Q: Natty
PAX: Colonel (Alex Wallace), Gordie, Simmons, flyball, Jim Norris, Natty
FNGs: None
WARMUP: windmills, cherry pickers, OH & Seal claps, little baby arm circles, tempo incline mkns on CMU, tempo tricep dips in CMU, quad stretches, boogaloop
THE THANG: all with CMU’s: front sqts, back sqts, OH sqts, thrusters, single arm sqt (B), weighted pistol, sumo deadlift, suitcase deadlift (B), conventional deadlift, full clean, clean n jerk, shoulder press, good mornings, Russian k bell swings, Murican k bell swings, single arm k bell swings, sit ups with anchor, weighted sit up w OH press, sumo deadlift rows, toe taps, lateral jumps, plyo mkns, decline mkns, Carolina dry docks on CMU, incline mkns, box jumps, lunges, OH lunges, heel taps, hand stand around the world, farmer carry
MARY: time up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for Chucks son, Simmon’s in laws, Gordies youth at resurrection, colonels job hunt
COT: don’t follow people that don’t speak positively or are filled with hate, break the habit of the habit. Mathew 7: 15-16 don’t follow false prophets. I will share in a separate post 13 Leadership Lessons from Ted Lasso