F3 Knoxville

Consider it all joy to suffer


THE SCENE: Way too cold to be March 18th.  28 degrees and windy.  Prayed for the workday at Cardinal’s M’s house before we began, some of the HIMs clown car up there immediately after prayer.

1 Burpee; 15x or 10x of:  SSH, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Seal Claps, Clubs, LBAC (forward/backward), Knoxville Cherry Pickers
Started with agility:  Using a speed ladder, 1 HIMs did a 2 CMU farmers carry for 100 meters while the other HIMs did various agility drills with the speed ladder (in-out hops, side-side hops, etc.).  Afterwards, 2 HIMs did ground to shoulders with the CMUs 10x (5 each shoulder) while the other HIMs did burpees (rotating out each set).

Next, endurance:

  • 50 Squats, run 200 meters, 10 Merkins
  • 40 Squats, run 200 meters, 20 Merkins
  • 30 Squats, run 200 meters, 30 Merkins
  • 20 Squats, run 200 meters, 40 Merkins
  • 10 Squats, run 200 meters, 50 Merkins

7 Minutes of Mary where 1 HIM called out and exercise for the others to do for 1 minute while that HIM did a minute of curls with the CMU.
7 HIMs in the gloom with 2 HIMs joining us for prayer before they headed to paint.
Romans 8:18:  “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.”

When things get tough, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually, we know that there is something in the future that will completely overshadow and make us forget those sufferings.  When we see Jesus face-to-face.  When we encounter hard circumstance, hard people, or desperate times, we know we have this hope in Christ Jesus.

Praises for continued improvement of Ride Along’s dad and for the birth of Wilbur’s 2.0.  Praying again for the workday at Cardinal’s M’s house.
Announced next couple of Q’s and requested that HIMs try to EH some guys.  Chee-Burger is looking for people to work at his job if any HIMs know of anyone.