F3 Knoxville

Covid memories

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: DoorKicker, Roundhouse (Braxton Wright), Dead Reckon, Bail Bonds, Strings
FNGs: None
WARMUP:5 burpees, 5 good morning abbey’s, 20 plank jacks IC, 25 SSH’s IC, 10 Tempo sets, 10 cherry pickers IC, 20 Morrocan Nights clubs IC

THE THANG: mosey to rock pile and grab a good rock. 25 OH SQTs, 10 MKNs, 5 Burpees, run around building until 6 up. Mosey to splash pad with rock: 25 BBS w/ rock, 25 SQT with rock and 25 Curls run around pad until 6 up. Return rocks, mosey to splash pad and do 10 8 CT Man makers, Run to parking lot do broad jumps, then lunges to planters for 11’s: incline mkns and dips, then step ups and decline mkns. Run small laps in b/w each until 6 up. Wall sits x 1 min.

MARY: hello Dollie’s reg and at 45 degrees x 30 IC, gas pumps x 20 IC, crab reachers x 20 IC, Superman’s x 10 IC

ANNOUNCEMENTS: look at recent post on Q instructions and don’t forget your phone like ai did

COT:whatever you do for the least of your brothers you do for the Lord! Look for ways to show others you care