown. Was not feeling well. It is interesting to see how the temperament of the Q dictates that of the rest of the PAX during the beatdown. 


For the month of April, we are going to be collecting items at the AOs for Safe Haven, a program of the World United Ministries (www.worldunitedministries.org) led by Laurence Williams in East Knoxville. The ministry is in the trenches trying to steer the really at risk kids in the Austin-East community into good choices and away from gang life.  Safe Haven, a donated house on Magnolia Avenue, is meant to be a place where kids can go and hang out, and also escape violence when needed – it has bunk beds available.  F3 Knoxville will be providing them with the following items:


* individually wrapped snacks

* individual bottles or cans of soda, Gatorade or water

* paper towels, Clorox wipes, trash bags

* toilet paper

* Visa gift cards in small denominations ($10-20) 

* Bath towels and twin bed linens.