F3 Knoxville

Crazy Ladder

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: RAIN and fallen trees, clear and wet (no rain) when workout started

SSH x11, Cherry Pickers x5, Tempo Big Boys x5, Apex mosey.

Note: Cones are approximately 20 feet apart.

  • Murder bunny to first cone.
  • Body Builders x10.
  • Murder bunny back to starting cone.
  • Inchworm to second cone (bring CMU).
  • Skull crushers x20.
  • Inchworm back to starting cone (leave CMU at second cone).
  • Bear crawl to third cone.
  • Big Boys x30.
  • Bear crawl back to starting cone.
  • Pick up CMU and walk it fourth cone.
  • CMU curls x40.  Run the Apex.
  • Get your CMU on the way back.
  • Repeat.

Australian Snow Angels x10, Tempo Squats with CMU x10, LBCs x25, CMU curls x40, WW2 for time
Espy, Rep Sleepy, Swerve, Webelo, Scoutmaster, Avocado, RadioShack, Drifter, Grouch

Exodus 33:19 – “… And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.”

As disciples of Yeshua, we are called to love all.  Lovingly correct sinful behavior of fellow disciples and love those who do not hold themselves to the teachings of Christ and law of YHWH as a means to show them Christ.

As I struggle with wanting to shake people out of their sinful nature (mainly those who are not disciples of Christ), I am constantly reminded that it is not my job.  It is my job to love those individuals and let the light of YHWH show through the love I am showing those individuals and let YHWH take care of the rest.  He is in control of everything and his thoughts are higher than mine and his ways are higher than mine.  Loving people is not the same as condoning a person’s choices.

AOQ flag hand off at Bomb Shelter to Espy.  Breakfast at Drifter’s following the beatdown.  New AOQ in Seymour (The Speedway) starting April 19 at 5:30 AM.  Tuesday/Thursday 5:30 – 6:15 AM.